About Battersea
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796 followers Joined November 2015
I am retired after a career in Business Development for a large US company. I have been retired for three years now and I am





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have been approved by an affiliate website but they require that I insert a particular meta tag into my site's homepage for validation purposes. Does anyone know how to do th

Thank you so much everyone, but I still cannot get verified. I have attached a screen shot of the inserted code to see if anyone has any ideas.

If that's the correct code and you saved the file and activated the child theme then my only suggestion is to place it lower down so it's the last line above </head>

Edit: I just checked at http://whatwpthemeisthat.com/ and your child theme is not active.

Thanks for all your help Marion.

I'm having the same problem with the same affiliate

If you want to mess with the code then create a child theme

Ah!!!! Marion to the rescue! Gary, follow that link!!! :-)

Thanks Marion. That tutorial is very helpful.

Yes PJ. It is very detailed. Great!

maybe this will help

Thanks Robin.

All-In-One SEO > General .... scroll down a wee bit.

Thanks for your help but I have put the meta tag (<meta name='webgains-site-verification' content='bjhgepgo' />) in each of the Home Page Settings opportunities and none work. Where exactly do you suggest that I put the meta tag?

Ah, that's for a verification..... You'll have to manually insert that.....

Appearance > Editor

Look to the right. These are your theme files, be very careful.
I highly recommend opening TWO browser windows and connect both to the same file, just in case you mess up. Believe me, I've done it.

Okay, in the Appearance > Editor.... on the right, each file will have TWO names. Looking at the second name (usually in parenthesis) look for your header.php file.

This is what WordPress uses first. the top part of every page and post. Of course, this is the beginning part of your home page.

You'll likely see a couple of MetaTag lines in there.
Just insert your command above at the end.

Again, do a select-all copy and save it somewhere in your computer first. And, because you have two browser windows open (in edit mode for that header.php file) You can insert the change and test your site, BEFORE exiting the other browser session.

I hope that all makes sense!

Thanks. I found the header.php file. There are no other meta tags by the way. So I inserted the command at the end of the file but it still does not get validated.

There should be a <head> tag and a </head> tag. Between those 2 tags You have to insert it. PJ is totally right, so just go to the Appearance >> Editor, open the header.php File and add Your code right after the last <meta ????> tag.

I attached a screenshot how it looks on my page.

Cheers, Kay

Thanks Kay. It's beginning to make sense.

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How do I insert a meta tag into my site's homepage?

How do I insert a meta tag into my site's homepage?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have been approved by an affiliate website but they require that I insert a particular meta tag into my site's homepage for validation purposes. Does anyone know how to do th

Thank you so much everyone, but I still cannot get verified. I have attached a screen shot of the inserted code to see if anyone has any ideas.

If that's the correct code and you saved the file and activated the child theme then my only suggestion is to place it lower down so it's the last line above </head>

Edit: I just checked at http://whatwpthemeisthat.com/ and your child theme is not active.

Thanks for all your help Marion.

I'm having the same problem with the same affiliate

If you want to mess with the code then create a child theme

Ah!!!! Marion to the rescue! Gary, follow that link!!! :-)

Thanks Marion. That tutorial is very helpful.

Yes PJ. It is very detailed. Great!

maybe this will help

Thanks Robin.

All-In-One SEO > General .... scroll down a wee bit.

Thanks for your help but I have put the meta tag (<meta name='webgains-site-verification' content='bjhgepgo' />) in each of the Home Page Settings opportunities and none work. Where exactly do you suggest that I put the meta tag?

Ah, that's for a verification..... You'll have to manually insert that.....

Appearance > Editor

Look to the right. These are your theme files, be very careful.
I highly recommend opening TWO browser windows and connect both to the same file, just in case you mess up. Believe me, I've done it.

Okay, in the Appearance > Editor.... on the right, each file will have TWO names. Looking at the second name (usually in parenthesis) look for your header.php file.

This is what WordPress uses first. the top part of every page and post. Of course, this is the beginning part of your home page.

You'll likely see a couple of MetaTag lines in there.
Just insert your command above at the end.

Again, do a select-all copy and save it somewhere in your computer first. And, because you have two browser windows open (in edit mode for that header.php file) You can insert the change and test your site, BEFORE exiting the other browser session.

I hope that all makes sense!

Thanks. I found the header.php file. There are no other meta tags by the way. So I inserted the command at the end of the file but it still does not get validated.

There should be a <head> tag and a </head> tag. Between those 2 tags You have to insert it. PJ is totally right, so just go to the Appearance >> Editor, open the header.php File and add Your code right after the last <meta ????> tag.

I attached a screenshot how it looks on my page.

Cheers, Kay

Thanks Kay. It's beginning to make sense.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

While I am still in the development process of my website and at the point of adding affiliate ads, I now need to know how many site visitors there are to my website. Can someo

Hi. You can see your site visitors and even if someone is on your site at that very moment, once you have installed Google Analytics. I'm not sure you have reached that in the training as of yet. If you missed it, here is a tutorial that will help:

Thanks Michelle. I really appreciate the help and the link to the video. When I get there in the training I'll recommend bringing it forward, since the affiliate companies are asking for the information.

You're welcome. Have a great weekend!

Thanks again and also for being so responsive.

I would not add an affiliate until you have your site built in most part as I know with amazon affiliate they give you 3 months to make a sale before they officially review your site and officially accept you.

OK. Thanks Dinh. That is good to know.

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How can I find out how many site visitors I am getting?

How can I find out how many site visitors I am getting?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

While I am still in the development process of my website and at the point of adding affiliate ads, I now need to know how many site visitors there are to my website. Can someo

Hi. You can see your site visitors and even if someone is on your site at that very moment, once you have installed Google Analytics. I'm not sure you have reached that in the training as of yet. If you missed it, here is a tutorial that will help:

Thanks Michelle. I really appreciate the help and the link to the video. When I get there in the training I'll recommend bringing it forward, since the affiliate companies are asking for the information.

You're welcome. Have a great weekend!

Thanks again and also for being so responsive.

I would not add an affiliate until you have your site built in most part as I know with amazon affiliate they give you 3 months to make a sale before they officially review your site and officially accept you.

OK. Thanks Dinh. That is good to know.

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