Benefits of the give and take comments system


The system of give and take comments is simply great. As you know, comments are really helpful to rank your content in Search Engines. And Wealthy Affiliate provides opportunity to earn real comments on your content. The rule is, in order to get a comment, you have to also give comment to others content.

And why I like that?

Firstly, when I visit a site, I can learn how they made their site easy for users to navigate. I can learn and get ideas how to improve my own business by seeing their layouts, content etc. By seeing how others are doing makes you improve yourself. Great!

Secondly, you gain so much knowledge on topics you wont even come across on your own. Everyday I learn so many new things just by visiting others sites to give comments. For example, today I got some valuable tips on dieting and exercise, got to know some hemp recipes, got a guide with which I can build by own gaming computer, learned how to stay focused on Pokemon Go game. This is a smart way of getting a nice boost of information. Sometimes you get knowledge on things you are not even interested at, and this is beneficial too. Its beneficial to know and be aware of things around you, even if you don't really like or use them.

Thirdly, when someone gives a comment, they come back and say things like, "Hey, it was a great article and I loved it", This really makes you motivated and cheerful.

Fourthly, many a times, I see people showing me some flaws in my posts after giving me a comment, and then I correct those. Sometimes, others notice things on your site which you don't notice yourself. This is really such a helpful way to correct your mistakes.

Fifthly, by putting a comment, you are leaving your footprints everywhere. Your website is associated with your comment, whenever an outsider clicks on your name, it takes them to your own website. So this is another way to increase reach and promote your own business.

There are more reasons why this system is so useful.

Continue using this opportunity and provide high-quality and honest comments on others sites so that you get a high quality comment in return. And please remember to return the favor, its really a bad and unethical behavior if you don't. Most people are good, but sometimes, I find someone who asked for comments, and when you give them a comment and provide your links, they don't return the favor. Its a give and take system guys.

Thanks for reading. Add more reasons why you like this system.

Have a productive day! :)

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Recent Comments


Nice Post Abdullah.

Thank you for sharing this,Abdullah. I think you make great points.

Great post, keep them coming.

Hi, Abdullah, Salaam.

Very well put together post. I am just reaching the 'Ask/Leave' comments section of the course and your words provided above are of wisdom.

They are much appreciated.

Thank you.


Welcome :)

I agree, it is really interesting to learn about things from a different perspective and viewpoint when you visit other's websites :)

I just finished commenting on a post with a garden theme and this post continues it. Seeding and propagating comments brings untold rewards in traffic and new content and Google rankings. A win-win!


You have summed up the advantages very well.


Good points!

Thanks for taking time to read.

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