What happened to the way we were?

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Yesterday, I replied to a post where the blogger shared an essential dream and encouraged readers to comment about their aspirations. Essentially, they were inviting us to share one of our significant dreams that we wish to transform into reality. After pondering my response, I ultimately decided to share, in this post, my desire to return to how things used to be (in a behavioral way). I understand that we have individuals from various parts of the world here, and I cannot speak for every city. Nonetheless, I cannot help but notice that behavioral changes have become a common way of life in many locations.

My aspiration revolves around witnessing a world where kindness and respect toward others are more prevalent. It seems that in some places, people have forgotten the significance of simple words like "excuse me," "thank you," and "please," or even acknowledging a morning or afternoon greeting. At the busy gym, I frequent almost daily, I can count on one hand the instances when someone pays attention to those walking behind them. In most cases, they do not care about causing potential harm to the person behind when they let the door go back when leaving or entering the establishment. Many individuals seem engrossed in social media, with their devices seemingly glued to their hands.
I fondly remember when cashiers and workers at establishments treated customers with respect and attentiveness, striving to please them.
There was an era when airline ticket counters were acknowledged by clean-cut and courteous agents, and chewing gum was strictly forbidden while interacting with clients or working in any position. However, I must also be realistic and acknowledge that such times may never return.

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Recent Comments


I most definitely can't disagree with you here Lisa!

I see it as a lack of respect to those around us and here in France I see it all to often....

Thank you.

You're most welcome my friend! :-)

I totally agree with you, Lisa! The world has devolved away from that, and it needs to reverse course!


Thank you

You're very welcome!

You are so correct, It would be nice to see the old fashion courteous attitudes in folks today as it was yesterday! Good thoughts and THANK YOU!

Thank you, Jim

That makes sense, Lisa! And thank you for pinpointing and sharing.

Thank you

You're welcome :)

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