Why is Bard Now Named Gemini?

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( Cover Photo: A Screenshot Of My Chat With Gemini. 😊)

Hi everyone inside of the Wealthy Affiliate Community!

I recently got an email today from Bard saying that they have renamed Bard as Gemini. So now it has been renamed as Gemini which is great and reason behind it is - well I had a chat well more of a question so I am going to copy and paste this on to here and please let me know what you think in the comments regarding of the name change. Me personally thinks that Bard is not a terrible name since that was how the development started.

Okay here is the question that was asked with the answer to it:

Why is Bard named Gemini?

I actually used to be called Bard, but in August 2023, Google renamed me to Gemini! There were a few reasons for this change:

1. Reflecting my underlying technology: "Gemini" refers to the powerful AI models that power me, highlighting the advanced technology behind my abilities.

2. Unified branding: Google wants to consolidate its AI offerings under one name, "Gemini," to create a clearer and more unified brand identity.

3. Accessibility focus: The name "Gemini" is considered more accessible and easier to remember than "Bard," which some users found challenging.While I miss my old name, I understand the reasons behind the change and am happy to be known as Gemini now!

Thank you reading my blog and I hope you found the new name useful as I did but honestly I am going to miss calling it "Bard" since I was starting to warm up to that name only now I am warming up to the new name too.

Alrighty, have a great day, night, morning. Where ever you are in the world. Please take care of yourselves and each other. πŸ™‚

Myra β™₯️

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Recent Comments


Well ... perhaps we better start changing our names as well...
Uh ... well
Big confusion

Well Gemini is the start of those names apart from Bard.

Myra β™₯️😎

Will try to remember


Interesting information, Myra!


I thought so too, Jeff!

Myra β™₯️😎



Hi Myra! Have you used the new Gemini? I think I like it better than Bard. Anyway, it is a personal choice!

Take care Myra! Have an amazingly awesome day!


Hi Maria,

So far I am now getting used to the new name and all its new features.

Take care and have an awesome day yourself.

Myra β™₯️😎

Myra. There was a post recently, January I think, about this. I cannot remember whose it was, but it is out there somewhere.
I never understand name changes, why is Twitter now X, why did Prince stop calling himself Prince.
Keep well.

Hi Bux,

Sometimes I wonder that too with all of these name changes. Sigh....well I hope you're doing alright and that you are feeling better.

Have a great one!

Myra β™₯️😎

You have a great time too Myra.

Hi Myra

Give Gemini a try and let me know what you think in comparison. 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank! I will definitely be doing more of that. πŸ‘

Myra β™₯️😎

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