30 Days Hath September


Today is just the first as well, so we have another 29 days to work hard and get things going in our favour.

As it is Friday night here in Scotland, almost the weekend and I am in rather a good mood, I am going to share some funny quotes about Friday with you all to get you in the mood for the weekend.

Have a great weekend everyone and I hope you all have good plans for what you are going to do.

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LOL...so cute!! Thanks for sharing!!! have a great weekend!!!


Thank you Tammi, you are welcome and have a great weekend too. xxx

Thanks Cheryl. Funny post. Have a great weekend as well.

No problem, you are very welcome Patrick. I will certainly do my best lol. xxx

Thanks for sharing, have a great week end

No problem Alejandra, you are very welcome and thank you. Have a great weekend as well. xxx

So funny! Love that kitten picture with his little paw up.

Thank you Diane, I just thought he was so cute. xxx

The trouble is the weeks are so short, to get everything done that we want to, but it is good that it is Friday Cheryl have a nice weekend.

They definitely are too short Alexander, they just seem to fly in lol. It is good though that it is Friday as I am not working over the weekend so will have time to work on my site. Have a great weekend too. xxx



Thanks Giulia, hope you are doing great.

Have a wonderful weekend. xxx

You didn't finish the rhyme: 30 days hath September.
Have a nice weekend.

30 days hath September,
April, June and November
All the rest have 31
except February alone
which has 28 days and
29 days in a leap year.

There you go Kav, lol. xxx


You are very welcome lol. Could you not remember what it was that you wanted me to complete it? xxx

Testing, testing.

Oh I don't know, I'm sure you had forgotten what it was and wanted me to remind you lol. xxx

Real cute. Enjoy your weekend.

Thank you so much Debbie and you enjoy your weekend too. xxx

What a cool dancer! What animal is it? Thanks for sharing, Cheryl.:)

It is a baby polar bear that is dancing Vera, I just thought it was so cute lol.

You are very welcome Vera. xxx

Really looks like a cub.:))

It is a cub Vera, a baby polar bear cub. xxx

I love this post Cheryl and I love Friday's restaurant, especially their bourbon glazed dishes. Unfortunately I read an article where it's going down due to the latest generation of millennials preferring dining at home with catering. The only commercial store sporting God in the logo!

Thank you Mike and I take it you are talking about TGI, I like their restaurants as well and especially their cocktails. That is a shame though to hear it is going down. xxx

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