Beware of Investment Scams especially on Instagram

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Many of us would already know of the many scams found online regardless if it is on social media or online on the web.

There are countless scams out there and some of these scammers are really getting good and changing things around to lure you in and rip you off where they can.

One such scam that has been circulating can be found on Instagram which has been around for a bit are using one of Australia's richest people in Gina Rinehart claiming that this investment scheme will help countless Australias become richer.

They have using other popular Australia including former Prime Minsters of Australia and others in the past claiming this is recommended by them which again are fake claims.

I am sure they have other versions around the world using various Celebrities for that country.

This particular scam that uses Gina states with as little as $350 you can make your investment grow to $35000 in the month and each month following.

That itself should raise an eyebrow or two but unfortunately many still fall for it and lose money in the process.

It definitely has been proven to be a scam and you can find more online when you type Gina Rinehart online and scams.

A new one just came through which my wife let me know has now changed their style.

They created a new video to state that such clips are fake and now Gina has taken things into her own hand and decided to create a proper investment method to help fellow Australias be able to make money online with this proper investment she has introduced.

Again just another scam that has cleverly been twisted to make people believe that yes, these people state the original scam is fake but now you have a proper investment method that is true because Gina has recommended it herself for real.

Nope just a twist to the original and hoping to fool people.

Unfortunately, Meta is controlled by Mark Suckenberg (personally I would change the first three letters of Mark to three other letters you can work out which three letters to use).

In fact, Gina has sent Zuck open letters about using her face and others on such scame since 2019 and nothing is being done to change this.

Meta are not doing enough to get rid of such scams especially on Instagram, as of course while they are getting paid for adding such ads they will continue to make money and like Bezos don't care about their account members getting ripped off.

So if you see such fake clips of Gina or other well-known celebrities they have used and most likely will continue to change things around and use and abuse them for their own benefit.

You know they are scams but also let your friends and family know about it too last thing you want is for them to get ripped off.

We know that emotion and desperation are two common factors for scammers to play on and they do well to rip people off.

Some of these scammers are really good at what they do and especially good at changing images and voiceovers to make it seem real.

To the ones that don't know any better they do look so real in the video clips but they are fake.

One mage I saw on this new version showed Gina Rinehart talking on a stage with three men dressed in evening attire wearing black bowties which looked strange for such an announcement about a new investment method that she personally has endorsed and the background image has changed.

They changed the background scenery to the original one this moment she was on stages when when she won the Australia of the Year award not some talk about investments

This is how such scammers work they talk portions of other moments and change either the scenery or use voice-overs etc. cleverly which they are to make is all look original and live recording of the event

So be aware not only for yourself for for others around you


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There’s one video with a Ai image and voice of The Rock Dwayne Johnson an American Wrestler. My friend was caught up by the scam saying Rock was giving away bitcoin.

He applied on a realistic website that was pretty well built (for this scam) to get his share. All the scammers asked for was an email.

My friend used all of his emails, including his children’s email to get one bitcoin that would net him $9000+ per email.

He tried to get me on it, and with me being in the Marketing space as well as Web Development and security. I told him no, this doesn’t smell right.

Long story short and hard lesson learned, I finally convinced him to research this nonsense, because everything kept turning up scam on my side.

I didn’t fuss at him because he is almost 60 with two young teenagers and these scams truly targets the elderly and those unaware.

He literally exposed his entire family to this scam. I told him to change all passwords and monitor his bank accounts.

It’s that serious, this happed on November 24th, 2023. Guys be mindful of what you hear and see.

Very true and hopefully all the passwords got changes as well. They really do prey of many not just the elderly these days and as I said emotion and desperatation with the financial issues many face they can easily become prey if they are not aware.

Good thing they have a friend in you who let them know so that you for helping a possibile victim to these scams as it they persisted could have gotten much worse for them.

Enjoiy the rest of your week and thanks once more for letting us know about other scams celebrates are used and abused in these areas.


Indeed these celebrities are being used andre. I just hope my friend caught everything in time.

Yes they are and hopefully he has

Agree. Be cautious.

Thats for sure thank you

Hello Andre

Thank you for this great blog post and for raising awareness of these scams. I heard about the Gina Rinehart scams the other day on the news.

I had not actually heard of that ones before then because I don't pay attention to anything about investing because I'm not interested in it other than cryptocurrency which also has many scams. I will be sure to spread the word when I can and it is important to be aware of these types of scams.

I agree Meta needs to do a better job of stopping these scams but unfortunately it seems they don't care that people are breaking the rules on their platforms as they are in it only for the money and nothing else like too many business are these days.

Hopefully one day things improving and these scams are stopped. But for now all we can do is raise awareness and try to help as many people as we can to stay safe from these scams and all the other scams out there. Thank you again for this great blog post and for raising awareness of these scams. I hope you have a great evening. All the best to your success.



You are welcome Timothy and yes there have been crypto scams using Gina as well in the past.

yep Meta is the pits and as I said they only care about the money they get and don't really care about their uses.

Enjoy the rest of your week


Hello Andre

I agree with you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week to. All the best to your success.



Thanks Timothy appreciated enjoy your week ahead

Hello Andre

You're welcome. All the best to your success.



You too Timothy enjoy the rest of the week ahead.


Yes, all please be aware at all platforms, also at LinkedIn, there are a lot of scammers.

So check, check double check.
Ask yourself 7 times why they offer to me?
If it is such a good opportunity, why do you need me?
I donot want to take that risk, I can put money in a secure account and get that return without Big risk.

Always ask yourself what or where are to risks.

If you have doubt, you can always ask me.


There are scammers everywhere we just need to be aware of it and let others know where we can

Thank you

Thank you, I have been scammed a few times.
Very good information

You are welcome Kathie yes there would be many here who have been scammed in the past. I was a victim many times then I decided to give WA the last chance before I quit this so called crappy scams online.

Pity I didn't find them first would have saved thousands but found them and been here since 2014 and no intention to go.

WA is a blessing in disguise


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