Lollipop Ladies and the Villains

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As some of you will know, I’ve had a pretty rough time with little c over the last two weeks. I’m getting better and almost at the point of being given my own clock card at the hospital.

Why am I telling you this – well, on Friday, I was sat chatting to another patient while waiting for the doctor. He turned to me and looked me straight in the eyes and said – Keep fighting the villains.

This had a profound effect on me, this is something we all must do throughout or lives. Whether the villains are my white blood cells, or my computer that won’t work, or your website that doesn’t quite look right, or a niche that isn’t going quite so well – they are all villains.

What a great way to look at problems, make them into real-life baddies, just like Batman, and go out and get them. Now, instead of seeing all the problems merging into one difficult mass, I can see each one as a separate “thing”, and when I’ve knocked this one down, I can turn and face the next one.

And we’re not alone with our work problems here at WA. There is a great community that will try to answer questions, point you in the right direction and suggest ways to overcome any issues.

Which got me thinking about lollipop ladies when I found an old school photograph.

Cars were a rarity in our town back in the 1950s. My first school was less than a half mile walk away and mum would walk me to school each morning and collect me in the afternoon. She made sure that I had a sandwich and an apple, and in those days, the state provided free milk for school children.

I enjoyed school and all too soon, my first year was over. We would all be moving up a year when we returned in September. Wow, going up a class, I’m a big boy now. So at the ripe old age of 5¾ I announced that from this moment henceforth I was going to walk to school on my own.

Mum tried to bargain with me, but no, sometimes a man just has to stand on his own two feet and face the world.

So, the first day of the new school year I set off on my own, big, bold and in charge of my own life. Don’t try to stop me, I’m nearly six.

But was I really on my own. I found out, years later, that mum lost considerable sleep over her son’s determination to walk to school alone. She admitted that for the first few weeks, with granny looking after my sister, she would leave the house a few minutes after me and follow me all the way to Trinity Square School. Every time that I stopped, or turned around, she would hurl herself into a hedge or hide in someone’s garden so that I didn’t see her.

So although I was on my own, I wasn’t really. Mum was looking out for me. If I got into trouble, she would have been there in an instant.

She did what mothers do best and looked after her little ones.

Enjoy life folks


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Hi Bux

I remember the free milk in school, too. We even had chocolate milk to choose from! 😃

I like the approach you’re taking with your health issues. 😎

Hang In There
Frank 🤘🎸

Chocolate milk - not in the UK.
Health issues - Gung-ho is the only way, what's the alternative frank, sit on a chair and wait for the watch to stop. Not my way.
Be good, be careful. Keep those music blogs a-coming.
I was listening to Bob Marley doing Red Red Wine yesterday - memories.

Gung-ho, is the way to go, Bux! 👍👍

I love Bob Marley. 🎶

You rock! 🤘🔥🤘
Frank 🎸

Nice little reflection there Bux!

It's so true that villains come in all shapes and sizes, but... as the good guys, we will always find a way to overpower them.... no matter what!!!

Been on the train since 8am and in another hour and a bit should arrive in Nice!!

Maybe Queenies for lunch??

Let's see!!

Take care of yourself buddy and enjoy a wonderful weekend! :-)

Enjoy Nice Nick. What a city ...

Just enjoying the maison right now Bux....

Stunning views here... should hit the town and beach tomorrow though...

Take care buddy!! :-)

Enjoy every minute. The weather forecast is redders for tomorrow, well into the 30’s.

Wow!! Stay cool buddy! I have the pool to do that here but it's still way too hot for my liking! :-)

Enjoy life my friend.

Always trying my best to do so Bux... you too!! ;-)

Hows the holiday going Nick.

Well... apart from 3 of us coming down with food poisoning Thursday night... not too bad!

Hope all is well with you buddy?? :-)

Oh no. How , what, crikey. Who was cooking.
Hope you are all feeling better.

That would've been the wife and of course the PSIL behind that horrendous meal.....

I'm sure they didn't mean it but... don't use spoiled ingredients in a dish one is not sure about, especially in this heat!!

We all seem to be much better now though, but the GSIL did spend the night in the hospital... I have been taking her meds ever since!!

Nice afternoon and evening out in Monaco yesterday though... I had forgotten how rich it is there!!

Hope all is well with you buddy??


Monaco, now there is a place I like. We used to go to the boat show every Autumn. As you say - loads of money. I saw one chap decide on the spot to buy a $43 million yacht, just like that. I was stood next to him, it was like pocket money to him.
Some very nice ladies at the boat show too.
Take care, eat fish and chips.

Damn... my photos didn't seem to work...

I will try again...

43 million is a drop in the ocean for most of these buggers out here.....

Spoke to a guy outside of a very established hotel yesterday showing off his vehicles.....

Are those yours I asked???

He replied.. Yes. These are just my toys... my real cars are below in my private parking lot of the hotel I own....

He showed me the cars


Do you know, the Monageuse, the locals, are forbidden to play in the Casino, only foreigners.
I would happily forfeit the right to play poker for a Monaco citizenship.
If you go in the Tourist Office they will stamp your passport with a Monaco stamp. Walk through the park opposite the casino, past the big silvery ball and at the road at the top of the park, turn left. The tourist office is 50 metres on your right, near the bus stops.
In fact, you can get a bus from there up to the botanical gardens, fantastic.

I did actually know that Bux... I was speaking with other family members here about the exact same topic!!

I'm sure I have a Monaco stamp in an earlier passport.... I didn't even take mine with me this time though!

Anyway... train back to Lyon tomorrow... damn two weeks fly by!!

Hope all is well with you my friend?? :-)

I'm doing alright Nick. I'm back on the antibiotic treadmill again, but I'm hoping I've caught it in time. Anyway, the doctor will tell me in the morning, and she's nice to chat to and to look at, so that's a bonus.
Enjoy your journey back to Lyon, I love train journeys.
Yes indeed, two weeks is a mere flash and its gone. All we have are memories, good ones I hope.
Ciao for now, keep safe.

Hope it all went well at the quacks Bux....

I prefer travelling by train as well... certainly beats driving but is a bit stressful for my pup!

Back now and spent most of today relaxing as I intend to do tomorrow as well!!

Take care buddy! :-)

Yes, a relaxing Sunday for both of us. I was at the Glastonbury Extravaganza most of Saturday. Did I sleep well on saturday night - like a log.
Glad you are back home safe. Look after Pup.

Enjoy your relaxation Bux and then start charging again tomorrow!! :-)


I've already started. Nothing like getting a head start.
Have a great week Nick, go knock 'em flat.

Happy to hear that buddy!!

Busy day here trying to get back to normality!!

Another early night is in order but at least I accomplished what I set out to do! :-)

I've got my week planned Nick. A good day walking in the fresh air with a notebook and pencil. Lots of good ideas.
Enjoy life, enjoy the week.

On my first day of school, my folks wanted to take me. I said, "no, I'll take the schoolbus." So I went out by the road and waited; the bus stopped and picked me up. I didn't find out until much later that my folks followed the bus to the school to make sure I got there okay...We gotta stick to our resolve.

A great story Fran, and it made me smile.
We never really know, until much later in life, just what our parents did for us. If I could go back now, I would be more grateful.
Take care

Sounds like a really amazing story, Bux. Thank you for sharing a bit of your history of your childhood days and your mom raising you.

Myra ♥️

Thanks Myra, I think there were days when I more dragged up than raised, I was a really awkward child. I ran away once, about 8 years old, and most of the street and half the county police force were out looking for me. My bid for freedom lasted about 5 hours, so not bad - I was really hungry by that time.
Enjoy the weekend

It's amazing, Bux, and also quite a lot to swallow to have the entire police force come looking for you. I'm glad you got to enjoy your freedom for a short amount of time and that the free lunches at school were good.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Myra ♥️

Half the county police force was about three bobbies then. A neighbor found me heading to grannies house.

Ah I see.

Thanks for sharing Bux! A really nice story. I'm sure our mothers continue looking out for us from above. :-)


I sometimes get the feeling she is tapping me on the shoulder and telling me to be cautious. She's with dad now, couldn't live without him. And she was always telling him to be careful too.
Look after yourself.

Will do. Thanks for sharing Bux!


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