What I Learned From Doing

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Hi Guys and gals. Good morning from Guyana.

The top internet marketers agree that email marketing is still one of the most powerful tools on the internet.

Here is an analogy for you.

Think of the use of SEO like a vendor selling lime at the market. He has no customer loyalty so he will depend on his wits and luck to be chosen by the buyers above the competition.

Now with email marketing, you can actually develop a relationship with your customers and create customer loyalty.

You have access to them in their homes.

In fact, you develop a list of actual buyers to whom you will be able to market again and again. Such is the power of Email marketing.

Learn From The Process

A few months ago I started email marketing. I devised a strategy and started to build a list of persons with an actual interest in my niche.

To my mind building, a relationship with ten actual buyers is far more important than 100 browsers (clicks that do not convert).

It was not all smooth sailing, however.

Here is what I learned.

  • Conversion is in the relationship, so take the time to build it.
  • A catchy heading can make the difference between having your mail opened or ending up in the bin.
  • Even experts can have their emails miss the inbox (I once found Dean Grazioli's email in my Spam folder. Imagine my surprise). So do not beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes.
  • A few changes in the wording of your email can make all the difference in where it lands. Take the time to test.
  • I cannot overstate this one: Give more than your customer expects every time. Give value and they will keep coming back.

Enjoying this wonderful journey, learn, learn, learn.

Like and comment. Let me know what is on your mind.

Candy Benn

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Great to hear from you again Candy, appreciate the interesting info you have provided here!

Take care my friend and all the best for the future!:-)

Hi Nick,

Thank you.

It's been a while. Guess I'm the one that went into hiding. Lol.

How are things at your end?

Candy Benn

Haha! I guess you were Candy!

As for me, well I'm still meandering along! Things could be better, but then again they could also be a lot worse!

Great to hear from you my friend!:-)

Nick, considering the way of the world today I have to agree. We need to be grateful for small mercies.

Take care.

Candy Benn

Still not taken the plunge my friend
But I will soon :)
Not sure what the hold up is
This is something that I do everyday
So I'm not sure what's going on with me
Keep giving value,
It will definitely increase your conversions and eventually revenue

I know you are a busy woman Simone. I don't even know how you keep all the balls in the air. I'm sure you will get around to it in time.

Candy Benn

Lol Candy
Thank you for your faith in me
You're right?
I will get around to it in time

Yes you will. Thank you for stopping by Simone. Have a blessed night.

Candy Benn

You, too :)

Thank you for your information it’s very helpful.

Hi Miracle,

How are you doing? I hope you have been enjoying this journey.

Email marketing can be a daunting task, however with all the information available on the internet you can scale this easily.

Once you have spent about 3 months a solid foundation for your business you may want to develop your own product then start collecting those addresses.

Building a product is not as difficult as it sounds either. Again many great, easy to create ideas are available online.

Just one rule of thumb, give value every time.

Candy Benn

Thank you so much for helping me. I'm learning but not as fast as I want to.

Miracle, I know the feeling. You want to run but it's like you are doing it through drift mud. (Analogy from a country girl).

Just be patient. Make a plan then work the plan. You will get it all done eventually.

Candy Benn

Some powerful stuff in here.

Hi Stephen,

Always happy to share. How are you?

Candy Benn

I’m great, busy but a few break throughs happening.
Sounds like it’s going well for you Candy.
Well done 8~)

I'm happy to know you are making headway Stephen. Hope you close out the year with a bang.

It's indeed great at my end too.

Candy Benn

Excellent observation, Candy! Branding and Relationship building are critical to ANY business!

Have an excellent day and I hope you are doing well, my friend!


Good afternoon Jeffery, I am doing great actually.

Closing out the year like a boss. 2021 has been good to me.

What has been going on in your neck of the woods?

You are right customer relationship moves you into is the key to business success. On the internet however this may appear a little more difficult to accomplish.

All it takes however, is training and time.

Candy Benn

I'm very glad to hear that, Candy!

My year has essentially been a year of reorganizing and survival, especially since the current regime in charge here is hell-bent of making us a communist / socialist state!

Vehicular issues, familial issues, and other issues which run the gamut are also nipping at the edges!

No complaints here though--that's how I like it--solving the problems, improvising and overcoming!

Keep rock it as you are, my friend! You are an inspiration and I will be following suit!


Wow, Jeffrey it sounds like it has been raining a lot your way. I'm glad to hear you have a positive approach to all of it.

Candy Benn

Thanks, Candy! You know as well as I do that things could always be worse! Therefore, most times anyway, I just go with the flow, and as they say in the military, I adapt and overcome!


Great attitude Jeff.

Candy Benn

Thanks, Candy! It is engrained in me!


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