About BKackyrmol
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My name is Bryson, and I am here to learn how I can make some extra income. I have just learned about affiliate marketing, or





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Social Engagement & Marketing

I want to find a way to use a group chat app that enables thousands at a time in a server to communicate with each other on various topics and ideas and it's all completely fre

Several businesses use Discord. With a little research and some coding, you can turn Discord into a communication hub. The problem is getting people to download and install it.

A study group would be a fantastic way to use Discord. I used it while studying the Japanese language.

I agree, and I definitely agree with what you're saying about getting people to install it, but then again, that wouldn't be our job ya know? It's just another resource that people can use and if they choose not to, then it's their loss. It's sort of like the tools here, you use them or don't, but if ya don't you'll likely have a rougher time getting started haha.

I was looking at it from your angle. Do you want to put in a bunch of work getting Discord setup (programmed) and developing information for only a handful of people because others don't want to install the program/app?

I would focus on things that only impact with maximum effect because your time is precious.

That's what I love about discord though is that there's no programming involved. I've used it for years now and it is so easy to set up channels and invite users. But I don't know, I see what you're saying as well. Sorry for late response, have a surgery coming up soon that will put me down for a couple months and then I'll be going full force with this during that time.

Sorry to hear about you upcoming surgery but I'm sure you'll pull through.

Discord does more things you you might be aware of.


I like that a lot, I'll have to sit down and make a bot and see if I can get it to do some cool stuff then maybe post something about it for people to come and use for networking and hanging out for WA people.

I think that's a great idea. Abie has provided you with info on the Live chat plugin on WP.
Maybe this blog post can be of help as well if you think about creating a forum on your website in the future:

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Have you ever thought about using discord to enable the community to speak with and bounce ideas off

Have you ever thought about using discord to enable the community to speak with and bounce ideas off

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I want to find a way to use a group chat app that enables thousands at a time in a server to communicate with each other on various topics and ideas and it's all completely fre

Several businesses use Discord. With a little research and some coding, you can turn Discord into a communication hub. The problem is getting people to download and install it.

A study group would be a fantastic way to use Discord. I used it while studying the Japanese language.

I agree, and I definitely agree with what you're saying about getting people to install it, but then again, that wouldn't be our job ya know? It's just another resource that people can use and if they choose not to, then it's their loss. It's sort of like the tools here, you use them or don't, but if ya don't you'll likely have a rougher time getting started haha.

I was looking at it from your angle. Do you want to put in a bunch of work getting Discord setup (programmed) and developing information for only a handful of people because others don't want to install the program/app?

I would focus on things that only impact with maximum effect because your time is precious.

That's what I love about discord though is that there's no programming involved. I've used it for years now and it is so easy to set up channels and invite users. But I don't know, I see what you're saying as well. Sorry for late response, have a surgery coming up soon that will put me down for a couple months and then I'll be going full force with this during that time.

Sorry to hear about you upcoming surgery but I'm sure you'll pull through.

Discord does more things you you might be aware of.


I like that a lot, I'll have to sit down and make a bot and see if I can get it to do some cool stuff then maybe post something about it for people to come and use for networking and hanging out for WA people.

I think that's a great idea. Abie has provided you with info on the Live chat plugin on WP.
Maybe this blog post can be of help as well if you think about creating a forum on your website in the future:

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