80 percent

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For those of you that know me, you will no doubt recall that I am always telling people not to be eighty percenters. Stop doing 80% of a project and quitting. Stop talking about what you are going to do and then changing your mind.

I have a relative that I meet every couple of years or so. Many years ago, he wanted to set himself up as a computer repairer. Where he lives, out in the wilds of Derbyshire, this is a much needed skill. Two years later, I find he is still talking about it. Bought the test gear, has all the skills etc. But hasn’t taken that last little step and announced to the world – I am Computer Repairs – Bring your PCs and Lap Tops to me.

Another two years roll by and there is no change, he is still stuck at 80%

Then he wanted a small holding. He bought an abandoned field with the money his father left him and drew up grandiose plans of where the sheep were going to go, how much wheat he could grow, where to put the poly tunnels and how many fence posts he needed - and more, all in detail. A good 80% of the planning is done.

And now, four or five years down the road – nothing.

It won’t be long before he announces his next big plan. But everybody around him, his family, no longer believe he will make things happen. He will always be an eighty percenter to them.

So, if there is a message in this blog … we need 100 percent from you. Finish the job.

Just stop stopping


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Don't settle for being an "eighty percenter." Your relative's experiences serve as a stark reminder that grand plans can remain unfulfilled if we don't commit fully to them. The key is to give it your 100%, finish what you start, and avoid being someone who starts but never completes. Thanks for the motivating reminder!


Absolutely. there are too many non finishers, we all know a few.
Take care buddy.

Good morning Bux,

How are you doing? I haven't seen you post lately!

That's an interesting story, Bux, but unfortunately, probably more common than we realise!

I do think it is a great shame when people have skills, potential etc and do nothing, it's a waste of a good life! I believe that we are created to do things and not be idle! We need to be action-takers and doers of what we say we are going to do.

Have a great day.


About 4 months since the last post Roy.
I've been reading the blogs but so busy, no time to write my own.
I had to do this one because it has annoyed me so much, to see a very capable cousin spending money on projects and then just stopping. Shame really.

I understand where you're coming from, Bux; sometimes, I wonder where the time goes!

Many times I see people who have talent, but they just don't use it! I know exactly where you're coming from, it seems like a waste of a good life!

Have a great day.


A great message, Bux. Some people are great starters but it's the finishers who reap the rewards.

I've got one more video lesson to complete in a 5 video training course. Started it 2 days ago and haven't touched it since. Plenty of good reasons, of course. But it's so easy a trap to fall into.

Yes Phil, but two or five days delay is nothing when you already have a track record of making videos. Its when you get to two years plus and all the gizmos you bought are still in their wrappers.
You'll do it. Good luck.
Do a blog when they are finished.

Unfortunately, I can't link to them on WA as it would be seen as self-promotion.

That last 20% is the hardest because then you'll actually committed 100% and there's no turning back. Right now your relative may not be a success, but he's also not a failure because he never actually did it. Some people are that scared of both success and failure that they want to live in the sad little gray area in between.

Glad you're showing him what happens when you got that final 20%!

Very true, He could be good at what he wants to do, if he decides to do it. I think its to do with putting more thought into what could go wrong, than what could go right.

I witness a lot of 80% where I worked!
Unless I see a 100%, 80% equates to almost zero!

Thank you for this post Bux!

Maria 🌹

Ha ha. i like it and so very true.
So many just turn up for the daily dollar.

🤜🏻✨🤛🏻 😀 😎☕️🍰

That’s so very true. Thanks for the reminder, Bux.


I don't think you need reminding Susan. I appreciate your response. Thanks.

You’re very welcome, Bux. Hope all is well with you.

Its going well. Lots to do, so I make sure I do something every day.
Take care of yourself.

Good stuff, Bux. Thanks. You too!

I know we are all more inclined to be excited when starting a project and lose steam as we are working through a project. However the completion of a project is often times required to achieve success, so make sure you follow through!

Great post here David!

Thank you Kyle. This is something I'm very passionate about, encouraging others to stay the course and give themselves a chance.

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