WA Rankings at expense of your website


It's great to have a ranking system to encourage WA community to help each other and share what they have learnt. That's all well and good, but focusing on WA rankings at the expense of your website does not make sense. To move up in WA rankings you have to spend a lot of time answering questions in WA classroom, commenting on posts, blogging....etc. This is valuable time you could spend working on your content for your website.

Don't get me wrong I help when I can, usually on weekends. But liking a bunch of comments and also giving comments such as " I don't know how....but good luck" in as many community posts as possible is really not paying it forward. I know people are doing this just to improve WA rank. FOCUS on your GOOGLE ranking, and help when you can (not at the expense of your website) with REAL sound advice or useful suggestions rather than fluff for the sake of ranking.

Yeah, but I only spend about half an hour to an hour a day helping and my rank is in the 100's. Like I said, fluff is not helpful. Posting every single piece of minutia so I get dozens of emails about a new post is not helpful. It's sorta like facebook (I woke up late, out partying last night...who cares?), where you take a pic and update your status everyday. Post something genuinely helpful.

Bottom line, it's great to pay it forward. But provide actual help when people ask for it, or share an experience that truly motivates or encourages community members. Something of value, not some fluff for the sake of ranking. Don't just sacrifice your website and quality content for WA rank.

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Spot on Dave! And while we're at it, a real time waster are all those mini posts that are only put up to improve rankings. I faithfully go there to see if I can add a meaningful comment, only to find the excuse for a post has no meaning itself. OK, I feel better now!

I hear you...I've stopped checking them out. Occasionally I might...but for the most part I ignore these mini post.

I often get an email notification about the posts...unfortunately, you have to click on a link to read the actual post, but I try and use two things to determine whether it's worth my time:

1. What's the title (not fool-proof)
2. Who's the author (does the author write frequent "fluff" posts)

Actually, it's exactly what WA is teaching ... always write quality content.

Haha...I was just thinking the same. I started out working on my site, but then spend more time on connecting with, and helping, others.
it's a difficult one. Connecting with others doesn't help with achieving your immediate income goals, but (and this is where it's an unknown), it might have a flow-on affect further on done the line....
Who knows - you might have just helped a future millionnaire ...

Right on!

100% right!


I wrote about this too. I agree we have to focus on our website more.

Definitely...glad there are like minded people around.

Where can I find what you wrote?

Well said, Dave-S. You've hit some good points in this blog post. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Mac01. Just want to be realistic....and helpful.

Good on you man.

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