The Personal Touch

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Really delighted to be here to share this with everyone today. I'm sure many, if not most, of you have already realized the point I'm trying to illustrate. However, for those who are new, I'm sure most of you are really excited about the role AI can play in your business. I know that, for me, my productivity has, in a word, exploded because of AI. It's an incredible tool and, if you're not familiarizing yourself with the power of AI, well, in my view you're likely to be left behind.

I have used AI to do reviews on books written by teachers I love and follow. I have used AI to explain the meaning of passages in the Christian Bible. I have used AI to help me create content on legal issues. In short, AI can save you countless hours of research time! This time saving enables you to create content at a rate that has never before been possible. But, as with most things in life, this exciting new realm has to be used in combination with your own human wisdom, insight and sensitivities.

Despite the power of AI, I have found that AI generated content can, at least in my opinion, sound somewhat sterile. If this point resonates with you then, take heart, there is a solution. Let me illustrate what I mean.

As many of you know, my wife and I moved out to Canada's east coast early last year and purchased a little one-acre slice of the Garden of Eden. One of the first things we did was till up a garden. Last fall, this out-of-shape, overweight city boy built 3 raised gardens. Long story short, our gardens yielded a harvest this season that has literally blown us away! Anyway, I decided to do a blog post that combined the content that I include on a website I call "Homesteading Handbook" with the content that I create on a wellness website I call "65 and Fabulous". The title I chose for the post was "The Health Benefits of Homesteading."

Not only have we reaped the benefit of nature's abundance but, as an additional benefit, I am in better shape than I have been in more than 40 years! Homesteading is a physical undertaking. The gardens and the maintenance of the property take a lot of physical effort. That can be a challenge on those hot, humid dog-days of summer. There's never a shortage of things to do! I have lost over 40 pounds and I feel great! But back to the point I'm trying to make here.

I used the power of AI to generate the content of the post. The product was awesome and I was so impressed and delighted with what AI generated! That's where the human touch comes in. Throughout the post, I inserted pics of my own gardens with short descriptions of my own personal experience of the content that had been generated by AI. I included pics of the veggies my wife had canned and I even included a couple of pics of my boys.

I have found that inclusion of the 'personal touch' leads to more engagement. People want to interact with real people. Many people in today's world realize that much of the content they're exposed to has been generated by AI. And the temptation may simply be to pass it by. So, perhaps now, more than ever, let people know that there is a real person behind the content that you're creating. Add at least a little of the human touch. I think you'll be pleased with the outcome.

Me, Elijah and Malachi

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Recent Comments


Hi Grant,
Another great use of AI and I find anything about AI as interesting, to say the least.
I only have a small flat these days having lived in huge homes for as long as I can remember, but I still grow a few things every year. A bumper hot pepper crop this year.
I am looking forward to using AI to create more an more content, but always with a personal touch.


Great to hear from you again partner and I totally agree!!

AI is fantastic in speeding up the content creation process, but.... it is just a tool!!

Without our personal experiences and touch.... the content we produce will be of little matter!

Take care buddy and enjoy a wonderful weekend! :-)

Hi Grant,
Great post. I agree, the personal touch is so important. I use AI like my personal assistant. I usually put whatever it has given me into a word document and add, subtract and enhance with my own words and voice. It's a good idea to always include pictures with captions. In this age of virtual life the personal touch is lacking in many experiences. Easy to get isolated, so adding these touches help us feel more connected.

Thanks for your post,

Hey Linda! Looks like we're on the same approach exactly. Thank you for commenting and hoping you're having an awesome weekend!


Hi Grant!

Nice post!

I'm glad your efforts have led to all the incredible health benefits. My grandfather's backyard was nothing but a sea of vegetables he grew. In his seventies, he still did not have gray hair!

That's a true testament to real food, not the manufactured stuff primarily sold in the stores.

I love the fur kids!

Hey there Howard! Thank you for commenting! Absolutely, I don't think I have ever eaten as many veggies but sure do feel great! And yes we love 'em too!

Absolutely the case. AI can sound sterlile, and sometimes unlike you. That is why we are currently in an AI assisted world, not created. There still needs to be the human touch involved, the heavy lifting can be done for the bulk of our activities and speed up processes, but it still requires US!

Hey Kyle...honoured to have a comment from you! And that is a great is an AI assisted world.

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