Wealthy Affiliate - Premium Upgrade!

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I have just resubscribed to Wealthy Affiilate at the Premium Level, having been absent from the platform for various different reasons, but felt that now was the right time to reactivate the subscription, for another year, given all I have read about the enhancements it just seemed a no brainer!

So Here I am back again and ready to have a look around the platform, get involved in the community again and to really build my blog up again.

One thing I will say is this, that I have been marketing online for a looonngg time and even now, having been absent from the platform for over a year, I have still kept tabs on the affiliate marketing space and have come to an overwhelming decision that

Wealthy Affiliate is still the Place to be if you want to build your own online business, no matter how you want to build it, nothing else compares to it.

I'm also looking forward to networking again within the community and enhancing my learning.

It certainly seems that I have some catching up to do!!

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Welcome back Dave, it is great to see you! I know a lot has probably changed since last time you were here, as we continue to evolve the platform here on a weekly basis.

I wish you nothing the the best in your journey moving forward and the coming weeks and months ahead! Keep us updated with your progress!

Thanks Kyle. a lot has changed and I'm getting familiar with the layout and changes, but absolutely know I made the right choice, 1000%. Trust you and the family are well.

Yeah, we have evolved quite a bit in the last year and there has been a lot of innovation that has taken place within the Hub platform and the integration of generative AI throughout WA to further streamline processes and make you more efficient/productive.

If you ever do need a hand with anything or need some guidance within the new environment, let us know.

PS. All is well on this end, busy as ever with WA-side projects and have had an awesome summer with the fam!

That’s great, Dave! 👍

Welcome back! 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks,I'm also paid up for the year

Excellent, Dave! 👍👍😎

It just made more sense. Now to build out my blog.

Equally it's the traffic aspect I'm looking forward to generating as well

Great plan, Dave! 😎

Welcome back, Dave. I was wondering where you have been. I didn't know you left WA. Well Im glad you're back!

I was having a bit of time out shall we say

Ok, yeah, that's undoubtedly allowable. Im glad you came back. Yes, you have a lot of catching up to do; everything here on this platform has changed for the better! 😀

I'm looking forward to doing it and the platform seems better

Welcome back Dave!


Thanks Mel. Some catching up to do

Amen to that, WA rocks!

Welcome back, Dave!

It does

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