WOW! Fantastic Four!
It's been four months since I came through the login page here at WA and boy! Has it been a leaning curve!I Went from free to Premium in the first two months. Earn't my subscription with what I learnt in that second month.
This month,
Changed my theme of my portfolio website (two Years old), Thanks to WA and Sir Rich.
Fixed so many links, cliches, plugins that didn't work. Thanks to WA.
I have set up a business website, thanks to WA Bootcamp.
Gained the confidence and learning, to send out a newsletter, thanks to WA.
Earn't another equivalent wage to my day job. Thanks to the many links, leaning and reading here on WA.
Met a whole lot of other IM 'ers doing their 'thing' and sharing. Thanks to WA members.
Took on many more local clients do to a radical shift in motivation and organisation.
Accepted another year of teaching Guilds and Diplomas from September. ( Never certain).
Accepted for a teaching holiday in India in December.
Fund raised twice the amount for the same time as last year.
So all in all a good month and a "Fantastic Four"
I have daily life stuff, a family I adore, work which I love but can be a logistical nightmare and the crap too! Like everyone else but I trying to turn these into learning curves and reduce the crap.
It takes daily input, organisation, daily consideration login into WA working on sites, articles and clients emails.
Goals! As some of you may know I have a small goal each day. I have done this since the start of the year. I am stepping this up to three everyday because that is what I have been doing. It has been so successful. This is turning out to be a totally different year and I intend to keep it that way.
So Thank you again for sharing your journeys and inspiring others WA members.
Recent Comments
Congratulations on your teaching contract and all the other advances in your life. It is good to see success happening. I am encouraged by your story.
Thanks its a slow process but by doing a little each day I am getting further this year than before.
OOo I know that one. I have had so many hurdles put in my way and just learning in amongst everything else too! You know this, write out the year, month ideas and split them down into daily goals it helps so that when people, life throw in the spanners you have done that goal and inside you are ok! Keep going.
Very good new. when people share their great news. I am first lil jealous. but really it makes it known that it is possible. Sorry for the jealous part I am really very happy for you. ;O)
I understand what you mean. I feel the same sometimes about art, if only I could ..... like that. I am doing my daily goals and stepping those up s that I can reach my dreams.
I hate that feeling why can't we be happy what God has done for US!!! and who he us..You are amazing keep up the great work
Kymee, I noticed you found my website. Where do you look that up. When you found mine, I hadn't posted it on my profile page yet. Thanks.
This is such great news. It is so good to hear about your successes. And it is inspiring too. Goal setting is my weakness, but since I keep hearing about it here, I know I need to do it. One goal per day works for me so thanks for that advice! You should be very proud of your accomplishments so far. And I know, it will keep getting better and better! :)
Thank you. I used to set goals but they were always the big ones and the date would come round and I would have done a little towards them but breaking them down day by day is soooo much easier and I am getting the results and closure to reaching the big dreams. Keep going :)
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So happy for you. You deserve all this good things coming to you :)