Comment Feedback - Website Selections Based on My Interests

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While we can select a number of 'interests' as a means of providing us with relative websites to leave comments on, the websites that appear have no bearing of any of my interests selected.

Why is that?

My interests are relative to what I want to see, yet I keep getting websites that are of no interest to me.

Not only that, only one website appears, with the option to comment or ignore.

Comment feedback, on the other hand, gives the option to offer feedback, or click 'I'm not interested'. I would prefer that than to 'ignore' a website.

Both the feedback and comments offered sections show only 1 website.

Is it possible to provide 3 website to choose from? That way we can choose which website we want to offer comments/feedback for.

Perhaps it's time for an update for how our interests will select the related website.


Category options - Comments/feedback offered,

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Hi Rudy

I agree with Diane.

Back in the day, I used to buy comments on WA, but AI summaries made them a lot less useful, generally speaking.

Frank 🎸

Yeah, long ago, I occasionally used the site comments/feedback, but the websites were much more relative to my interests.

I have received decent comments, through the request site comments feature. Yet, the past few comments are from Gravatar people, and not necessarily from WA.


Yeah, I’ve gotten several comments via Gravatar (non-WA), which is apparently part of the feed.

Huh, interesting. If WA people are commenting, I would like to access their profile to possibly connect and/or follow.


Yeah, after they comment, you can click on their picture and it should take you to your WA notification list or the Gravitar site for non-WA members.

Exactly! It opens their Gravatar image!

So my question is, who am I asking for comments?

WA members or the General Public?


Hi Rudy

I believe that it is those who are registered with Gravitar, WA members included. When a Gravatar member who is also a WA member answers a comment you can find them in your WA notifications and communicate with them directly.
Of course, we have WA members who try to answer as many comments as possible for credits, so they pop up frequently.
Just a guess. 😎

Frank 🎸

In my case, the gravatar names have not come up in WA when searched.


Yeah, I've found that I get more non-WA member comments, too.

Frank 🎸

I think that people select the interests for their posts that they think will garner the most comments. There is a trend in YouTube to use negative titles for videos. "We are through." "We survived the disaster." Then we find that they are through painting the floor and that they have survived the fact that the local store ran out of 2x6s. So, we find that the interests that we look forward to reading often are not that at all. I find that I often expand my interests or what I am learning by reading posts that I initially donot find interesting.

That makes sense, Jim. My selections were quite varied, yet I continue to get websites that do not resemble any of my interests.


Sounds like a good idea, Rudy!


Which idea, Jeff?


All of them that you have, Rudy

That clarifies things, Jeff...😎


Thanks Rudy!



I’m finding that on the whole they are in line with my interests. Maybe your interests aren’t very common and you are being offered whatever there is requesting comments.

Thats great that you sre able to see websites that align with your interests.

My interests are varied, and common. That's not the issue. I even deleted a few of them to be more specifically intune.


Hi - as far as I know, the selected interests are only taken into account, if WA sends you an email to say that a site is available to comment on.

But I don't think that happens very often, comments are grabbed pretty quickly these days.

So, if you go to Site Comments of your own accord, it's "pot luck" as to which website you get.

There's a give and take, when you asked for comments, you also have to give comments.

I've done both, and yeah, it's a very random set of websites that are in need if comments.


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