Why You Should Be Careful When Choosing Your Website Name


One and a half month ago:

I have finally chosen my niche; it will feature activities, games and toys that have educational and entertainment value to children up to age 5. FINALLY, I have something. I started back with the classes and am really excited. I find a theme, I’ve come up with a name and I’m feeling good. I start creating pages, then took the class that covered pages and posts (kinda had the doing the site and doing the class backwards) and realized I wanted posts instead. I have some glitches (error messages regarding cache and font face) and am still struggling to find an answer.

a month ago

And then …. something happened that so traumatized me that I was numb and paralyzed - as in what now?

I was meeting my husband for dinner and thought, while waiting for him, to check out my website on the internet. I didn’t really think it would be live; I had no content, just a shell, but I figured, why not?

Oh, the name of the website? Something very clear, concise and easy to remember. How many of you recall a tv show back in 1993 called The Nanny? Well, yes, I did watch the show (Cinderella nanny meets her prince in a millionaire). So I thought about a kinda play on the name - and my title became THE GRANNY!


Hey, you in the back row. Stop the snickering!

For those of you who DO not carouse the porn site listings, variations on The Granny are apparently very popular for porn sites featuring grandmas.

Oh why, the H*** not. There are porn sites featuring children! (A special,very, very special dark and nasty place awaiting the people who create and view these sites that target our most vulnerable.) And I pray I’m not talking about the afterlife but Now or very Soon.

I never have gone purposely to these sites, but now my iPhone has been contaminated with the images from these horrible sites. Yes, I am making a judgement about this. Because when I think Granny, I think children.

So here I am with a site named THE GRANNY and it is in a grouping of sites that are porn. OMG!! My name is attached to what could be seen as a porn site.

I mentioned my shock to my husband who responded that he was not surprised of my finding.

(I had told him of the name I had chosen some time back, but John is afflicted with a hearing loss common to male partners of females, which he refers to high frequency hearing loss.) LOL

I thought it a fluke and mentioned this to my son, and he responded in the same way. So not a fluke. I had to act right away and did.

Now I’ve come up with another name. It’s all good. No way to pornalize this name: A grandchild to love. It’s mine all 3 - .com, .net, and .org.

Moral of my story - check the name out with others just in case you’re missing something that could be twisted.

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Actually, after, I resolved this, I did think it funny. My husband actually suggested I stick with the name and posts shots of Gio and me dressed up. Every week a different photo, but one where my grandson and I would be dressed in a classic style.
I'd love to be on the wall of someonr

Of someone looking for granny porn and seeing Gio and me Dressed!
Course John was kidding, but that would get their goat, huh?

For those of us who live in a more innocent world, how would we know....

I understand your shock about this discovery. I believe my site names do not lead to porn, but your advice to watch out for this is very sensible!

One of my niches is 'life choices for women over 50' and that is something which could also be misconstrued! :)

funny in wierd kind of way -- though you resolved it lol
good work

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