Top 200!?!
Wow, this is something I never thought I would get either. I didn't realize I was contributing this much? Wow, just wow.
All I can really say is consistency is key. Do what you do, every time you do it, and good things start to happen.
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Consistency helps Angela, and don't lose sight of your own websites, that's where the money is coming from.
Good luck, hope you are well.
Consistency will always pay off, Angela. Doing the small things regularly always add up.
Nice job!
Isaiah 🙂
Yes it does! I love how it is so evident here. Not instant, but soon enough that any burnout is just wiped away :D
You're very welcome! It's important to be a part of your community and give more than you receive... in my opinion :)
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Great work staying active within the community.