Can you help Anglo American Understanding?

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Help please, I’m stuck on pronunciation and really need to make progress on this.

I’ve been watching a video on sand. Please don’t ask why, I thought it was normal, doesn’t everybody like sand?

Anyway, one of the speakers talked of some volcanic islands and he pronounced them the Harwen Islands. I’ve replayed it several times and it still comes out as Harwen.

I’ve checked google maps and wikipedia and no luck. I’m in a mess now.

This chap had what I would call a Southern drawl, like you hear on cowboy movies and he was definitely saying Harwen. Did he, perchance, mean the Hawaiin Islands?

Any help appreciated.

Which got me to thinking – WA is an international community and perhaps we should all consider the words and pronunciations that we use. They are not always familiar to English speakers everywhere.

I can remember very clearly finding a burger bar on the outskirts of Calais in France. A chip butty please, I asked in my best teenage French. Blank expressions all around. I pointed to the chap next to me, just leaving the stand with a delicious looking chip butty. Ah, monsieur, un sandwich americain?

What !!! We invented chip butties. Chips not fries. So you see my point. We need to be concious of the various country specific words and pronunciations and maybe, sometimes, put the words in both English English and American English.

Back to the Harwen Islands – can anyone help, please. And then I can get back to my sand.


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Love the sand hobby Bux and there are no better sandy beaches in the UK than in North Devon!!

Accents can change what we understand A LOT!...

As for the Harwen islands... I've had no luck locating them either...

But the guy is from Jeffrey's (original) neck of the woods and I have heard him speak....

Love a good chip butty... even better with a few slabs of bacon thrown in for good measure though!!!

Take care buddy!! ;-)

They do indeed Nick. All my kids have a Scottish accent, the second son - well - I can't tell a word he says and he refuses to modify his accent. I just nod and say yes or no and try to guess. And when they start talking Gaelic between themselves, especially the other side of the family - no chance, I just go and get another drink.
That is Scots Gaelic, my ex wife , now dead, also spoke Irish Gaelic - for goodness sake, just let me hide somewhere. let me phone someone in England and have a normal conversation.
I've listened to the video about ten times or more and I'm homing in on Hawaii as they are volcanic island and the speaker is American.

This is the link address, if you want to have a listen, the word is repeated 3 times between 2m21s and 2m31s

Have a chip butty and start the diet on Wednesday. It is hump day after all.

In that situation, getting another drink is well advised!

I went to Amsterdam once for a couple of months after getting my first credit card at around 18 years old...

I was getting along well with this young Dutch woman who was working behind the bar in the hostel I was staying at, then some guy came and sat next to us and started talking....

I didn't have a clue what he was on about so just nodded now and again!

When he went for a comfort break I asked the young barmaid what language he was speaking aa she seemed to understand him...

He's speaking English she replied.. he's from Scotland!!

Watched the video with subtitles...

They come up with "Hawan", "Haan" and "Hwan" for the three times he mentioned " the word"!!!

I'm still going for Hawaiian... but not an easy lad to understand!!

Yes, I've settled on the Hawaiian islands. It's only sand at the end of the day but absolutely fascinating. I've just got to the part of the book about Roman concrete and I can remember doing this at Uni. They still don't know how Roman concrete was made, and still don't understand how the Parthenon is still standing.
Now do tell more about the young Dutch lady, you're among friends here and we won't tell anyone.

I used to love geology and once contemplated studying it at university when I lived in Brazil as I wanted to become a volcanologist (spelling is probably completely wrong but I can't be bothered to check now and I'm sure you know what I mean)!

But it was about 15 years of full time study.... so we decided to buy a restaurant in the South of Spain instead....

Damn do I regret that decision!!

Honestly... things didn't pan out so well with the young Dutch Lady, but... the young Canadian lasses I met a few days later at the Heineken Brewery is a whole different story! :-)

Worth a retelling after a few glasses of wine. My first wife was Canadian, and that’s another story too. Other people collect stamps, I seem to collect wives.

Maybe one day my friend!

I intend to be married once and once only!!

How many times have you tied the knot then??

3 times now, and each time the divorce has cost more than the wedding. Perhaps I just like wedding cake.
I'm not getting married again, if I ever suggest it, shoot me.

I think it would just be cheaper to go out and buy a wedding cake when you have the urge Bux!

My gun is ready!! :-)

I agree Nick. I'm a slow learner.
Give it both barrels, save me.

You can always count on me to help a buddy out in their time of need Bux!


ha ha. I'm counting on you.
Rain, rain, rain today, coming in from France.
What's the weather like in France, has it been very wet.

No rain at all here today Bux and we only got up to about 24°C which is perfect for me!

Make sure you don't forget your brolly when venturing out my friend!!


Good reminder. I need to put out so that I don't forget. And take some money this time. I forgot last time and there was a distinct feeling of "You did that on purpose". Two blokes would just say no worries, I've got it and that would be the end of it.
Still raining here but forecast to stop by 5am.

It always pays to take a brolly out in the UK... no matter the season Bux!

A bit of cash seems to help as well!!

We're back up to blimming 32 degrees again at the moment here.....

But it has started to cloud over and I expect (hope) the predicted thunderstorms to arrive in the not too distant future! :-)

Brolly not needed Nick. Sunday is going to be wet. Never mind. I'm back home alone, but I will be having company for tomorrow evening. I'm making pork chops in some sort of creamy sauce, want some.

It's always better to have it and not need it as opposed to need it and not have it Bux!!

Sounds great! Just what I had for lunch yesterday... I wouldn't want to disrupt your evening though!

Tuna steak, creamy potatoes and salad for me soon... then a Sunday nap!!

Enjoy yourself my friend! :-)

Just off for a gentle stroll around the Moat. Mmm - I originally thought about Salmon for today. I like fish, well, I like food really.
Enjoy your nap.

I love fish as well... just as long as there are no bones!!

Had a nasty experience when I was but a wee lad... so I only eat the boneless fillets these days!!

Enjoy your stroll my friend... I was just laying down for my nap when the wife phoned to say that my pup had bitten her in the mouth!!!

It's your problem you decided to take her away from me I said... and it probably did a better job than the 700 euros you wasted on botox last month!!

Anyway... I am up again now so will knock out a few more articles on my sites!!


You said that to her? Crash hats at the ready when she gets home.
remind her that if our little friend had her cone on, then she may not have been able to bite her. Who needs botox any more, you and pup have a ready-made business opportunity now.
Let me know what some of your sites are, I can take a look. Its always good to see what others are up to.
Enjoy your Sunday snooze.

I certainly did say that Bux and my crash hat never leaves my side!!

I'll PM you a site or two...

No snooze here now... just a very early night I feel!! :-)

We rhinos have thick skins.
Yes, I will have a look and report back.

Hi Dave!

Volcanic islands would make me think of the Hawaiian islands, and they sound kind of close to Harwen. LOL

Thanks Howard. It's not a life or death matter, just one of those infuriating little things that you want an answer to.

Hi Bux

I got nothing other than the obvious “ Hawaiian Islands.” You can leave a comment on the video and perhaps you will get your answer.

Haha, that chip butty looks like a real carbohydrate overload! 😎

Frank 🤘🎸

Oh yes indeed Frank, one of life's essentials after a few beers. What you might call a proper midnight snack.

Hahaha, Bux 😃

I'm no stranger to midnight snacks! 🍕🍗 🍖

Frank 🤘🎸

Hi Dave
I had to google chip butty! Never heard of it! Not sure why you would want to put fries (so I'm obviously American) in a sandwich, but interesting. Keith

Thanks Keith. Love your profile photo, beautiful dog.
That is my point, we are dissimilar in so many ways and I, like you, have to check certain words.
Chip butties are F A B
Nothing beats a chip butty after a night on the pop (beer) except perhaps a curry.
I bet you've never had curry and chips or curry and fries.
And I still haven't worked out what Grits is.
Life is great.

I'll take your word for it on the chip butty! No, haven't had curry and fries-really, that's a thing?
Grits taste like whatever is on them. Butter or cheese and they're good. Plain they are, well, plain.
But definitely get your point about our differences.
Gus sends some wags. Keith

Ow do Gus. You're a fine looking dog. You would love a chip butty,
Photo attached. It's a great pity we can't photograph odours, he would love it.
Take care Keith, and do try one some day, they are packed full of calories.

Hello Dave,
Any other context you can provide? It would seem he means Hawaiian, but w/o hearing the whole conversation it is tough to tell.
I hope you are doing well?
Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Hi Chuck
The link is below. If the link fails, the video is called ...
Rocks and minerals: About Different Types of sand.
It is only 2m56s long and the Harwen Islands are mentioned three times between 2m21s and 2m31s.
Thanks for your help. Hope you are well.

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