How to Create Tracking Id Sharing Other WA Videos, Blogs and More
Many know yet many others may not realize that you can not only share your WA blog post elsewhere but you can also share any Videos, Blogs, and other forms of training from other members here in WA.
That is a great opportunity to share not only what you or other fellow members have to share at WA but also outside or WA to non-members (and hopefully become new members) who may be interested to learn more on various topics we have here.
A couple of questions you may have is
1) How can I share mine or others' content here outside of WA?
2) How do I know when my referral came from (which content) if they click the link I gave?
3) Also, you might ask, is what benefit do I get if I share someone else’s content at WA?
Well this is what I will answer along the way
This can relate to the first two questions above with an added method relating to WA content to share.
Tracking Links to the Rescue
This is where tracking links come to the forefront.
There are two areas dealing with creating tracking links
1) If you want to learn how to create tracking links on your own website relating to your posts you created then here is a short training from Kyle on how you can do that using the links and tracking.
This way you will know where your referral came from and this can help you understand which posts are working the best.
2) The other method of creating traffic link is based on sharing any WA Blogs, videos, live training. Not just yours but also from other fellow WA members.
This is where I will focus on.
Why would I want to share someone else’s blog or video?
This relates to question 3 at the top
Of course you don’t have to if you want to just tag on but here is a great benefit for you in doing so.
When you share other members Blog, video etc using the share button you would see at the top of each blog or video you can not only add that to your website provided it relates to your content.
But also share as it along and add a short intro or explanation on other social media platforms as you would normally do.
The benefit of this is when someone finds that WA blog, Video or whatever should someone outside of WA find something they are interested in they will click the link and should they want to learn more they can join WA as a result.
The result will benefit you as they now become your referral plus you get the commission as a result even though you didn’t create the WA post or video.
This is one of the many great benefits Wealthy Affiliate gives to you which is a powerful opportunity to earn added revenue as a result.
Important point to note:
Your part in affiliate marketing or whatever your niche may be is to help others just in the same way as when you create content on your website.
Just don’t overdo it or abuse it. Please don’t start thinking I am going to be rich sharing other people posts and videos and not have to do anything else on my website.
Plus should someone join under you as a result, you become their mentor and part of that role is to help them find their way and want to continue moving forward.
Abuse that part as well and you can easily lose them as they will most likely quit and you don’t get anything as a result.
Always make sure what you share is related to your niche with the aim to help other just like you would on your website.
Ok How do I create a tracking link on WA Blogs or videos?
The great part is that it is very simple to do and only takes a couple of minutes much less time than reading this post LOL
I will use one of Vitaliy’s short video as an example
Here is his video if you would like to learn more on the topic as well
So after reading watching his video which I suggest you do first to not only understand and learn from a great super affiliate but also understand and know if this is the type of video you want to promote either on social media or if you can use that within one of your content pieces on your website.
So let’s start
When you go to any WA blog, video and so on, at the bottom of the feature image you will see the share button as below.
Step 1:
Click the share button this will open up a new window to work on as below
As you can see this will automatically prefill and show your unique WA affiliate link. Your link will be shown instead as this is mine.
Now you can copy the link as is and share it but to know where your referral came from which is the reason for this post, is to create a tracking link so you know where your new referral came from.
This is shown in the next step
Step 2
Click within the add tracking ID and simply type in something you can relate to this video or post. as shown below in the image and explanation why.
For example, I will type in Vitality Pinterest Walkthrough Video as an example.
If you can make it shorter go for it.
This is just an example for this post as it gives me some added answers about the link.
This comes in handy as you grow further with other tracking ID links you will create along the way.
Who is the member I am sharing content from? (It is from Vitaliy,)
What is the topic about (it is a walkthrough relating to Pinterest)?
What type of content is it (it is a video he created)?
Also note as this is a tracking link there are no spaces or characters just one combined word.
Step 3
Copy the link and go to wherever you wish to share it be it on your content on your website or other social media platforms etc.
Final thoughts
Again a reminder when someone clicks that link you just made and they join WA, you become their referrer and receive the commissions as per the usual way commissions work in WA
Adding a traffic ID links gives you an understanding of when that referral came from but also how many people have clicked that links which is shown within your stats areas again expalned in Kyle video
Never think of those get quick- rich ways to make money so don't abuse the system you are given and also help your readers, regardless if it is on your website or whatever social media platform you use.
Very importantly, any new referral that come under you, be the helper and pay it forward by helping members understand more just like others have helped you when you first came in.
Adding traffic ID to your affiliate helps you understand what content you share is working best and where, plus who the content came from as per my example above.
So there, a simple, quick with easy steps to take.
Don’t forget to look at Kyle’s video I gave at the top for more information on how to create tracking links on your website which is similar and also how to look up the stats to know the results once someone has joined under the link you gave.
As Always
Recent Comments
A great reminder here Andre! And not something I have thought about utilizing much recently....
Always good to have a reminder once in a while with so many areas we have here we cant' remember it all in one hit.
Take care my friend and thank you once more.
Andre :)
I'm fine Andre! It's just that a family left their dog with us for a weekend... which my wife didn't even tell me about until the day!!!!
It's been about six weeks now and they still haven't come back to get him!!!
He needs to walk at least 5-6 times a day or he pisses all over the apartment and he's affecting my own pup....
I heard they were coming back to get him on Saturday, but... the news today is it's now Tuesday!!!
Unbelievable buddy!!
Glad to hear you are both fine kinda ofI totally with the pissing everywhere, My daughter was living in an apartment she got grandson she had to put mats down everywhere on the carpet and trust me when I went to here apartment as soon as the door was open it wasn't the best breath of fresh air I could breath dispite having windows open and incence burning.
Seems like they are abusing the gratefullnes you guys gave to them or they really don't want it back could be another aspect to think about.
Guess next time you won't be available to babysite if they try again as you can say will be going away yourself shortly after they leave.
IT certainl;y does affect the other pups as well.
Hopefully they will pick up asap
Thanks buddy! It's not been easy and.... the date of the 29th has been agreed by all party's to rectify the situation!
I'm not holding my breath though!!
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Thanks for the quick tutorial, Andre!
Tim 🎼
Thanks Tim hopefully it will help someone along the way.