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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

how to promote wealthy affiliate? Via squeezepage or send people to direct link?

I promote WA via custom squeeze pages, which have the banners downloaded and inserted into them

Thanks for the Question. It helps us all.

Do you mean a squeeze page or a capture page?

A squeeze page simply offers information as a pre-seel and embeds an affiliate link in there very conveniently to help the reader click to join, buy or signup.

A capture page is called that because the reader is asked to enter their email address for later follow-up and relationship purposes.

The direct answer to your question?

Yes, send them to a capture page. (this can be done on the landing page OR from a link that looks simply like a 'direct link'.)

Its my understanding that Squeeze and Capture pages are one and the same thing ; )

It is generally best to promote anything via squeeze page.
You should always try to get the email address and name
if you can. That is another lesson.
Trust me I wish I had done that in the beginning.

Ken... Thanks for taking time out to answer my question. I understand now.

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Is it best to promote wealthy affiliate via a squeezepage?

Is it best to promote wealthy affiliate via a squeezepage?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

how to promote wealthy affiliate? Via squeezepage or send people to direct link?

I promote WA via custom squeeze pages, which have the banners downloaded and inserted into them

Thanks for the Question. It helps us all.

Do you mean a squeeze page or a capture page?

A squeeze page simply offers information as a pre-seel and embeds an affiliate link in there very conveniently to help the reader click to join, buy or signup.

A capture page is called that because the reader is asked to enter their email address for later follow-up and relationship purposes.

The direct answer to your question?

Yes, send them to a capture page. (this can be done on the landing page OR from a link that looks simply like a 'direct link'.)

Its my understanding that Squeeze and Capture pages are one and the same thing ; )

It is generally best to promote anything via squeeze page.
You should always try to get the email address and name
if you can. That is another lesson.
Trust me I wish I had done that in the beginning.

Ken... Thanks for taking time out to answer my question. I understand now.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Everyone is geared up to promoting online. Has anyone promoted or is promoting WA offline? Using one page letter, postcards and leaflets? What works? Offline is still massive

Offline is massive and a much underestimated method within WA.
I published a blog on Offline last year but I don't think many members are doing it.
I have hundreds of Business cards printed every month and leave them all over the place -
In taxi's, buses, phone booths, libraries etc etc.
Robert Allan

That is brilliant Robert. I have a large buyers list, so I am thinking of doing a postcard marketing... And for A5 leaflets for door to door.

I haven't done any door to door but I can see the potential, especially if you go into those multi storey blocks.
I forgot to mention trains as well as I do a lot of train journeys.

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Anyone promoting weathly affiliate offline using postcardsletters and leaflets?

Anyone promoting weathly affiliate offline using postcardsletters and leaflets?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Everyone is geared up to promoting online. Has anyone promoted or is promoting WA offline? Using one page letter, postcards and leaflets? What works? Offline is still massive

Offline is massive and a much underestimated method within WA.
I published a blog on Offline last year but I don't think many members are doing it.
I have hundreds of Business cards printed every month and leave them all over the place -
In taxi's, buses, phone booths, libraries etc etc.
Robert Allan

That is brilliant Robert. I have a large buyers list, so I am thinking of doing a postcard marketing... And for A5 leaflets for door to door.

I haven't done any door to door but I can see the potential, especially if you go into those multi storey blocks.
I forgot to mention trains as well as I do a lot of train journeys.

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