Is There Magic In Us?

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Hmm, odd question! While we don’t possess literal wands or spellbooks, I'm sure there’s a certain magic within us!

Where is it? It's over there behind the self-doubt, tucked beneath the shroud we threw over our inner child when we were told to act our age.

It's still there. We just have to dig it out and let it fly out of our fingertips every time we write, determined to manifest our own destinies.

Consider our ability to create, imagine, and connect with others. Our minds weave intricate thoughts, emotions, and dreams like casting spells.

The real magic lies in believing in yourself.

Dare to explore your inner wizardry, my friends! Build the life you want, one post at a time.

Never stop. Enjoy the journey and all of the new friends you will find here.

Immerse yourselves in the magic!

Conjure Happiness!

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I agree with everyone here, there is magic in all of us. Sometimes we don't believe it, because it is sometimes easier to think there isn't.

I know first hand that I have had moments of magic, and moments of utter failure...and both of these are often controlled purely by my mindset and what I think is capable. I am "working hard" during both, but the mind frame sometimes shifts and can lead to one or the other.

Good days are good, and bad days are tough to work through. Not working at all is just plain depressing.

Bad days are the days we learn though. Not on the "good days" typically. We become more resourceful, more resilient, and more educated from the days that are more difficult.

Yes. I have been working on reviews. Every new subject is a learning experience. It's fascinating but time-consuming and slightly tricky. I believe it will get easier in time.

So true, Kyle. If all was good always, we would not have a need to accomplish more. It's in the "hard knocks of life" that we see ourselves in a different light and push ourselves to be better people, kind, helpful and humble.
Barbara H.

I remember the day I lost my magic. It was a dark and stormy night... LOL

I do remember the day I found it again, though. Thanks for this. We all need magic in us to save the whole city... as my granddaughter used to sing to me all the time!


I don't care how often I hear it; 'it was a dark and stormy night' always evokes a sense of delicious discomfort.

I thank WA and its creators for helping me find my magic. I haven't had this much fun since high school. Yeah, it's been a while.

I'm glad you found yours, Karin.

Glad you found yours and are having fun with it. That’s a clear sign.

Best wishes!

Yes, the magic lies within each of us. It only comes to fruition when we allow it to happen and really give it our all. So much is never acknowledged. We are never too old to stop the magic and this being my third career, I plan to work the magic until I go to Heaven! Thanks 🙏 for reminding me about MY MAGIC 😄

Barbara Hickman

To answer the question directly, yes, the MAGIC is in us. All of us.

I guarantee it.👍

AHAH! I knew it! Haha, good for you TheMagicBrad! Cheers!

Including in your username!

Great post, Dave! 👍😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks, Frank. I had a picture of a happy wizard, but he disappeared. That's a wizard for ya!

Haha, yup, they’re tricky alright! 😄

I found the happy fellow.

Nice title image, Dave! 👍😎

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