About Bob37013
Rank 7661
180 followers Joined September 2019
Retired. 2 years. In sales for 40 years with various food companies. Looking to update my skills to supplement my income via affiliate marketing and





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Amazon closed my account due to lack of sales.

Most of my affliate products come through Share A Sale and private companies that have approved me for their affliliate pr

Time to go shopping, Bob. I mean shopping for affiliate programs that fit your niche and writing best.

Hi Stanley, Good advise and I've been shifting my affiliate product selection over to private companies and Share a Sale. I've found when you select private companies that run their own affiliate program that they usually pay better commissions. Thanks for the comment.

That is great. I am also adding more merchants from ShareASale.

Nowadays a lot of Affiliate marketers are closing their accounts because of the huge slash in commission %! If it is still true. Nowadays things are being changed unpredictably.

Change is a constant. Unfortunately, I still need some of Amazon's products as I haven't found them anywhere else. Thanks for your insights.

Hi Bob
I don't think closing an affiliate account by Amazon should be seen as penalizing. As you know it is a consequence of not fulfilling Amazon's requirements to generate three acceptable sales within 180 days. It is what it is. I'm still struggling with fulfilling that condition.
I would consider Diane's suggestion to reapply immediately. Unless you have other reasons not to do so.
Good luck.

Thanks for the comment. I am planning on reapplying to Amazon it was just a matter of when. Seeing both of your comments, I'll go ahead and reapply now.
Take care,

Hi - you can re-apply immediately and will be accepted, but you will be given a new ID and will have to swap your links over, as the previous links will no longer work.

Thanks, Diane.

I was thinking of reapplying.

The niche I was writing about probably will not have many visitors until later. Do you know if I checked off the no-follow this page or post and the no index this page/post if this would stop Google from penalizing my site?

Hi - why do you think that Google is penalizing your site? Not sure how this fits in with your Amazon question.

I was thinking they penalized sites when many of the links to products no longer worked, therefore, causing a bad user experience. I thought I read that here on the WA.

Oh, I understand now. Actually, your Amazon links should still lead to Amazon, but you wont get commission if somebody buys through them.

Okay. So it shouldn't affect my site with the exception of the commissions I will not receive. Thanks for educating me on that point.

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Amazon closed my associate account: now what?

Amazon closed my associate account: now what?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Amazon closed my account due to lack of sales.

Most of my affliate products come through Share A Sale and private companies that have approved me for their affliliate pr

Time to go shopping, Bob. I mean shopping for affiliate programs that fit your niche and writing best.

Hi Stanley, Good advise and I've been shifting my affiliate product selection over to private companies and Share a Sale. I've found when you select private companies that run their own affiliate program that they usually pay better commissions. Thanks for the comment.

That is great. I am also adding more merchants from ShareASale.

Nowadays a lot of Affiliate marketers are closing their accounts because of the huge slash in commission %! If it is still true. Nowadays things are being changed unpredictably.

Change is a constant. Unfortunately, I still need some of Amazon's products as I haven't found them anywhere else. Thanks for your insights.

Hi Bob
I don't think closing an affiliate account by Amazon should be seen as penalizing. As you know it is a consequence of not fulfilling Amazon's requirements to generate three acceptable sales within 180 days. It is what it is. I'm still struggling with fulfilling that condition.
I would consider Diane's suggestion to reapply immediately. Unless you have other reasons not to do so.
Good luck.

Thanks for the comment. I am planning on reapplying to Amazon it was just a matter of when. Seeing both of your comments, I'll go ahead and reapply now.
Take care,

Hi - you can re-apply immediately and will be accepted, but you will be given a new ID and will have to swap your links over, as the previous links will no longer work.

Thanks, Diane.

I was thinking of reapplying.

The niche I was writing about probably will not have many visitors until later. Do you know if I checked off the no-follow this page or post and the no index this page/post if this would stop Google from penalizing my site?

Hi - why do you think that Google is penalizing your site? Not sure how this fits in with your Amazon question.

I was thinking they penalized sites when many of the links to products no longer worked, therefore, causing a bad user experience. I thought I read that here on the WA.

Oh, I understand now. Actually, your Amazon links should still lead to Amazon, but you wont get commission if somebody buys through them.

Okay. So it shouldn't affect my site with the exception of the commissions I will not receive. Thanks for educating me on that point.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

If I share a post, with other website bloggers that is now on my site, will this affect my rankings in Google for the website and the post?

If it brought in a lot of tra

Bob, This is the second time i am hearing about sharing a post with others. I don't know if it will affect your ranking on Google. If you look for traffic it's okay. Fitzgerald

Hi Fitzgerald,

I'm looking for traffic that will not affect my website rank on Google or the ranking on my post.

Thanks for your reply.


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Sharing a post on your website with other bloggers?

Sharing a post on your website with other bloggers?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

If I share a post, with other website bloggers that is now on my site, will this affect my rankings in Google for the website and the post?

If it brought in a lot of tra

Bob, This is the second time i am hearing about sharing a post with others. I don't know if it will affect your ranking on Google. If you look for traffic it's okay. Fitzgerald

Hi Fitzgerald,

I'm looking for traffic that will not affect my website rank on Google or the ranking on my post.

Thanks for your reply.


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asked in
Getting Started

I would like to purchase WA black Friday promotion for $299.

I'm paying for WA monthly on Paypal. They in turn take it out of my checking account.

Is it possible

You can change your payment source anytime you like.
Just click on your profile Image top left..

Go to General Settings

Then scroll down a little.....
There you can see subscriptions.

Billing Details>>Membership>>Payment Source.

Click Payment source and update your billing there.

Wealthy Affiliate can be paid with Credit Card, Debit Card. PayPal and W.A. Credits.

Hope that helps.
Debs :)

Thank you, Debs, for the detailed info and the screenshot.


All you have to do is click on you profile, then account settings and make your PayPal payment for $299.00 tomorrow bright and ; you have until Dec 2. Great choice.

Great, thanks for the reply.

Hopefully WA will allow me to change the payment on Paypal from my bank account to Paypal credit.

Please READ Kyle's post BEFORE doing anything. If I remember correctly, I had to sign up for yearly using the Black Friday link that WA provides (not my affiliate link).

If I'm right, then simply changing you term of payment WON'T do the trick.

Thank you.

Hey Bob,

Guess they want us to share Kyle's post with you: which provides you with FULL details on this topic.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you, Triblu

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Wealthy affiliate black friday promotion?

Wealthy affiliate black friday promotion?

asked in
Getting Started

I would like to purchase WA black Friday promotion for $299.

I'm paying for WA monthly on Paypal. They in turn take it out of my checking account.

Is it possible

You can change your payment source anytime you like.
Just click on your profile Image top left..

Go to General Settings

Then scroll down a little.....
There you can see subscriptions.

Billing Details>>Membership>>Payment Source.

Click Payment source and update your billing there.

Wealthy Affiliate can be paid with Credit Card, Debit Card. PayPal and W.A. Credits.

Hope that helps.
Debs :)

Thank you, Debs, for the detailed info and the screenshot.


All you have to do is click on you profile, then account settings and make your PayPal payment for $299.00 tomorrow bright and ; you have until Dec 2. Great choice.

Great, thanks for the reply.

Hopefully WA will allow me to change the payment on Paypal from my bank account to Paypal credit.

Please READ Kyle's post BEFORE doing anything. If I remember correctly, I had to sign up for yearly using the Black Friday link that WA provides (not my affiliate link).

If I'm right, then simply changing you term of payment WON'T do the trick.

Thank you.

Hey Bob,

Guess they want us to share Kyle's post with you: which provides you with FULL details on this topic.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you, Triblu

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