Best Black Friday Sale - Why WA Can Bring You Wealth
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my American friends. For you and everyone else reading this, let us be Thankful for Kyle and Carson and Jay and everyone else at Wealthy Affiliate! I know I am! The picture above is what I got after searching, OG. Yes! I am a Wealthy Affiliate Old Guard. LOL
If you are serious about starting an online affiliate marketing business in any niche you want, and earn Passive Income every month, YES, IT's WORTH IT! Okay, no more shouting. I have not been active within the community for years. I pop in and out because I have more wealth now.
If you are reading this and you are not yet a Wealthy Affiliate member, Do It! Join for Free! Ask Questions. However many of you reading this are already members. Do not hesitate! Upgrade to this Black Friday to Cyber Monday Sale Event! It will save you money! Look at what I pay.
I have been a Basic Premium member since Sept 2013, I took the WA Black Friday Sale two months later for $299.00, which remains at that price as long as I stay a member. For the 11 years I have been here, I've spent a total of $3,396. I currently earn almost double per month.
When you become a yearly Premium to Premium Plus+ member, you will be grandfathered into that same low price each year you renew as a member. Obviously my yearly OG price is a lot lower than now, but what you get now is far more than what I got back then. It's still worth it!
If you haven't read it yet, KYLE'S BLACK FRIDAY 2024 Review Update gives you the information you need to build a successful online affiliate marketing business. Using the AI technology tools at WA along with the best online training in the business, success will happen!
Recent Comments
I agree Alisa. I have wasted more money than $299, on things that never gave back anything of value, yet WA was the only one so far. Good to see you again.
Same here Robert. I have been on the $299 deal since 2014.
Good to see you in the halls of WA!
Thanks Howard. I come and go. I'm never leaving Wealthy Affiliate! I hope all is well with you and the family.
Is always good to hear from you Robert, and yes we owe the Team a thank you for all they have put together for us over the years.
Thank You David. I pop in and out. I am sure I am not the only WA OG that still has an active membership here without a lot of community interactions. Kyle & Carson did a fantastic job creating this platform and it's great knowing that I have access to WA whenever I need it. I have no intentions of ever leaving WA.
My sentiments I feel the same. active/non- active or even Lazy. Lol Will not leave this awesome community cause down the road you do not know what they would do for us .
Look where they took us. Remember 2013? That is when I looked at WA. Now WA is looking at me. Take care my friend.
Take care
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Happy (belated) Thanksgiving Robert!
And YES!! The Black Friday deal is definitely worth it!
I've been Grandfathered in since I joined in 2020!
Take care buddy! :-)
Enjoy your week!
You too my friend! :-)