The SCAMPER Technique. Explained

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The SCAMPER technique is a creative thinking and problem-solving method.

Using this technique will help you to generate new ideas. In turn, this will encourage you to think about existing concepts differently.

SCAMPER is an acronym. This stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Another Use, Eliminate, and Reverse.

I have given below a more detailed look at each component. This will help you to apply the ideas given in your marketing efforts.

I have also included some examples of each along with some questions to ask.The Scamper Technique

1. Substitute

Substitution involves replacing one part of a product, process, or idea with another. This allows you to see if it improves the outcome.


With marketing campaigns, rather than using traditional advertising channels, and swap it around.

Here you can work in other areas such as social media channels.

There may be a need for trial and error on what social platform you intend to use.

This helps you to see which platform works best for you depending on your niche and target audience.

Questions to Ask:

· What can be substituted?

· Can we replace a component with something else?

· What if we used a different material, process, or approach?

· What social media platform would work best for my niche?

2. Combine

Combining involves merging two or more elements to create something new and innovative.


You might combine a loyalty program with a referral program.

This can encourage both repeat purchases and new customer acquisition.

Questions to Ask:

· What can we combine?

· Can we merge different ideas or products?

· How can we integrate multiple elements to create value?

3. Adapt

Adaptation is a very effective and efficient technique to enhance your existing system.

Here you are brainstorming ideas to create a better outcome for your product or service.

This may involve some tweaking or adjusting. It can range from making minor to major changes for a better outcome.

The adapt technique brainstorming session can include the following questions:


Here you may need to adapt your marketing strategy from one market to another.

This can be localizing a global campaign to fit cultural preferences.

Questions to Ask:

· What can be adapted?

· How can we adjust this idea to fit a new context?

· What changes are needed to make this work in a different environment?

4. Modify

Modification involves altering an aspect of a product, process, or idea to improve it.


If selling your own products, modify the packaging of the product to make it more eco-friendly.

Doing so can make it appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

Questions to Ask:

· What can be modified?

· How can we change the shape, size, or appearance?

· What can we add or enhance to improve this?

5. Put to Another Use

This involves finding new ways to use an existing product or idea.


Here you can use customer testimonials to build trust and credibility.

This can be done not only for your website but also email campaigns and social media posts.

Questions to Ask:

· What else can this be used for?

· How can we repurpose this idea or product?

· Are there other applications or markets for this?

6. Eliminate

This method has two parts.

Part 1:

First identify areas or the process that are unnecessary or redundant.

Part 2:

Remove those elements to simplify and improve the process of the product or service.


Streamline your marketing by eliminating less effective channels. Focus on the ones that deliver the best results.

This can also relate to any content you are creating.

Questions to Ask:

· What can be eliminated?

· What is unnecessary or redundant?

· How can we simplify this?

7. Reverse

Reversing involves looking at a product, process, or idea from a different angle.

This way you can see if it can swapped around that may lead to new insights.


Instead of focusing on how to attract new customers, you might reverse the approach.

Here you would think about how to retain existing customers more effectively.

Questions to Ask:

· What can be reversed?

· How can we look at this from a different angle?

· What if we did the opposite?

Applying the SCAMPER Technique in Marketing

To apply the SCAMPER technique in a marketing context, follow these steps:

1. Identify the Focus: Define the product, process, or idea you want to improve.

2. Ask SCAMPER Questions: Go through each component and ask the relevant questions.

3. Generate Ideas: Brainstorm by noting down all ideas. No matter how unconventional they may seem.

4. Evaluate and Implement: Assess the feasibility of the ideas generated. Then implement the most promising ones.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it the Scamper technique is a great and effective tool.

It can help generate new ideas while improving existing ones.

Using these 7 ideas can help you drive your marketing efforts to a higher level.

This can be for developing a new campaign or refining a product or service.

Even for your content creation think more creatively and strategically.

As Always

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Recent Comments


Some great info, Andre! Thanks for the share and enjoy your new week.


Thank you Susan and you are very welcome.

Enjoy your week ahead as well

Andre ;)

Great technique. New to me. It’s definitely is a re-read and apply. Appreciate your share Andre!

You are welcome Rick there are many great ways this is one of them.

But is need as you said a read-read to sink it all in and apply.

Wishing you a great week ahead.


Thanks again.

Most welcome Rick

Andre :)

Fantastic information Andre, you've explained it in a concise way while still drawing the reader in. You've got excellent writing skills.

Thank you Diana kind of you to say so. Certainly is a great technique simply but does need some deeper thoughts once applied.

Have a great day and week ahead.


Some excellent tips, Andre!


Thank you Jeff appreciated.

Enjoy your week ahead.
Oh nearly forgot Happy Birthday for the other day.


Thank you,


Welcome Jeff


Thanks, Andre! Jeff

Cheers Jeff enjoy the rest of your Sunday
Andre :)

I will definitely sleep well, Andre!


Great to hear Jeff

Thanks, Andre!


Welcome Jeff



I appreciate the tips, Andre!

Have a good rest of your weekend.

Myra ♥️

You are welcome Myra and thank you for your constant support as well.

Have a great day and week ahead too.

Andre :)

Thank you and your welcome, Andre!

Myra ♥️

Cheers Myra 🙂

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