You need a list to succeed. (but not that one)
Chances are you've heard the saying, "the money is in the list".
Well, it's true. You should be creating a list to succeed with affiliate marketing but it's a different kind of list I'm talking about today.
This is a really simple tip but it's a tip that can massively increase your productivity & motivation. Watch the video to see what I mean.
Recent Comments
Great tip and advice, Dale. A plan to keep you focused and streamline work is always a good plan.
Thanks for the reminder.
Tracy 😎
Excellent tips and system Dale... pretty much what I try to do!
I try my best to sit down on the first Saturday of each month and come with 50 keywords to create content around for the month ahead....
Obviously, I don't always knock out 50 posts a month... but I have been averaging about 40 for the last five months!
So it's good to have some carry over until the month!
Also, I'm a bit old school and prefer to write them all down on paper and just cross them off when done!!
We all need to do what works best for us!
Enjoy a wonderful week ahead buddy! :-)
I like the idea of setting a day ahead for this purpose and writing down the following month's keywords. I think I will set mine up to do it on the last Saturday of the month. This is a good, organized plan. Thanks for sharing your tip.
Didn t think about this . But you re right , can make the difference . Helpful tip, Somethings are so simple, that we can t see. Or have the tendency to think that is much more complicated, sometimes panic , then got paralyzed. I have this tendency. Thank you, good tipe. Always helps !
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Hey Dale. This is exactly what I’m going through now. How did you know? lol
I’ve been doing kw research before writing each article and it’s wearing me out! I have keyword lists in my spreadsheet but are you saying that you’re writing an article per every keyword on the list?
Yes of course.
I’ve heard this from many other sources too, about doing your keyword research all at once, then being able to write 6 months to a year’s worth of articles. But you can’t write an article for every keyword, that would turn into keyword cannibalization.
Here at WA in Hubs. You have a category and then 10 tasks under ‘potential posts’. These are essentially long-tailed keywords for titles, which I checked the traffic volume and competition, then I write my articles.