God Bless all the Little Children
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Your actions are contagious, far more so than any vote could ever have. Just remember that. We as singular people can make a positive difference when we approach each day knowing that we can make a difference. We get lost as a global society as a whole when we think otherwise.
The little children are in heaven as we speak...God has taken them. As you said feel sorry for the rest of mankind. WE need to promote LOVE one for an other. And it has to start with the leaders.......
Why do these screwballs chose to target our children? The best thing I've heard is that the shooter is DEAD.
Your key words were," Many of us were not paying attention when our leaders were being chosen, hell of a lot of us didn't even vote before this election" We are going to pay the price over the next four years.
I absolutely agree with you. After the Second World War (when I was born), we were not going to have any more of this type of nonsense said the Politicians, but here we are 67 years later in an incredibly bad state and I am not talking just about the economy. We have three children and nine grandchildren settled across the globe and we fear for all of them for the very reasons you have stated. We do need to do something. If regimes can be toppled with People Power why not these issues as well?