Holiday Time

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Whoopey doopy doo! Here in the UK we have “another” public holiday this weekend.

Monday is actually called the August Bank holiday, because, trafditionally, the banks don’t open on this day.

All the banks close for the day, and in recent times, many of them have failed to re-open again. Lots of small towns now have no banking facilities at all – is this a push for total on-line banking and a drive for banking utopia, a totally cashless society, where the banks control everything, and big brother follows what we are all spending our money on.

But there are a few brave outposts out there, a couple of shops in Glastonbury have notices displayed – Cash Only – what a breath of common sense. I love using cash.

And talking of Glastonbury – I haven’t finished yet – I’m off to a Musical Extravaganza at Glastonbury Abbey tonight. It happens every year and although it has rained for most of the morning – Storm Lilian – the forecast is for sunshine and high temperatures by early afternoon. It’s going to be a good night.

I still haven’t finished – Is this a public holiday where you live, just how do other countries spread out these free holidays to their citizens. Here in the UK, it’s the government that decides when to give folk an extra days holiday – with pay – but it is the employers that have to pay for it. How does that work then.

Enough waffle, I would love to hear what is happening in your neck of the world and I can’t wait to get on that bus to a night of music, food, and perhaps a small beer.

Enjoy life


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Enjoy your evening out and the bank holiday weekend Bux!!

Maybe there will be two Champagne glasses close by when you wake up???


No, that opportunity has passed me by - for now.
Single saddle again.

That double saddle is just around the corner Bux!

Take care buddy! :-)

Win, lose, move on. You know me. I like the idea of a double saddle.
Out and about all day Monday, dashing about and enjoying myself, eating like a pig now. There might even be a midnight raid on the frigo.
Hope you and yours are all well, and pup (most important).
My best mate was a big fat cat - Yoey - still miss the blighter even after fifteen years. He understood me, and I understood him.

Moving forward is indeed all we can do Bux!

Hope you enjoyed a delicious steak on your pig out??

All good here apart from the pup has a small infection in one of her paws... she just can't stop licking it which makes it worse!!!

I don't like to use the old "cone of shame" but if she continues then I will have no choice....

Taking things easy this week... the wife needs to go to Geneva again tomorrow for a few days....

Then when she gets back... it's diet, gym and exercise time for me....

The holiday weight this summer is the worst yet!!

Take care buddy! :-)

The cone of shame, sometimes no choice. You can’t always reason with an animal, they just follow instinct.
Diet time - was it that relaxing a holiday, and it always seems harder to lose than to put on.
You can do it.

The cone of shame or back to the vet tomorrow...

Let's see...

Definitely diet time... I've spent seven of the last twelve weeks on holiday!!

The older we get, the harder it seems to lose buddy! :-)

I make smaller portion sizes now and that has helped me stabilize my weight around 85kg. I realised I was still eating the same portions as when I was much more active, and my weight went well above 90kg.
Some psychologist recommends using smaller plates. That wouldn’t work for me, I’ve already cooked the food long before it is shown the plate.
Look after pup, she loves you.

I always eat small but often throughout the day...

Probably 5 or 6 times and never too much at once (unless I devour my Saturday night kebab in one sitting... but that's a rarity these days, normally I have enough left for my Sunday evening meal as well!)

I only eat with smaller plates as well... less washing up!!

Just finishing up here watching the opening ceremony of the Paralympics, eat a little bit more and sleep!!

Take care buddy and catch you tomorrow maybe!! :-)

Define "a small plate"
I used to work with a chap, Bob, and he would always have a 4 course meal with a 20oz or 30oz steak in the hotel, every night. He would eat most of the cheese board too. Then he would hit the bar, and as the company was paying, his intention was to have a large measure from every optic and bottle behind the bar before we travelled home.
He's dead now, but we had some laughs, a brilliant hydraulics engineer.

"Small plate" no more than 5 inches in diameter... normally around 4!!

Bob certainly sounds like my kind of guy... may he RIP...

Enjoy the rest of your evening buddy!


And the height. Is it multi-storey munchies.

Not at all Bux.... single layers only! :-)

My son controls his weight by not eating until after noon on any day. As he doesn’t take lunch until 1pm in the office, that’s a long fast. But it works for him.

That's an interesting strategy Bux...

Will give it a try!! :-)

Let me know how it works out. I think it took a week or two before he noticed anything happening. between noon and bedtime he eats whatever he wants, no holds barred. No diet plan, no little plates, free rein.

Certainly will Bux... my problem is by 10am I am starving!

But... I will fight through it!!


You will find a way. Faith in yourself.
My diet is working, 6kg lost since May, and staying consistent now.

I will index Bux and that is fantastic going my friend! :-)

I might have a weight blip tomorrow.
Q… Shall I eat all the chicken stew or save half for Monday?
A… Eat the lot.

Eat the lot buddy.... unless it's a portion for for four....

Then only eat half of it and save the rest for tomorrow when a lady friend comes round for dinner!!

Don't forget the Champagne though! :-)

The champagne will remain uncorked. I’ve decided to eat light Monday. I just fancy potato omelette. I try to do veggy once a week.
Good luck with the new exercise plan. Let me know.

It's always beneficial to eat veggies at least once a week Bux!

It's just still too damn hot here so I have decided to put the exercise plan back until Wednesday when the temps look a lot more favourable!! :-)

Good idea. I had a boss many years ago who went on a fitness regime. Full gym membership etc. after a 2 hour session on the weights he went straight to the pub and sank 3 or 4 pints. Sort of cancelled out the benefits.
He looked like Elvis, we called him that behind his back. He now looks like the overweight Elvis of the 70s.
I hope the temps improve for you. Let me know how things go.

Haha!! I need to knock the booze on the head, or.... seriously reduce my consumption anyway!

Not quite sure I'm up to Elvis of the 70's yet though...

From Wednesday the temps look much more agreeable here...

Maximum 25 with some rain.... nice!!! :-)

Elvis got to look a little like Big Daddy just before he died. He was abusing just about everything that was bad for him. I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when it came on the radio.
Yes, cut out that booze. I have a rule of never drinking alone, its so easy to empty the whisky bottle or finish off the four tins in one session, and do the same the next night. Especially when I was in the caravan, goodness me, I could clear two bottles of Jack Daniels Honey in 4 nights. Bacon Sarnies for breakfast, a 3 or 4 piece KFC for lunch and a chinese at night.
Gawd, I was getting so unhealthy.
Fingers crossed that Wednesday cools off and you can get started on your plan.

Not very healthy at all Bux and I am not going to tell you what I used to clear in one night back in the day!

Cereal and fruit for breakfast tomorrow, salad for lunch, then in the evening.... let's see!!

It's cooled down a bit now.... I am just waiting for a thunderstorm to hit!

Take care buddy! :-)

And doesn't beer really help all that food just slip down. By the time you've finished the next pint, you are ready for another ""snack".
When I think what i could consume in my twenties, beer and food, and then be on parade at 08.00 the next day, and then run 5 or six miles and still feel ok.
Keep me in the loop buddy.

I'm honestly not much of a beer drinker anymore these days...

I may have a couple of small bottles... but it's the red wine which is the issue!!

Those were the days buddy and I certainly will!! :-)

Good man


I caught up with a couple of neighbours having a beer outside the Conservative club in Wells. They invited me to join them, but they were already well oiled and it was obvious they were in for a session.
That was 4pm, its now turned nine and they still haven't gone past my house and no lights on in either of their houses. So glad I didn't join them, I have so much to do.

Sounds like you made the right decision buddy!!

If it were me... I would probably still be there with them!!!

Keep on keeping on my friend! :-)

I can never just have one.

I have a similar problem!

Slowly learning my lesson Nick. I can remember the days when it was customary for factory workers to go out for a pie and pint at lunchtimes and then they would stop for a few jars on the way home, and perhaps pop out for a quick one or two before the pub closed.
Not for me, but Ron (one of the drinking duo from yesterday) is still like that. he will start at lunchtime and work his way around town. I think his wife likes him out of the house.
And I spotted another neighbour, who has a very nice Ferrari, among others, letting himself into his house before 9am with a bottle of wine, I think he had company, say no more.

I remember those days well Bux and still do it occasionally when I'm alone... like right now!

The wife took the pup to the PSIL'S lair earlier today so I went out about 5pm to pick up some ready made dinner which I only need to re-heat later... but I am still in the "Brasserie du Théâtre"!!

Maybe one more!!

Have a great start to Frisatsu buddy!!


Is that the one in Lyon. You won't need your TV dinner, eat there.
Tell me more, and enjoy.

They only seem to do proper food at lunchtime now which is a bit strange....

But then again... the owner is a bit strange!!

Just the beer then. I can remember visiting a huge FNAC store in Lyon and then driving the wrong way down a huge one way street. A police man held up the traffic while I did a 49 point turn and went on my way. I don't think he was impressed. Just one of life's little curve balls.
If it wasn't for the strangeness of others, we wouldn't be able to call ourselves normal (would we?)

Actually just a gin and tonic or......

The biggest FNAC store here is in the main shopping street just up from place Bellecore which is pretty much pedestrianised except for deliveries and emergency services!!

Not surprising the police were a little unimpressed!

We wouldn't indeed my friend! :-)

I was driving through a village once and naughty naughty, drove off without my seat belt on, intending to clip in mid voyage as usual.
the local bobby (le garde champetre?) stopped me. He simulated shooting me with his fingers and hands and waved me off. I later realised why, he was in the same bar the night before and I think I bought him a drink. He didn't look the same with his uniform on. Don't analyse that last sentence, just accept it as it is.
How is that little pup, I hope she's healing.
Tired now, early night for me.

Haha! Great story!

I hope she is healing as well.... she's at the PSIL'S lair with the wife!!

I should know more tomorrow evening when they return! :-)

Good, fingers crossed for her health.
I still didn't get to bed until after 11pm and then wide awake again at 2.50am. I spent the next two hours listening to a deep sleep video on YT. Deep sleep in 5 minutes it said. So which five minutes do they mean. I hate being an insomniac at times.

Thanks Bux, the wife says it is looking better, but I have my doubts...

Insomnia is no joke... that is where the wine comes in handy...

I also take some natural supplements in a gum form and copious of 'help you sleep better natural tea' before laying down at night....

Take care buddy and enjoy your evening! :-)

Hopefully I will have a more natural sleep tonight.
Sleepy tea sounds like a good idea, better than a mug of mead. Or maybe not, but worth a try.
Toodle pip, on with the afternoons tasks. Pork chops all trimmed up.

I have just awakened from a quick nap here...

This is the tea I drink every night... between two and four bags depending upon the circumstances...

Take care buddy and I hope the pork turns out well and......

Just maybe there will be two glasses there in the morning!! :-)

My sleep time tea!

After 10 minutes of trying to load this photo ... it still came out the wrong way round!!

You get the idea though buddy@!

No probs Nick. I saved it and rotated.
I'm in the health food shop on Tuesday, I know they do Chamomile and the do orange, I need to find one with Linden as well.
Thanks for that.

There'll be one green bottle standing on the wall.
Never got as far as the Dom Perignon 1995.
Do you remember Rawhide?
Keep movin, movin, movin
A nice day here but stopping in, lots to do and out to town tomorrow.
Take care.

Hi Bux

In the NorthEastern USA banks seem to be opening up on every street corner!

Our holidays are Federal and State, but we don’t have any specifically called bank holidays.

Have big fun today and tonight! 🥳
Frank 🎸

Maybe all our banks are emigrating to the States Frank. We are a city and used to have six banks. Now just two and talk of another one closing.
Maybe there is a niche opportunity there.
Talking with a full on Led Zep fan at the festival last night. He used to travel all over the globe to their concerts.
Hope you are well.

Hi Bux

Yeah, people in the USA are obsessed with money! Lol 😆

Zeppelin was one of the greatest rock bands, ever!

I was lucky enough to see them in concert four times over the years. Such a powerful band, live!

Sounds like you had a great time last night! 👍👍😎

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

It was good. Took a lie in on Sunday to catch up. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Lots of food and a small glass of beer (refilled a few times)

Nice! 👍👍😎😎

Hope you have a great evening at the Festival! Those can be fun! Especially with fireworks!

Here in the United States on Monday we have Labor Day. Honoring those who work with a day off. However, that mostly applies to those in government, school or banking. Postal workers all have the day off. But while I do get the day off with pay, many other professions do not. When I worked in mental health, we never got a day off because mental health does not take a day off! Gas stations etc. they don't get a day off.

Holidays always kind of seem unfair to me. I pay for the government employees to get paid for not working? That shouldn't be a thing.

Don't get me started . . .


Have a great weekend, Bux!


Exactly my opinion Karin. When King Charles III was crowned, we were all entitled to a bank holiday with full pay. I didn't I'm self employed. All the Royal supporters enjoyed themselves, an extra day off with pay. And there were hundreds (thousands) of anti-royalists who didn't want a king, who also took the day off with full pay. Now that doesn't add up in my book.
Festival, great, superb. I took loads of food and drink and just sat in my camp chair and chilled. What a day,

I'm glad you enjoyed the festival!


Enjoy the Glastonbury Abbey Festival this evening Bux. Banks are not among my favourite institutions; they make it expensive for businesses to pay in and withdraw cash.
Have a great Banh Holiday weekend now Lillians moving on.


Thanks Rick, We missed most of the storm down here in Somerset. The rain has stopped and the sun is out. Just packing some food.

It sounds like you have a lot going on the upcoming weekend, Bux!

Have fun for the upcoming Monday!

Myra ♥️

I will need a few days to recover.
Hope you are well, enjoy the weekend too.

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