Is anyone else out there a Night Owl?
For some reason my mind becomes clearer and my thoughts all come together and I start to produce content, content, and more content. But the odd thing is that it happens late at night. This is really when we should be sleeping and preparing to wake up early the morning to get a jump start for the day and a few hours in on our website before our “regular “ jobs start.
I’ll admit I’ve never been a morning person although I truly wish there was some way to program our bodies to wake up and feel refreshed when we want them to. I don’t even drink coffee. Maybe that would help?
But for now I do Wealthy Affiliate training during the daytime hours and when the sun goes down, the writing starts.
Does anyone else have this problem or recommendations? I know time management, time management....., productive vs non-productive.
Just curious about when you are best at writing content?
Goodnight 😴
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I have been a night owl most of my life... I am more productive in the morning after getting up and sometimes I'll have a spurt in late afternoon. I have too many distractions in the evenings to concentrate much when family are about and chatty - I typically use this time for odds and ends and more monotonous tasks.
Yes! I am the same as you. I have always been a night owl. I have learned this all has to do with the cortisol levels in our bodies. Some of us get too much cortisol (due to stress, overactive adrenal glands and other issues) and that keeps us up too late at night. If we can lower the cortisol level in the evening, we will feel tired and want to go to sleep at an earlier hour.
If you want to try this you can get the supplement "Cortisol Manager" by the brand Integrative Therapeutics or the more affordable version "Sleep Tonight" by the brand Enzymatic Therapy. My naturopathic doctor recommended this and it works amazingly well. You can take it a few hours before you want to go to bed and it helps you start to slowly relax.
She told me "Sleep Tonight" is the exact same thing as "Cortisol Manager" and made by the same company.
I have not been taking it lately but I should! It is always hard for me to get up for work in the morning.
If left to my own devices, I am up late every night.
@Swangirl I need to try this thanks for sharing...
I have trouble sleeping due to anxiety / depression. Melatonin helps a tiny bit, but not enough for me. I have taken different prescription sleep meds over the last few years and they all have rotten side effects.
You should give it a try! I should do a review of it on my site but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
It basically helps correct your sleep cycle. If you stay up late because your body is pumping out cortisol too late in the evening, then you are exhausted the next morning.
If your body turns down the cortisol and you can get to sleep earlier then you should be able to wake up earlier/feel better when you do wake up.
I'm the exact opposite. I have been training myself to get up at 4am, gradually working my way down from getting up at 6am so at the moment it's 4.30am every day :)
This gets me some quiet hours first thing to get work done before feeding the horses and getting myself off to work.
After dinner at night all motivation goes out the window, that's when I'm usually in live chat or just doing things to the site that don't require too much concentration.
@ Heidiy I would literally die... The older I get the worse I feel when getting up early like that.
Me too! I just am NOT a morning person. I CAN get up but then I feel dead a few hours later and it is really difficult to get through the day.
Some days it’s hard I won’t lie :) but I figure a few years of this and once my sites are paying me a wage I’ll be able to decide what time I get out of bed.
I have a lot of commitments so I needed to find extra hours in the day. I really enjoy the pre-dawn hours now, it’s quiet and peaceful.
I think me and are one in the same, work, think, more progressive in the late hours of the night or early mornings. I think it's because it peaceful and quite.
I'm up! LOL I work night shift and have now for 24 years, so I guess you can say I'm a night owl. I do my best writing in the evening before I go to work. I get so involved that it has nearly made me late for work many times. 😀
Time management is very important. You still need to find time for sleep.
Best of luck and Happy Writing!
Hi Colleen
I have always been more active towards the evening one of the reasons is the day is done most of the family is in bed asleep and finally have the peace and quiet without interruption you normally get during the day.
This gives me more time for meditation without interruptions, working on the site or posts and other things I am active with
Most times I don't go to be till about midnight or around 1 and normally sleep about 5-6 at most.
Always slept those hours even when a teenager.
Most times yes but there are sometimes I wish I could just be invisible and just be in limbo for as long as I can. :))
I find myself being slow to start, but really hitting my stride mid-afternoon. After dinner I am pretty much in the zone. Then I stay up too late and repeat the cycle
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I’m a night owl but wish I was more productive with it 😀