About Caesura
Rank 16198
247 followers Joined November 2015
Looking to make a few bob off the internet, I've always thought it possible, so here goes!





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asked in
Getting Started

I've migrated my WP site and its email address to WA and I'm suddenly getting loads of spam emails. I'm using the same email client (which has rudimentary spam filters) as bef

Just to say that I solved this by moving my site back to my old ISP, and deleted it from WA.

From the ISP's website : https://www.uk2.net/email-hosting/ - you can see that they don't put anti-spam at the top of the list, it's just normal for an ISP.

All spam has instantly stopped just as it instantly started on WA.

You gets wot you pays for I guess.

Hey Andy,

The best way to use your domain email address if for forwarding it to gmail where you can setup your domain email to be used inside gmail. This way, gmail will tend to filtering spam for you.

Here's how: Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks for that - seems like something I could do - I do have emails from WA coming into my Gmail App on my phone - but still get the same spam.

These have been suggested by Support : None of my other non-WA emails on non-WA websites get as much instant spam as the one I just migrated to WA - I wonder if WA has an issue with spam in general for us to have to go through all these hoops? And they must have a spam blocker on all emails coming in to WA - surely?

Thanks all for your help, I may go back to my old ISP.


I get my domain emails forward to my business email address and am NOT getting spam at all. Guess it all depends.

Spam will get through some filters... even gmail's filters.

However, using my own business account, I can put filters on spammers myself, making is soooo much easier than having to ask for each spammer to be filtered out.

Please contact site support
Hopefully it will all be sorted for you


I'd ask site support


Ours is redirected to Gmail which already has filters.

Hi-you can check out this link: . There are other suggestions out there. Just type in anti spam in the search box above.

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Is there an anti-spam option with the email system on wa?

Is there an anti-spam option with the email system on wa?

asked in
Getting Started

I've migrated my WP site and its email address to WA and I'm suddenly getting loads of spam emails. I'm using the same email client (which has rudimentary spam filters) as bef

Just to say that I solved this by moving my site back to my old ISP, and deleted it from WA.

From the ISP's website : https://www.uk2.net/email-hosting/ - you can see that they don't put anti-spam at the top of the list, it's just normal for an ISP.

All spam has instantly stopped just as it instantly started on WA.

You gets wot you pays for I guess.

Hey Andy,

The best way to use your domain email address if for forwarding it to gmail where you can setup your domain email to be used inside gmail. This way, gmail will tend to filtering spam for you.

Here's how: Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks for that - seems like something I could do - I do have emails from WA coming into my Gmail App on my phone - but still get the same spam.

These have been suggested by Support : None of my other non-WA emails on non-WA websites get as much instant spam as the one I just migrated to WA - I wonder if WA has an issue with spam in general for us to have to go through all these hoops? And they must have a spam blocker on all emails coming in to WA - surely?

Thanks all for your help, I may go back to my old ISP.


I get my domain emails forward to my business email address and am NOT getting spam at all. Guess it all depends.

Spam will get through some filters... even gmail's filters.

However, using my own business account, I can put filters on spammers myself, making is soooo much easier than having to ask for each spammer to be filtered out.

Please contact site support
Hopefully it will all be sorted for you


I'd ask site support


Ours is redirected to Gmail which already has filters.

Hi-you can check out this link: . There are other suggestions out there. Just type in anti spam in the search box above.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I want to move some of my existing sites to WA hosting, which is A Good Thing.

The only issue I have is that the email servers at WA are not at all secure, no

More than 1 1/2 years later, still no SSL/TLS from what I can see. My email clients do not appear to support WA email anymore.

Thanks kindly for highlighting this technical issue --- presumably, you've posed your very good question to the Help Center--Site Support... they're the ones who would be in the best position to rectify / help you with this... all the best... :)

Yes, I did, and they have no idea when any security measures will be in place for email, acknowledging that WA does not support SSL/TLS for email.

Watch this space apparently!



thanks kindly for the update -- cheerio.. :)

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Email security - no ssltls - when will that be implemented?

Email security - no ssltls - when will that be implemented?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I want to move some of my existing sites to WA hosting, which is A Good Thing.

The only issue I have is that the email servers at WA are not at all secure, no

More than 1 1/2 years later, still no SSL/TLS from what I can see. My email clients do not appear to support WA email anymore.

Thanks kindly for highlighting this technical issue --- presumably, you've posed your very good question to the Help Center--Site Support... they're the ones who would be in the best position to rectify / help you with this... all the best... :)

Yes, I did, and they have no idea when any security measures will be in place for email, acknowledging that WA does not support SSL/TLS for email.

Watch this space apparently!



thanks kindly for the update -- cheerio.. :)

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asked in
Website Development & Programming


I'm using a siterubix WP site using Chrome - the logout link sometimes hangs, other times it quickly goes to the login screen (looking like it's logged out). Then

It sounds like Chrome is trying to make your life better by overriding your freewill preferences on security...(feel the sarcasm...) :)

No luck with support, nor Google, it must be one of my plugins I guess, though I don't want to remove them all one by one - my new site is heavily dependant on Elementor and other things which make it look great.

My other non-siterubix site is just fine, so it's not Chrome.

Hey ho, I just have to delete the cookies every time I guess.

I'll try another free SiteRubix site I think, then see if that's ok, and add plugins until it breaks again. Fun!



Hi Andy:

What I woiuld do is go to the Site Support Tech. and ask them to look a your site.

You can click on the Help Center and click on Site Support, they will give you a ticket, where you can see what their answer to your problem is.

I hope this helps.

Thankyou Ramona, I just did that, and we'll see what they say!

I am sure they will help you out!

I am glad to help you out!

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Siterubix wp logout does not work - why?

Siterubix wp logout does not work - why?

asked in
Website Development & Programming


I'm using a siterubix WP site using Chrome - the logout link sometimes hangs, other times it quickly goes to the login screen (looking like it's logged out). Then

It sounds like Chrome is trying to make your life better by overriding your freewill preferences on security...(feel the sarcasm...) :)

No luck with support, nor Google, it must be one of my plugins I guess, though I don't want to remove them all one by one - my new site is heavily dependant on Elementor and other things which make it look great.

My other non-siterubix site is just fine, so it's not Chrome.

Hey ho, I just have to delete the cookies every time I guess.

I'll try another free SiteRubix site I think, then see if that's ok, and add plugins until it breaks again. Fun!



Hi Andy:

What I woiuld do is go to the Site Support Tech. and ask them to look a your site.

You can click on the Help Center and click on Site Support, they will give you a ticket, where you can see what their answer to your problem is.

I hope this helps.

Thankyou Ramona, I just did that, and we'll see what they say!

I am sure they will help you out!

I am glad to help you out!

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asked in
Getting Started

Hello all,

My website is mostly embedded YouTube videos and SoundCloud embedded html - as my site is probably considered commercial - it has Google Ads on it - it this al

Thanks all for your comments, I'll look into this a lot further!

Hi Andy,

Jay the WA trainer have training video on the subject he also said Google owns Youtube. His training is worth taking a look at.

Look to the left top the green button and type in what you what to watch. "Youtube embedded training."

I hope that helps,


Hi Carl,
Thanks for your response, but i couldn't find any training from Jay, but will keep looking!
Thanks much,

Also - if anyone is interested, I found this on the YouTube site somewhere :

Prohibited Actions : "...sell advertising, sponsorships, or promotions on any page or screen that contains YouTube API Data unless other data, content, or material not obtained from YouTube appears on the same page and offers enough independent value to justify such sales if the YouTube API Data were removed..."

So - maybe, possibly ok if there is plenty of original content around the video that would stand alone if the video wasn't there. For most bloggers, then, it should be ok...


I had the wrong name but he talks about Youtube in this video.

Here's how you can find the training you're looking for Andy... see screen print below...

Hope this helps you.

Thank you, Trish,

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Embedding youtube videos in a commercial website ?

Embedding youtube videos in a commercial website ?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello all,

My website is mostly embedded YouTube videos and SoundCloud embedded html - as my site is probably considered commercial - it has Google Ads on it - it this al

Thanks all for your comments, I'll look into this a lot further!

Hi Andy,

Jay the WA trainer have training video on the subject he also said Google owns Youtube. His training is worth taking a look at.

Look to the left top the green button and type in what you what to watch. "Youtube embedded training."

I hope that helps,


Hi Carl,
Thanks for your response, but i couldn't find any training from Jay, but will keep looking!
Thanks much,

Also - if anyone is interested, I found this on the YouTube site somewhere :

Prohibited Actions : "...sell advertising, sponsorships, or promotions on any page or screen that contains YouTube API Data unless other data, content, or material not obtained from YouTube appears on the same page and offers enough independent value to justify such sales if the YouTube API Data were removed..."

So - maybe, possibly ok if there is plenty of original content around the video that would stand alone if the video wasn't there. For most bloggers, then, it should be ok...


I had the wrong name but he talks about Youtube in this video.

Here's how you can find the training you're looking for Andy... see screen print below...

Hope this helps you.

Thank you, Trish,

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asked in
Website Development & Programming


I've noticed that Firefox Tracking Protection is hiding my Amazon affiliates Image link (one in the middle on the SiteStripe - so no pictures on Firefox. If I tur

Hey Andy,

Firefox is my preferred browser, and I have AdBlocker installed. When I want to check out my website for what my Amazon images/iframes look like, I use Opera ... or you can choose to "Enable this site" in AdBlocker so that you can see your affiliate images and/or iframes.

Tracking should not be an issue with images not displaying.

Hope this helps you.

Hello Triblu!
Thanks for your reply - it does seem to be 'Tracking Protection' that does for my Amazon pics, my AdBlocker leaves them alone.

It does mean that there will be people on the planet that won't see my Amazon pics, but I guess I'll have to live with that - concentrate on the millions and millions who have IE/Chrome!


If you are using AdBlocker (as I am) you can believe me when I say that it IS AdBlocker as that IS what AdBlocker does... it blocks ads... honest!

Most mobile users don't even know what AdBlocker is. Only those of use who learn techie stuff will learn about AdBlocker and even then only SOME of us will actually use it.

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Firefox tracking protection hides amazon image links - fix?

Firefox tracking protection hides amazon image links - fix?

asked in
Website Development & Programming


I've noticed that Firefox Tracking Protection is hiding my Amazon affiliates Image link (one in the middle on the SiteStripe - so no pictures on Firefox. If I tur

Hey Andy,

Firefox is my preferred browser, and I have AdBlocker installed. When I want to check out my website for what my Amazon images/iframes look like, I use Opera ... or you can choose to "Enable this site" in AdBlocker so that you can see your affiliate images and/or iframes.

Tracking should not be an issue with images not displaying.

Hope this helps you.

Hello Triblu!
Thanks for your reply - it does seem to be 'Tracking Protection' that does for my Amazon pics, my AdBlocker leaves them alone.

It does mean that there will be people on the planet that won't see my Amazon pics, but I guess I'll have to live with that - concentrate on the millions and millions who have IE/Chrome!


If you are using AdBlocker (as I am) you can believe me when I say that it IS AdBlocker as that IS what AdBlocker does... it blocks ads... honest!

Most mobile users don't even know what AdBlocker is. Only those of use who learn techie stuff will learn about AdBlocker and even then only SOME of us will actually use it.

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