Johns Online Store: A little bit of everything


John’s Online Store: A little bit of everything


Carlie Hess

If you pick up a hot lunch everyday or you swing by the Bistro every once in awhile, you will recognize Mr. John Eckl, an assistant cafeteria worker. But did you know he has an online store? Yes, that's right, Eckl has an online store and it’s even called “John’s Online Store.”

Eckl said you can find a variety of items in his store. In this store you can find anything ranging from dog toys, sport’s wear, clothing, and even outdoor shelter. You truly can find “a little bit of everything.”

Eckl uses dropshippers to ship the products, but explained that his website works like any other online shopping site. This includes the same processes of shopping and even paying. You could even compare the way his shopping site works to Amazon.

Eckl’s store officially started around three months ago selling books and downloadable items, but now has expanded. Now you can view Eckl new and improved store at

Eckl explained that he has a plethora of items for sale.

“I sell multiple items, I have got jewelry on there, I got a whole bunch of Halloween stuff, Halloween decorations, and Halloween costumes. With the new holiday coming up I got Christmas items on there,” Eckl said. “I also have items that will be of interest for teachers at school including different pens, pencils and stuff like that. Also, at the bottom of it, if there’s any item you don’t see, make a note of it by email address that should be on there, you can email me and I can check to see if I have the item and get back to you.”

If you're still wondering what Eckl’s store is, here’s how he explained it.

“My store is basically under the broad title of affiliate marketer. In other words, I work under other companies that are my suppliers, then you order it and I take care of anything that needs to be done and get it shipped out,” Eckl said.

So if you're looking for a place to shop or interested to see what this site is all about, make sure to go check out “John’s Online Store,” where you can enjoy the option to buy “a little bit of everything.”

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Thanks for sharing

Nice work, thanks,

I will have to check it out!

Thanks for sharing!

Very interesting.

Dare I say it.
"Many thanks for the share".
Cheers, Tosh :) Lol

Gee whiz John Can I order pizza? LOL. I think that's a great enterprise!

This is wonderful, my friend!

Thanks for this visit, and your share!


Sounds like affiliate marketing.

John, I just tried to buy something to see how it worked. I got a message --- your information is not private, hackers may be trying to steal information. Please check your security measures.

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