About AngelaMack
Rank 125
535 followers Joined December 2018
Living in the middle of Arizona, USA and raising 2 kids has been a journey in and of itself. I have been dabbling with WA





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

My website that was indexed in Google says that it has a critical error when I check specific pages. Apparently, there is something called breadcrumbs, and they are unnamed, an

So is this another plugin that I need to install? All my posts have titles

No, it is a reference post that explains the procedure to resolve your issue.

Howard has you covered, Angela :) Have you got to figure it out?


Hi Angela!

Check this link out and let me know if it helped you out:

Haha, what a coincidence! It's the same thing I shared here Abie

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Why is google giving me a breadcrumbs error?

Why is google giving me a breadcrumbs error?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

My website that was indexed in Google says that it has a critical error when I check specific pages. Apparently, there is something called breadcrumbs, and they are unnamed, an

So is this another plugin that I need to install? All my posts have titles

No, it is a reference post that explains the procedure to resolve your issue.

Howard has you covered, Angela :) Have you got to figure it out?


Hi Angela!

Check this link out and let me know if it helped you out:

Haha, what a coincidence! It's the same thing I shared here Abie

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asked in
Getting Started

Just a quick question. When you come to a new month, does the word count add your monthly amount, or does it just fill up to your monthly amount?

For example: monthly re

Featured Comment

It will refresh you back up to the 10,000 mark every month (as a Premium member). So if you don't use credits, they are not tacked on.

If you buy credits, your monthly ones are used first and then from the purchased ones will always be used last. These purchased credits will carry over from month to month.

The Premium membership comes with 10,000 credits per month, and the P+ membership comes with 30,000 credits per month.

I hope this clarifies for you here Angela. :)

Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed to know :)

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.


Angela Kyle has your answer. So if you dont use them you lose them. the ones you dont buy

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How does word balance work?

How does word balance work?

asked in
Getting Started

Just a quick question. When you come to a new month, does the word count add your monthly amount, or does it just fill up to your monthly amount?

For example: monthly re

Featured Comment

It will refresh you back up to the 10,000 mark every month (as a Premium member). So if you don't use credits, they are not tacked on.

If you buy credits, your monthly ones are used first and then from the purchased ones will always be used last. These purchased credits will carry over from month to month.

The Premium membership comes with 10,000 credits per month, and the P+ membership comes with 30,000 credits per month.

I hope this clarifies for you here Angela. :)

Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed to know :)

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.


Angela Kyle has your answer. So if you dont use them you lose them. the ones you dont buy

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asked in
Getting Started

I am just curious. I know that this is an awesome platform and am very fortunate to be here and making use of it. So, for the sake of a curious cat:

1. How much have you

Hi Angela!

It’s great that you’re feeling excited about the platform and eager to learn from others’ experiences. While everyone’s journey is unique, I can share a bit about my own progress:

1. My earnings have grown steadily over time, but it’s important to remember that success in affiliate marketing often takes time and persistence. I’ve seen some income, but the real value has been in building a sustainable business and learning the ropes.

2. I started seriously focusing on my efforts about 2 years ago. Consistency was key for me—I really began seeing results when I committed to regularly creating content and optimizing my sites.

3. I currently manage 6 sites, but I’d say that quality over quantity is crucial. It’s better to focus on a few high-quality sites rather than spreading yourself too thin.

I’d encourage you to keep learning, stay consistent, and don’t get discouraged if it takes a little time to see the results you’re hoping for. The community here is always supportive, so don’t hesitate to reach out for advice or share your progress!

All the Best.

Kyle answers some of those questions here Very few people here will answer your question in a public forum

I will say my first sale was about $1.12 and it was in the first week and to see when that was you can see my profile

Hi Angela!

Abie is right! We wont give numbers here, but if we did not have success with the WA platform, we would not stay.

I have been with WA since 2014 while I was launching my consulting business. I used the information here to launch a website, draw attention to a new niche, grow that niche and create income in my consulting business - a lot of income!

It is what you make of it here in WA! I love a post Kyle did: Press on, Angela!

As this is a public forum. Most will not say. However, I appreciate your question.

To know when people started, hover over their profile picture; it will say. When they got serious, that's a different matter.

Also, I wouldn't compare myself to others, as everyone's situation is different.

All you need is ONE very good website to make it big.


How much have you made thus far?

How much have you made thus far?

asked in
Getting Started

I am just curious. I know that this is an awesome platform and am very fortunate to be here and making use of it. So, for the sake of a curious cat:

1. How much have you

Hi Angela!

It’s great that you’re feeling excited about the platform and eager to learn from others’ experiences. While everyone’s journey is unique, I can share a bit about my own progress:

1. My earnings have grown steadily over time, but it’s important to remember that success in affiliate marketing often takes time and persistence. I’ve seen some income, but the real value has been in building a sustainable business and learning the ropes.

2. I started seriously focusing on my efforts about 2 years ago. Consistency was key for me—I really began seeing results when I committed to regularly creating content and optimizing my sites.

3. I currently manage 6 sites, but I’d say that quality over quantity is crucial. It’s better to focus on a few high-quality sites rather than spreading yourself too thin.

I’d encourage you to keep learning, stay consistent, and don’t get discouraged if it takes a little time to see the results you’re hoping for. The community here is always supportive, so don’t hesitate to reach out for advice or share your progress!

All the Best.

Kyle answers some of those questions here Very few people here will answer your question in a public forum

I will say my first sale was about $1.12 and it was in the first week and to see when that was you can see my profile

Hi Angela!

Abie is right! We wont give numbers here, but if we did not have success with the WA platform, we would not stay.

I have been with WA since 2014 while I was launching my consulting business. I used the information here to launch a website, draw attention to a new niche, grow that niche and create income in my consulting business - a lot of income!

It is what you make of it here in WA! I love a post Kyle did: Press on, Angela!

As this is a public forum. Most will not say. However, I appreciate your question.

To know when people started, hover over their profile picture; it will say. When they got serious, that's a different matter.

Also, I wouldn't compare myself to others, as everyone's situation is different.

All you need is ONE very good website to make it big.


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4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training