It's starting to trickle!

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No this is not one of those success posts where I am going to show a screenshot of the money I made this month. Nope sorry if that was what you were hoping for.

But what I will say is that I am finally seeing a trickle of sales from my first blog. My website is just over 14 months old and I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to get sales.

Well it finally happened. In the past 2 weeks, I have made 3 sales from different affiliate platforms. One of the sales, I made $21.00 of commission. It is super exciting and validating.

I have 135 posts on that site and in the past month have finally dipped my toe in PPC ads with Microsoft. So far it has been a learning curve to say the least. My traffic for May was my highest yet at 1282 visitors which was double from April.

The reason I wanted to post this small victory, is just to let those struggling and losing hope, that patience is truly the key. That and of course writing consistent and good content is the key to success.

I hope this helps some of you to keep working hard and don't give up. My sales are proof that this system works.

Take care and stay safe.



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Every success is a key step in building your own business empire. So congratulations!

That is how it starts - in reality minus the hype and the internet secret guru garbage. Reality. $1 or two $'s or what ever currency is applicable - and then it builds over time as long as you keep working at it.

Vision - Goals - Plans - ACTION = Results/Progress - Adjust - Repeat - Time = SUCCESS

Thank your for your update and I look forward to continuing to follow your success!

Best regards,

L.D. Sewell

So very well captured, Ld!

Thank you.

Hi Coralie,

This post is just as inspiring as any success post that tells us somebody made $10,000 this month. It’s inspiring because it validates the fact that what we are taught does work. Once we know that it works, we can make it work better.

None of us here are led to believe the process works quickly, we are told it takes time and determination. You are testimony to that, so congrats on what you have achieved so far, and best wishes to your future successes as your business grows.



I understand it takes time, I am learning here hoping that by this month I am able to make money with site, But since you said you started April i feel down because maybe next month I will be thriving with no money to add posts because in South Africa internet is expensive and so bad if you have a cheaper tarrif.

Congratulations on your sweet little victory Carolie. This is the taste of the big things coming your way . Keep your head down working on your site and we will hear of much bigger victories.

Head down and hard work. Hopefully that is the way to success. Thank you!

Congratulations Coralie on your first commissions. Your post is definitely encouragement for those new to affiliate marketing. Well done :)

Thanks Valerie,
I wanted to share this small victory for those exact people that just need a boost.

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