"Twistin' the Night Away!"
Hello all you wonderful WA people!
Lately, I feel like I'm losing in the Game of Twister!
One foot is in WA one in RecoveryA, and hands are all over,and add all the other players!! Then the telephone rings and I'm out of the Game!! Whew! Thank you for the distraction!
Time to Check on Time Management
Assess where I stand, NOW!
.I use a Brain Dump, first, to see what's on my mind. From here, I can begin to prioritize my "musts" and "want to do's". In my notebook I take a fresh piece of paper, date it, draw a circle with "ME" in the middle. For 2 minutes or whatever feels right, like spokes of a wheel... Better, yet, see my last one for last December.
Now, that I know what's on my mind. One see where part of the solution evolved from this process, and now I can begin to prioritize. Possible questions to ask oneself.-
- What on this list
- a time constraint?
- is repetitive?
- Involves other people?
- costs money?
- takes time? (Preparation to end result)
- is apt to come at anytime? (On call work, family emergencies, ...)
I prefer pen and paper first, and always written in cursive for continuous flow of ideas.
Grab your calendar and fill in all known commitments.
Consider -
- Household/Car duties,
- meetings/appointments
- financial
- health related areas (gym/exercise)
- Don't forget entertainment!
Truth or Dare Time
How am I actually using my time?
What does my typical day look like? Honest Evaluation.
How am I using my
- Morning
- Afternoon
- Evening
- Night
- Sleeptime
In order to be really honest, do this for your eyes only.
"Where Do I Want to Go?"
Time for another brain dump! 5 minutes+
Think of 30 or more projects or dreams you would like to pursue. Call it a Bucket List!
Health, Financial, Career/Retirement, Family, Community, Hobbies, Education, Travel, etc.
Rate the regret for each, if not accomplished.
Use this scale-
1. Not much
2. Some
3. Plenty
Determine total score. Count all 1's, 2's, and 3's.
How many of your answers are "Not Your Problem"?
You have no power to control?
You can actually begin to achieve?
What can you deduce from this little inventory?
My own survey, showed a need for much better use of my 24 hrs!
Time to Set SMART Goals
- Specific-Target one area for improvement
- Measurable-How will one know if successful?
- Achievevable-Why the Vision? Who will be involved?
- Revelant-What are the projected results one could expect with needed resources.
- Time-Bound-Expected Due date! (Specific or general time frame)
I'm starting with my top 5 areas of "Plenty" from my list.
Big Vision Comes First!
What would I like to see as Growth
- in one year?
- 6 months?
- 3 months?
- 1 month?
- 1 week?
- Today?
All we have is today
good place to start is to have
- S Select 5 activities per day, that must be accomplished. Be realistic!
- M Schedule when these might be worked on and finished.
- A- What steps can I take today to make this happen?
- R- What reward or victory can be achieved? Why?
- T When do I want to get there? Why this time?
Want to Move Mountains?"Better bring a Shovel!"
Add Some Action
Goals are great by they are only dreams if we don't do the work.
In Physics, Work is simply movement.
Daily action promotes momentum.
Who might need to be contacted
What are possible hindrances>
Checking off daily progress is its own reward, and we do need some rewards. There's nothing wrong with giving yourself an "Atta Boy!"
Take One Step at a Time, One Day at a Time...
Enjoy the Journey!
How many of these "Projects" are in the works, today?
I can check off 3 boxes of the 5 today, once I post this little blurb.
Added bonuses-
Practiced some Canva
Wrote this post, and gained some much-needed clarity of my objectives.
My out of print book finally came!This book first sold for $1.97. I paid $40! What a mark up!!
This weekend wraps up another celebration, so Corn Casserole is on the docket.
Weather is dropping to freezing, so here we are with an unexpected.
Cruise is still projected for Februry 14th. Co-Vid testing will determine.
Flexible planning is always advised.
It's now time to relax and bit, in in closing, back in time to a memory from 1964!
"Twist & Shout" Beatles/Live on Ed sullivan Show
Twist & Shout A must see to believe! LMAO!
On this note,
Shake it Y'all!! "Twist and shout" out your WA victories!
Best success to all,
Recent Comments
What a lovely reflective post!
For a minute there I thought you were in my mind
That's my order of the day every week for a big reflection.
And every day for a minor reflection
Reflections are great because it helps you to clear your mind and put you in the right direction
Awesome blog, Barb :)
Great minds think alike, Simone! LOL
These exercises allow me to look at the big picture! Colors of the puzzles, become a beautiful picture, eventually. :)
Looking back, is a wonderful measurement tool.
I like your new picture, Lovely!
That's the way I feel.after all my reflections :)
Thank you for liking my photo
Taken today
Part of the new me :)
I'm hoping!
Last gal screwed up cut and color, so I've been doing my own for some 5 years or more.
Scissors shy!!
This new gal is suggested by my BFF, so IF it's screwed up, she'll have to live with ME and the consequences! LOL
I had that experience when I was 16. Never had it again
Have been with my hairdresser for more than 18 years now
It is all about the trust factor for me
I know, Simone!
I had a Vietnamese gal, back when I was teaching which isn't that close now.
The last fiasco was a referral and a friend! I went back to my gal, and had her fix it.
Been shy, ever since!
My first real haircut was around 14 when I went from braids to a Sasson!
OMG! Not again, for 20 some years did I dare to try that agin! LOL
I do have a To-Do list of 5-6 items which I prepare the night before. Your plan looks more detailed than mine and I hope to borrow some ideas from it.
Great daily plan. Thanks, Barb
Happy it helped, Dadaz!
When I'm more focused, I do have a to-do list the night before. This keeps me from going to sleep with a cluttered mind.
I think I'll be more disciplined about my night before prep, Dadaz! Thanks for the reminder.
Wow, Sis! That first piece of paper looks like my mind! 🤣🙄
I simply have it engrained in my mind what I must do daily, but I have a lot of flexibility too!
Time if leeting and there is always too much to do, but that's what I thrive on!
Don't worry! You'll get where you wish to be eventually!
You already have a routine, with goals, Bro!
That map was a 2 minute exercise!
When I can see what I'm thinking about, I can make a plan, and get it on paper and OFF my mind.
My Twisted Mind needed some straightening, which occurs at times.
Refocusing helps get me back on track.
Watched another training tonight on YouTube KeyWord research. Any Keyword training is beneficial.
All 5 major to-do's for today we're done!
Tomorrow, 5 more! :-)
I think we might all have that problem with twisted minds on accasion, Sis! There is only so much we can keep track of at one time!
I like your 5 Critical tasks list!
Great idea!
Sleep tight!😴
I'll ber, Sis! If I were to list my regrets, they'd fill a novel, instead, I just decide to drive on and try to rectify things going forward! Everything happens for a reason!
After reviewing that Brain Dump from December, I found many ideas were off the plate or finished, so this is a way to chart progress.
I bet you're done some of this for prepping for your garden, Archie.
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What a GREAT post. I want to spend motr time with it, then apply better in my own life.
Your illustrations were good - beautiful, even.
Your book at the end, superb; and the quality is reflected in the dated pricing, and what YOU paid in this day.
Thank you for writing this post, Barb.
It's a great book, that I made the Mistake of "loaning out". Lessons learned!
I should create a site to sell many of my books, many of which are " out of print". This is one I've searched for, for the last year. When it finally appeared, only one copy, I had to get it.
Thanks for commenting, Shirley.
Sharing ideas is a benefit of of WA!