Size IS(n't) Everything! - "Never Mind The Quality: Feel The Width!"

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Ah, the joys of blogging! It's a world filled with excitement, creativity, and the occasional existential crisis. In my latest misadventure, I found myself wrestling with an article so colossal it could give Mount Everest a run for its money. Join me on this hilarious (?) journey as I share my frustrations, self-doubts, and a healthy dose of “Ah, f*ck it!”, all while exploring the age-old debate of size (“Ooer, missus!”) versus quality.

The Epic Battle Begins - The Article that Ate My Sanity

A scene of chaos as the blinking cursor taunts me.

Picture this: it's a dark and stormy night (okay, maybe it's just a dimly lit room), and there I sit, face-to-face with my arch-nemesis—the blinking cursor. It mocks me, its relentless blinking echoing my inner turmoil. It's as if the cursor is saying, "Come on, then, mate, do you want some? Give it your best shot. Can you handle my sheer magnitude?”

Little did I know that this would be the start of an epic battle, pitting me against the daunting task of writing an article that would rival the length of an ancient tome. I clung to my keyboard, fingers poised to type, and with a mix of determination and trepidation, I dove headfirst into the abyss of words.

5000 words! FRONT AND BACK!

5000 words. Let that sink in for a moment. To put it into perspective, that's approximately the length of a short novel or a philosophical treatise that would make Socrates raise an eyebrow. It's a towering colossus of paragraphs, a labyrinth of sentences, and an ocean of words that threatened to engulf my sanity.

As a humble blogger, used to crafting bite-sized content, this article was the Mount Everest of my writing journey. And let me tell you, climbing that literary mountain was no walk in the park. It required endurance, perseverance, and an unhealthy amount of caffeine.

Feelings of trepidation and self-doubt creep in.

As I stared at the daunting word count, a wave of self-doubt crashed over me like a bucket of ice-cold water. "Can I do this? Can I craft a piece of writing so colossal that it could rival the Great Wall of China?" I wondered aloud, startling my wife, who eyed me with a mix of curiosity, judgement and disdain.

The task felt overwhelming, and doubts crept in like uninvited guests to a party. Was I up to the challenge? Would my readers appreciate such a behemoth of an article? Would they even make it past the second paragraph without clicking away in search of shorter, more easily digestible content?

But then I reminded myself that great things never come from comfort zones. If I wanted to grow as a writer, I had to face my fears head-on. So, armed with a healthy dose of “F*ck it!” and a steaming cup of tea, I ventured forth into the uncharted territory of verbosity, determined to conquer this literary giant.

In the next section, we'll delve into the struggles I faced during this marathon of words, where time seemed to crawl and inspiration played hide-and-seek. Stay tuned, for the hilarity and triumph that lie ahead on this adventure of size, quality, and the whimsical world of blogging.

Writing in Slow-Mo - A Marathon of Words

The article becomes the marathon I never signed up for.

You know how they say writing is like a sprint, where you dash across the finish line with exhilaration? Well, this article turned out to be more of a marathon, and I definitely didn't train for it. It was like signing up for a 5K charity run and ending up in the middle of an ultramarathon, with blisters forming on my fingers instead of my feet. Smoke billowed from my keyboard like a volcano and skin tore from my fingertips like a poor burns victim.

As I typed away, I couldn't help but imagine myself in a comical slow-motion montage, with inspirational music playing in the background. The words seemed to float through the air, moving in sluggish motion, as if the universe had hit the "slow" button just to taunt me further. I half-expected a commentator's voice to narrate my progress, "And here he goes, slowly but surely inching towards the finish line of this mammoth article! Like a tortoise on Valium". “Could he BE any slower?”. “If you’re still awake, folks – you must lead very sad and unfulfilling lives!”

Late-night writing sessions and the mysteries of caffeinated beverages.

To survive this marathon, I resorted to late-night writing sessions. There's something strangely magical about the stillness of the night, as if the world around you holds its breath, waiting for your words to come alive. Armed with my trusty PC and an array of caffeinated beverages that would make a barista proud, I embarked on nocturnal adventures through the labyrinth of my thoughts.

I discovered that each cup of coffee held the power to transport me from the realms of exhaustion to the shores of inspiration. One sip, and my fingers danced across the keyboard with newfound energy. Two sips, and my sentences became a symphony of wit and wisdom. Three sips, and let's just say my spell-check had to work overtime to make sense of the caffeinated-induced typos. “Damn my slaphappy sausage-fingers!”.

The struggles of maintaining focus and battling writer's block.

However, even with the elixir of caffeine coursing through my veins, maintaining focus was no easy feat. Writer's block lurked around every corner, ready to pounce on my creative mojo. It seemed that the more I stared at the screen, the more elusive the words became, like mischievous imps hiding just beyond my reach.

I tried every trick in the book to combat writer's block. I paced around the room, hoping that the rhythmic movement would coax my thoughts into action. I even resorted to talking to the pictures of my dead Mum & Dad, hoping their silent wisdom would somehow seep into my subconscious and unlock the floodgates of inspiration. Alas, my genetic forebears remained silent, and my writing continued at a snail's pace.

But just when I thought all hope was lost, a spark of genius would ignite within me. An absurd joke, a whimsical analogy, or a Monty Python-esque pun would break through the writer's block like a comedic battering ram. And suddenly, the words flowed like a river in full spate, carrying me closer to the elusive finish line.

In the next section, we'll explore the sacrifices made in the pursuit of this colossal article, including the toll it took on my once-luscious locks. Prepare yourself for tales of hair loss and the commitment conundrum that threatened to derail my blogging journey. Stay tuned, my friends, for the laughter and lessons that lie ahead in this wild ride of size, quality, and chaos of the blogging world.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow - The Price of Lengthy Endeavours

A reflection on hair loss as a result of the writing process.

Ah, hair—the crown atop our heads, the luscious locks that add a touch of elegance to our appearance. Well, let me tell you a secret: writing a colossal article can be a follicular rollercoaster ride. As I poured my heart and soul into this literary behemoth, my once-vibrant mane started to resemble a tumbleweed in a desert.

Every time I hit a stumbling block or found myself tangled in a web of words, I could practically hear my hair screaming, "Not another paragraph!" Strands of hair clung desperately to my bonce, their cries for mercy echoing in my ears. Alas, the sacrifice was inevitable—each word I penned came at the price of a few more strands, leaving me with a hairstyle that could rival a certain cue ball enthusiast.

The importance of maintaining one's sanity.

They say writing is a form of catharsis, a way to unleash the jumble of thoughts swirling within our minds. But when you embark on an article of Herculean proportions, maintaining your sanity becomes a feat worthy of its own accolades. It's like trying to juggle flaming swords while balancing on a unicycle—possible, but not without the risk of singed eyebrows and bruised egos.

In the midst of this writing marathon, I found solace in humour. I cracked jokes at myself that only made me laugh (and sometimes groan), like some lunatic in an asylum, in the hopes that they would inject a dose of levity into the chaos. I embraced the absurdity of it all, imagining myself as a comedic protagonist in a skit, desperately clinging to my sanity as the world of words threatened to swallow me whole.

Contemplating the sacrifices made for the sake of a comprehensive piece.

Writing this colossal article wasn't just a test of my typing speed and mental fortitude; it demanded sacrifices. I sacrificed leisurely evenings spent binge-watching my favourite shows, trading them for hours hunched over my keyboard, battling the ever-expanding word count. I sacrificed the comfort of my bed, swapping it for a wooden chair that seemed to harbour a personal vendetta against my spine.

But as I reflect on these sacrifices, I realise that they were made for the sake of a greater purpose—a comprehensive piece that could provide value and insight to my readers. It's the pursuit of quality, the desire to offer something meaningful, that drove me to push through the challenges and embrace the chaos.

Follow me, as we delve into the commitment conundrum that arose from this arduous journey. We'll explore the doubts and questions that surfaced, threatening to shake the very foundation of my blogging aspirations. Get ready for a humorous yet introspective exploration of the commitment to WealthyAffiliate and the rollercoaster ride that is the world of blogging. Stay tuned, my dear readers, for the laughter and lessons that lie ahead on this wild adventure of size, quality, and the unpredictable path of a blogger's fate.

The Commitment Conundrum - To Blog or Not to Blog?

Exploring doubts and questioning commitment to WealthyAffiliate.

Commitment—the word that elicits both excitement and dread in equal measure. As I toiled away on this colossal article, doubts began to creep in like stealthy ninjas in the dead of night. Thoughts of abandoning ship and sailing away to a land where words were scarce and blogging was but a distant memory haunted my restless mind.

I found myself questioning my commitment to WealthyAffiliate, wondering if the path of a blogger was truly meant for me. Was I cut out for the trials and tribulations that came with this world of digital storytelling? Would my efforts bear fruit, or would they wither away like a neglected houseplant? As an aside, I’m terrible with plants – if anyone wants their plants killing – give them to me, I’ll gladly neglect them!

Reflecting on the emotional rollercoaster of blogging.

Blogging, my friends, is no picnic in the park. It's a rollercoaster ride of emotions that takes you from the dizzying heights of elation to the depths of despair, all within the span of a single paragraph. One moment, you're basking in the glory of a well-received article, the next you're questioning your worth as a writer because of a solitary negative comment.

It's true! If you’re anything like me - you may have a MILLION positive comments (I wish 😊), but it takes only a SINGLE negative remark to shatter all those uplifting ones. This holds true in both personal life, fuelling self-doubt and negative self-talk, and professional endeavours, triggering imposter syndrome. Anyway, I digress…


The emotional toll is not to be underestimated. It's like being trapped in a never-ending episode of a soap opera—full of dramatic twists, misunderstandings, and cliffhangers that leave you teetering on the edge of your seat. But amidst the chaos, there's a certain beauty—a sense of fulfilment that comes from sharing your thoughts, experiences, and humour with the world.

The search for the right balance between passion and practicality.

In the midst of my commitment conundrum, I embarked on a soul-searching journey—a quest to find the elusive balance between passion and practicality. Should I throw caution to the wind, pursuing my writing dreams with reckless abandon? Or should I heed the practical voices that whispered in my ear, urging me to prioritise stability and financial security?

It's a delicate dance, my friends, trying to align one's passion with the realities of life. But as I pondered this conundrum, I realised that the heart and the mind need not always be at odds. There is room for both passion and practicality in the blogging world. It's about finding a path that allows me to pursue my creative passions while also ensuring a steady income.

So, in the face of doubts and uncertainty, I've decided to persevere. I choose to embrace the rollercoaster ride, the emotional highs and lows, because the joy of creating and connecting with readers outweighs the fear of failure. It's a commitment not just to WealthyAffiliate but to myself—to nurture my passion, cultivate my skills, and keep the flame of humour burning bright.

In the final section, we'll explore the age-old debate of size versus quality, as we uncover the true essence of engaging and valuable content. Get ready for a thought-provoking yet light-hearted exploration of the art of blogging. Stay tuned, for the laughter and insights that await us as we navigate the winding path of size, quality, and the enigmatic realm of the blogging universe.

The Quality Quandary - Beyond Quantity's Siren Call

Size…, The Final Fronter - Highlighting the age-old debate: size vs. quality.

The eternal struggle of size versus quality. It's a battle as old as time, like the clash of titans or the ongoing debate of tea preferences—milk first or last? In the realm of blogging, this debate takes on a whole new dimension. Does the length of an article determine its worth? Or is it the quality of the content that truly captivates and resonates with readers?

In a world where attention spans are shorter than a British summer, it's tempting to believe that bigger is better. More words, more pages, more content—surely that's the key to success, right? But let me tell you, dear readers, size isn't everything. It's what you do with those words that truly matters. <wink>

Emphasizing the importance of engaging and valuable content.

As I embarked on the arduous journey of crafting this colossal article, I realised that it's not the quantity of words that holds the power—it's the quality. Engaging and valuable content is like a magnet, drawing readers in and keeping them hooked. It's about sparking a connection, providing insights, and leaving a lasting impact.

Think of it this way: would you rather read a lengthy article filled with fluff and empty words, or a concise piece that captures your attention and offers valuable takeaways? The answer is clear. It's the substance that counts, not the sheer number of paragraphs or the intimidating word count.

Prioritise substance over word count.

So, I implore you to look beyond the allure of word count. Don't let the siren call of size distract you from what truly matters—the heart and soul of the content. Seek out articles that ignite your curiosity, challenge your perspectives, and leave you with a hunger for more knowledge.

And to my fellow bloggers, let us remember that our true purpose lies in creating content that resonates with our audience. Let's focus on substance over superficial metrics. Let's craft stories that touch hearts, provoke thoughts, and, of course, elicit laughter. It's in these moments of connection that the true magic of blogging happens.

In the final section, we'll wrap up this wild adventure and draw some meaningful conclusions from our journey. Stay tuned, for the grand finale that awaits us.

Conclusion - Laughter, Lessons, and the Joy of Blogging

Reflecting on the journey and lessons learned.

As I reach the end of this wild adventure through the realms of size, quality, and the unpredictable path of a blogger's fate, I can't help but reflect on the lessons learned and the laughter shared. Writing this colossal article has been a test of my patience, resilience, and wit. It has shown me that the journey is just as important as the destination, and that the challenges we face along the way shape us into better writers and storytellers.

Through late-night writing sessions, battles with writer's block, sacrifices of time and, well, hair, I've come to realise that blogging is more than just a means of expression—it's a catalyst for personal growth. It pushes us to step outside our comfort zones, embrace our quirks, and find our unique voice in a sea of digital noise.

Reinforcing the significance of perseverance and personal growth.

In the face of doubts and the commitment conundrum, I've discovered the power of perseverance. It's the determination to keep going, even when the words feel like elusive creatures dancing just out of reach. It's the belief that our voices matter, and that our stories have the potential to make a difference, no matter the size of the article or the number of words.

So, my fellow bloggers and aspiring wordsmiths, let us remember that growth doesn't happen in the comfort zone. It's in the moments of frustration and self-doubt that we find our true strength. Embrace the challenges, learn from the setbacks, and relish the moments of triumph, no matter how small. The joy of blogging lies not just in the final product, but in the personal growth and self-discovery that come with each keystroke.

Join me in embracing the challenges and humour of blogging.

And now, dear readers, I extend a light-hearted call to action. Join me in this whimsical world of blogging, where words have the power to entertain, inspire, and connect. Embrace the challenges, the late-night writing sessions, and the occasional bouts of hair loss. Let's weave tales that spark laughter, provoke thoughts, and ignite the imagination.

Together, we can navigate the size and quality conundrum, finding the perfect balance between substance and brevity. Let's prioritise engaging and valuable content that leaves our readers wanting more. And let's never forget the importance of laughter—the secret ingredient that makes the journey all the more enjoyable.

So, my fellow bloggers and seekers of mirth, let us embark on this adventure together. Let us celebrate the triumphs, share the struggles, and revel in the joy of storytelling. The world of blogging awaits, with all its unpredictability, humour, and limitless possibilities. Will you join me?

So, let's march forward, with a grin on our faces and a keyboard at our fingertips. And remember, in the grand tapestry of the blogging universe, you may lose your sanity, but the laughter will be maniacal and you won’t care.

So embrace the lessons, and connections we make along the way – they’re worth their weight in (fools) gold.

Writing a gargantuan article may have tested my patience, humour, and hairline, but it also taught me valuable lessons. Size may not be everything, but it certainly makes up for a lack of talent! :D

So, let's conquer our doubts, embrace the joy of writing, and remember that when it comes to blogging, it's not just about the quantity—it's the quality that truly matters. Together, we can create engaging content that leaves our readers wanting more, and perhaps even with a smile on their faces.

Farewell for now, but not for long, my friends. Until we meet again on the digital realm, keep writing, keep laughing, and keep embracing the joys of blogging.



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Recent Comments


You have given a lot to think about in this post. One thing I always ask myself as I write is whether or not I would read all of what I have written or should it be shorter. I don't think that the average person, particularly you person wades through a 1500 word post. I am a firm believer in 300 to 500 words. That may no be great for SEO. But, it usually gets a good reading score. We are competing agains 6 word texts with emojis.

Hey Alex, great post Lots of suitable lessons to take in.


Thanks, Chet :)

A great read, Alex! Keep up the great work along this crazy journey.


Thanks, Susan :)

I'm trying - I keep having moments of doubt and anxiety, but I'm trying to stay positive!



It’s not easy, Alex and we all have those times. Keep up the great writing and best wishes! Cheers :-)

Thank you! :)

Excellent read Alex! Keep on keeping on my friend!

Thank you, Jessie :)

You're most welcome my friend!

Haha, Alex! Dr. Evil could not have done any better! Some craft and humorous writing in this tome itself! Loved it!


Thanks, Jeff! Much appreciated :)

Now watch, as I sit back and start bringing in the big bucks!

Oh, well!



I will be watching with baited breath, Alex!


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