Can Shined Shoes Save Your Site?

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Although I am often told I don’t look it, believe it or not I am so old I was in the first Gulf War. When Saddam invaded Kuwait, I began my tour as part of Desert Shield, and later Desert Storm.

And if you are old enough to remember that time, you may also recall the primary commander of that exercise was old “Stormin’” Norman Schwarzkopf himself. And he made a statement back then that has stuck with me throughout my life, and is probably responsible for more success than any other factor.

Would you like to know what it is?

The Power of Shoes

The General stated, “Shined shoes save lives.”

Let that sink in a minute. If you are not former military, you may not grasp the lesson right away. If you are, then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

What Norman is referring to is the act of discipline.

He knew that in the heat of battle, with bullets and bombs exploding all around, undisciplined people die. The pressure gets to them and they freeze.

And what was the quickest and simplest measure he used to measure a soldier’s discipline?

Their shoes.

Schwarzkopf knew that a person who took pride in themselves and maintained the discipline required to keep shoes and boots polished to a mirrored finish was far more likely to survive the hell of war.

Is Your Business Shined?

The same philosophy can be applied to Wealthy Affiliate and your own website(s).

Is old AJ successful because I’m the smartest guy in the room? Hardly.

Am I a success because I am the most talented writer? Not even close.

I am successful because of discipline, plain and simple. Just good old-fashioned work.

I absolutely refuse to go to bed each night without writing something, either for one of my sites, for my WA blog, my latest book, and often all three.

Even if I only have 15 minutes of free time available that day, I have disciplined myself to write something. Anything. Even if it is complete garbage. I just write.

And that is the REAL secret to a successful affiliate business. Stop making excuses and just do it. It’s not hard. It’s not even that complicated. But it does require the discipline to get it done.

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Thanks. I needed a good shot in the arm.

I really enjoyed this AJ.
I wasn’t in the military but worked with military firefighters and first responders in my previous job.
Just like Cal mentioned below it was my vehicle that was my point of pride, and the equipment I was demonstrating.
To keep it in tip top shape is a clear message of the commitment we have not only to our customers but to ourselves.
Thanks for sharing this important message.

Absolutely. While we obviously don't need (or even want) the "prettiest" sites out there, we still need the discipline to get done the things that our businesses need done. Just like we regularly shined our shoes and washed our vehicles, that same level of pride can be carried over into writing the best content we can and building that relationship with our audience. Thanks for sharing.

Hi AJ, right you are. When I was in law enforcement I shined my boots all the time. I just think I felt more focused and prepared when I was working.

They also used to say to all of us. When you are working day shift, take your care to the car wash. The city had a contract with "Car Pool", and we could wash our cars as often as necessary.

I made time to get my car washed as often as possible. Studies show that a clean polished police vehicle has a positive effect on the criminal element.

Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for sharing, Cal. :-)

You're welcome AJ, and thanks for your service. I worked with many officers that were in the Guard and did tours during the Golf War.

Thank you. It's hard to believe it was that long ago, but here we are :-)

I know, when I think back on my law enforcement career and all the crazy stuff I was involved in its a wonder I'm still here to write about it.

I'm sure you feel the same way too.

I agree! I have been trying to write every day and add onto whatever post I am working on. If I just add a paragraph a day it is something.

I remember the first Gulf War but I was pretty young. My husband was in Iraq later as a U.S. Marine in the Fallujah area and leading convoys across Iraq.

Yep, that's the only real "secret"... you just gotta do what you can every day, even if it's just a paragraph :-)

Not to belittle your point, but the shoes pictured are patent leather. Real men don't wear patent leather.

Hahaha... I was hoping to hear from you, Cedric. Missed you, buddy. And leave it to you to catch the patent leather. lol

You are correct, sir. I was just looking for an image that was shiny. And I never said I was a real man :-)

Real men also don't have to say they are real men. They lead by example, like you. Missed you too, man. I made a move of my own while you were trekking across the country. Moved back home to St. Louis from Atlanta. Been having a tough time getting back on track, but I'll be up to speed soon.

Yeah, same here. Still getting settled in.

While we're glad to be back home, it still feels a tad "off" if you know what I mean. Guess that's what being away for 20 years does to you. lol

Glad you're getting home yourself. Give me a shout if you ever need anything :-)

Thanks, man. Will do.

Ahhh, I love the smell of Kiwi polish in the morning. I always used to think that 'dullness' would never go and then a bit more 'spit and polish' and the magic happened.

Yep... remember those days well :-)

That analogy applies to our efforts here at WA as well. If we keep applying the "spit and polish (quality content)", the "dullness (lack of traffic)" will give way to a great "shine (revenue)"! I've spent my fair share of time rubbing on boots and the bill of my dress cap as well.

Well said, sir :-)

You're absolutely right Cedric. We just have to keep going in the knowledge that eventually we will shine.

Well said AJ. Self discipline is mandatory if you wish to be successful. But now you're making me feel old as I predate that era by a fair bit. Jim

We're only as old as we feel, friend. I'm still stunned (and offended) when I get mail from the AARP! lol

A good military analogy AJ.


Thank you

Good afternoon my friend, my God you couldn't have said it better. Discipline yourself to do the things that you know you need to do is a must if you're going to be successful at anything. I believe this with all of my heart, may you be blessed my friend.

Thank you for your kind words :-)

Just Do It. That's one of my mantras. Thanks!
Writing is a real challenge for me. I think if I had realized how much I would have to do, I might not have ventured into this field. But the challenge has been very good for me; I have learned so much about my niche, and found that I actually can write.
Discipline! There's a topic that not to many people talk about. Hmm, I wonder if I should include that in my next post?

Absolutely. Many people view discipline as a "four-letter" word, but it's truly the difference between success and failure.

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