A Left-Handed House

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Haaa! They thought they’d got me this time (so did I at one stage) but no. Bux is back on the trail. What a fortnight this has been. Two weeks of back and forth to the hospital, a 60 mile round trip each time, but I’m out the other side of it now. This little c is getting to be a nuisance, but I will teach it to behave. A little determination and plenty of walking is what is needed. And a good dose of WA interaction.

But that is not what this blog is about – it’s about left handed houses. Why did I never noticed this before.

So … at some point during this last two weeks I visited a friend. Coffee, cakes, a nice meal and then I offered to wash up.

I knew that she was left-handed, and I had also seen Left Handed Rulers around the house before … but never realised just how everyday products are manufactured, labelled and advertised with just right-handed folk in mind. The washing up liquid and kitchen spray were next to the sink but they were placed there backwards – to my logic.

The rear labels on the bottles were showing, with all the contents lists and the made by information in hyper-small writing. The front labels, the side with the big Fairy Liquid and Dettol words on them were turned to the wall. No problem, I finished washing up and placed the bottles the correct way round. She immediately turned them around so that the back was showing. I was intrigued.

In my best neutral voice I asked “Is there a reason for the labels to be that way?

The reply left me amazed, why had I never seen this before?

She said “ Look at the shape of the bottle and the handle to squirt the kitchen cleaner. It’s on the right hand side so that a right-hander can pick it up and use it easily. As a left-hander I have to turn the bottle first, and then use it”

She was right, and what a great marketing add on to your niche this could be, take note.

Held in the right hand, the bottle still shows the big product label. You see the big name label as you use the cleaner and this visually reinforces the product name in your memory. Next time you go shopping, you don’t just buy any old kitchen cleaner, you buy the same product again – repeat sales.

My point is … think about this when advertising or writing bloggs and so on. Where are you going to position “”the name”” on the page. If you can make a small adjustment to your wording, tweak your pitch slightly, and you may very well interest those folk who are not so mainstream. Not just left-handers, but how can you interest a greater reading public for your blog, sportsmen and women, car enthusiasts, bakers and more. More reads, more sales, more profits.

People will read about and buy something just because its about them, in some ways. Take that Left-Handed Rulers. She admits that there was no reason for her to buy any of them. The mere fact that she was left handed and the ruler said left handed was enough to win a sale for the shop, along with the left handed can opener and goodness knows what else.

Take my eldest son, Landrover mad. Anything with the words Landrover on it and he must buy it.

Me, as a climber and mountain walker, anything that said mountain or outdoor would catch my eye. Invariably there was a purchase about to happen, get’s you every time. Even today, if I see anything about outdoor survival, I will instinctively be interested.

So think about about how you can add extra interest to your blogs or advertising. Can you find that one extra link for your niche or product that will attract a new reader, a new buyer.

Over here in the UK, from November onward, anything that says “”are you ready for winter”” will attract a lot of attention and does actually boost sales of all sorts of products and services.

My niche is electrics and I did something similar when the new Wiring Regulations were introduced back in July. “How will the new Regulations affect your work” Just an experiment, but it worked.

So if your niche is going a bit flat, change a few words, find that little bit of uniqueness that you can sneak in. Make your reader want to read that blog.

Toodle pip


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Great to hear from you Bux! I was getting a little worried actually and had started to assemble a search party!!

A left-handed house eh... interesting!!

I tend to do most things right-handed, but.... can be ambidextrous with certain activities!!

Keep on charging forward buddy!


Haha, I knew I could count on you to lower the tone of the conversation. lol.


Thanks Nick. Yes, I'm feeling a lot better, just a minor blip - but I don't want any more. Leg still hurts but the brain is functioning well.
I will try and stay on the radar now.
Look after yourself and that little dog.


There is nothing wrong with being able to drink a beer equally well with one's left or right hand Stevoi!!


Happy to hear it was just a minor blip Bux!

Look after yourself as well my friend! :-)

lol, many is the time I have “saluted” with my left hand as well. Well, I was in my right mind. LMAO..,The left cheek of course…. Talking about course…omg…


Will do Nick. They've not got me yet.

Great to hear Bux, there's still plenty of charging left to do buddy!


Oh yes.


Bring the herd, its open house.
We’re all in this together, one way or another.
Face the action.

Absolutely we are Bux... I always believed the collective noun for a bunch of Rhinos was called a 'crash' though!!

Sounds better to me!

Take care buddy!! :-)


Bring the crash - I am sure you are right, I heard that collective noun somewhere, some time ago.
I am trying very hard to look after myself, but the doctor has a different opinion. She's put me back on the anti-biotics again today.
Never mind. let's make life fun.

Sorry to hear that buddy... just make sure you take them and look after yourself ok...


Yes Sir !!!
I’m doing my best, determinned to keep going. Just a minor blip, it’s because I have a suppressed immune sytem. It will sort itself out when they start treatment, so they say.
Meanwhile, just getting on with life, its a game I will win.
Enjoy the weekend my friend.

Pleased to hear you are back on the trail Bux. Tell me if you find some of that mix, lol. A bit weak but best I can do at 2am.🕑

My brother is left handed and even back in the 70,s ( woops, showing my age) there was a left handed shop. In New Zealand..omg.
I did use to have fun though. Especially when I bought a bath plug and told him it was a left handed one. lol. He believed me for all of 5 minutes hahaha.
( I blame T.V. )


I like that, a left handed plug. I'm going to try that one next time I'm at her house.
I've been taking a different kind of medicine since weekend, seems to help.
The 70s. What a time, I was in uniform then. I would go back today given the chance. Catch you soon buddy.

Nice post, Bux!

It brought back memories of my left-handed schoolmates and their difficulties being so.

Good ideas!

Thank you, Sir!

If it helps the numbers, great.
thanks Howard.

What a coincidence! I saw this ruler in my dream.

Really, what a coincidence as you say. maybe you should start selling them.
I hope you are well Abie, look after yourself.

Haha! Why not promote rulers?

Well, I've got about 20 rulers, long ones, short ones, scale rules, metric only, imperial only, wooden, plastic and metal. I guess you could sell me anything.
Look after yourself Abie. 🌹

Hi Bux

Yes, about 80 to 90 percent of the people currently in this world are "right-handed" or left-brain dominant, probably because it used to be taught that way.

I remember when I was in elementary school, how the teachers would take the pencil out of a child's left hand and place it in their right hand, which I believe isn't really done anymore.

"Handedness" should be natural, not forced, and we should have a world of products to accommodate that.

Although I write with my right hand, I do most things favoring my left, most likely because my left hand does most of the work while playing the guitar. Lol 😆

Stay Healthy, & Keep On Rockin' It! 😎 🤘
Frank 🤘

I agree Frank. The child should develop naturally. We are there to guide and help.
Can you play the guitar left handed. Is that an easy change or is it like trying to ride a bike backwards,

Hi Bux

I could play the guitar left-handed, if I had to. It would not be like starting from the beginning because I still have all that knowledge, but I would have to learn how to move both hands and fingers in totally different ways, which would take quite awhile! Lol 😆

Frank 🤘🎸

I thought that might be the answer. I can do a fair bit with either hand but my left hand is a scrawl rather than proper writing.
And left hand drive cars - oh goodness me. There is a story in that.

And let's not forget how Rocky won the fight against Appolo by switching to southpaw. Lol 😂

Yes. I'd forgot that.
I hope all is well in the world with you.

I’m doing great, Bux!

Hang in there, health wise, 😎
Frank 🎸

Hanging on tight Frank.
Found this little photo of VOX speakers, I bet you've used them at some time.

Hi Bux

The little amps are Vox AC-15s and the big one behind the one in the right is a Vox AC-30.

I have both those amps in my music room. They give me that wonderful “Beatles” chime!

I really like the AC-15 because it has a Master Volume for the power amp section and a Volume control for the pre-amp section. So, I can turn down the Master Volume and hit it hard by cranking the Volume to 10 for spectacular Class-A British overdriven sounds!

Think Queen, although Brian May uses a wall of AC-30s cranked up to 10. Lol

Of course, the AC-30 has more headroom, so they’re both great amps! 😎

NOTHING sounds like an all-valve Vox amp! 👍👍💯

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

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