Are your google plus postings on page 1?
I've been excited to see some of my posts appear on page 1 of a google search and i'm sure others have also.
I ran this past someone with a lot more experience than me. His explanation was somewhat deflating for me but I understand what's happening.This is his explanation;
"Google is somewhat more complicated than that. I suspect if someone else makes the same search you will not see it there. This is because if you are using Google's Chrome browser and make a search, Google use multiple criteria to deliver the explanation follows;
The idea behind this is for them to give him the best results for him. That is based on things such as his search history, his surfing history, his location and other factors that Google keep working on to stay one step ahead of the 'cheats'. Result is that a search for the same term for 2 users is never the same these days "
Therefore if you see your posting on page 1 it doesn't mean anyone else using the same keyword search will see it. If you use the "incognito" window or use jaxy to check the ranking you will get an accurate picture of where your posting ranks.
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I have found if you go to google that for me you will get a accurate account of your rating all the best
I think if your page was genuinely ranked it would show up in any search.When I get others to search my keyword posts on google they dont rank as they do for me.Thanks for the comment.
Just to add on to this you normally see google plus postings when you are logged into your google account. Google is trying to be helpful by recommending either your google plus posts or even those people in your circles how have posted something that match what you are saying. The best way to overcome this to make sure you are logged out of google plus when you do you searches or to open an incognito window which is supposed to discourage google from using your normal browsing history when showing you search results =) Sometimes honestly I am not sure how accurately it does that but def at the very least log out of your google accounts before searching in google.
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I found this to be true, unfortunately. :(