In the Middle of every difficulty lies Opportunity.
Good morning ya all here at Wonderful WA land. That is a quote by Albert Einstein and oh how true that is.
There are many millionaires out there that became that way by solving a problem, finding that opportunity inside of a difficulty. Many a great story also operate the very same way, the day was saved by overcoming evil, or the bad guy.
That is a difficult road to get up, my Subaru sure will not make it up that, heck it might get down it but then I would be stuck down there so that is a no go! However, like here at WA there is a way to navigate that difficulty.
When I first started here at WA, learning how to do all this stuff was like trying get a date with a French girl that did not speak English, and me not speaking French. Lots of giggling and such, but no date!
However just like getting up that road, it can be done. Tools here at WA and I have a few toys, I meant tools, that can get me up that nasty road. Like my 73 Suburban, or my quad, they will walk right up that thing and I will have fun doing it.
Kyle is our first teacher here when we start out, helping me learn French so I can talk to that pretty French lady. But then it gets better, for we got Phil and Andre from Down under that help out all the time here in live chat and also have great post and lessons on their pages. Abie is always in live chat helping out, Robert has many many great post helping with keyword research, and he is not the only one, and if you like long detailed reads on learning the language of creating your own on line business, then Prince Partha is a must read.
Last night listening to Eric on my drive home about creating You Tube channel to help out with our On line business was awesome and great idea creator, Ian Tuesday with help for those getting so good at this they need to hire help, any of us over in that land really need to dig into Ians teaching.
Success is yours, if you take action, and learn the language of On line marketing, affiliate marketing, and take action on all the help generously offered here at WA in both the classes, blogs and in live chat.
Remember, You Rock, Turn the volume up and make some noise out there!
Get ur done, even if you only got three wheels on the ground, get up there and enjoy the sunset.
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Great Analogy Scott and good to hear from you again!
By learning, taking action and making the most of all of the tools available to us there is nothing we can't achieve my friend!
I was looking for a way around traffic, and I have been off-roading last week in the riverbed to get around 4 miles of parking lot, was teaching my teenager how to drive a clutch down there in the riverbed last Saturday and we ventured down to the other side to see if my Rue could get through there. That was a no go in the Rue, but fun time with my son playing in the sand.
Very nice! That would be a fun time…I remember trying to teach my son clutch as well but my dirt road pales in comparison to that pic. Glad for you that you had that time together.
I had him drive in a nice flat riverbed, just sand. That photo was where the riverbed rises out of the bed and up toward higher ground. With the rain and snow, just dug out big ruts however I expected that so that is why we went down the riverbed to see what she looked like.
Out here where I live, much easier, open land and Joshua trees, rabbits, and rocks.
Awesome, Scott! A very important message, indeed!
We must keep striving for success, no matter what!
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I agree, Scott. I worry much more about overcoming my ingrained status quo attitudes that I do about working through and overcoming difficulties.
Hello Jim, a funny quote from Mark Twain. He said something about living a long life and having many trouble, most of which never came true! :)
It is amazing what the mind can create and even get us to believe, it is said that with the faith of a mustard seed, the belief, one can move mountains.
This is very true. A true fact.... I am Mark Twain's 4th cousin.