My First and Most Famous Quote
This quote is from my past life in Community Service as the President of the Horsemen's Association. I think it fits quite well here, too, don't you think?
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I think you're referring to the WHY question. That's the most important question of all, more important than HOW. Take care of the WHY and the HOW will naturally follow. Besides, the HOW is all within WA.
I understand your comment, but if the first answer is NO, then the WHY is moot.
The first question is always "do you want"
I see. Yes, there is a possibility that it's not what one wants or wants to do. Then again, it's possible to increase the want to do by figuring out the real want behind it. Why would you or I want to be a successful online website entrepreneur? It may be noble such as to change the world or it could be something seemingly petty such as to be a "bigshot" to prove that person who made fun of me wrong and to surpass everyone. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to why, as long as it stirs one up. But either way, one has to make a firm decision, aka commitment.
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It applies to WA also.