About LED63
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2,143 followers Joined May 2015
Hello to Wealthy Affiliate I've been here for 6 months now - can't believe that the last month of 2015 is already here. So much





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I need to transfer one of my WA domain names to another provider. There's instructions on how to transfer TO Wealthy Affiliate, but not AWAY. Please help!

Are you trying to transfer the registration of the domain name or move your website to a different hosting provider?

Hello Marion! Nice to see you again. I just want to transfer the domain to Wix as I have a Premium website there. I need to use the domain I own which is hosted here, for my Wix website. I can't get the functionality I need with a Wordpress site - it's too clunky and difficult for a technophobe like me.

I checked that post of yours, but it's Hostgator not Wix...
Also, there is something weird called an EPP or something.
Also, when I try to follow the instructions from support, I don't have 'Transfer Domain' in the drop down of my settings....???
I've contacted Namecheap who I bought the domain through and they were quite helpful - just waiting to see if it works.

Go to Namecheap and change the DNS (Domain Nameservers) to point to Wix.

Thanks Marion. I've done that - just waiting for it to update!

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Transfer one of my wa domains away from wa?

Transfer one of my wa domains away from wa?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I need to transfer one of my WA domain names to another provider. There's instructions on how to transfer TO Wealthy Affiliate, but not AWAY. Please help!

Are you trying to transfer the registration of the domain name or move your website to a different hosting provider?

Hello Marion! Nice to see you again. I just want to transfer the domain to Wix as I have a Premium website there. I need to use the domain I own which is hosted here, for my Wix website. I can't get the functionality I need with a Wordpress site - it's too clunky and difficult for a technophobe like me.

I checked that post of yours, but it's Hostgator not Wix...
Also, there is something weird called an EPP or something.
Also, when I try to follow the instructions from support, I don't have 'Transfer Domain' in the drop down of my settings....???
I've contacted Namecheap who I bought the domain through and they were quite helpful - just waiting to see if it works.

Go to Namecheap and change the DNS (Domain Nameservers) to point to Wix.

Thanks Marion. I've done that - just waiting for it to update!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hello My Fellow WAzens

I need some help please.

I am trying to install the Zedity premium plugin which I am hoping will give me the ability to customize my sites a

Hi, just checking in, how did it go in the end. Was it not compatible, did it just take time to load or did you move your site?
Be blessed

Nah - doesn't work. Every time you try to use the plugin, it tells you that it needs outbound connections. I've given up on that for the moment and using a theme that I can customize more. Unless Harry can teach me to use stylesheets!

Interesting. Thanks for the post. I am learning. DAN

You're welcome Dan. I think my next project will be teaching myself HTML!

WA hosting does not support outbound connections due to potential security issues. Sorry Ellie, it's not going to work here.


Sorry, Im not there yet, but it appears that it might not be useful in the long run based on comments below…but I am new…just trying to help…Jess might know,he's a wiz at this? Alofa lizat

Thank you

Hi Ellie, I was told that I didn't need it so I never used it...

I need it to alter the layout of my website to something that I am happy with. I pretty disappointed actually, because I had already paid for it! I think that it's something we should be told about.

Hi Ellie, why do you need a plugin to alter the layout of your site? You should be able to do it through the theme's customization and stylesheet, Once you happy with it create a child theme.

Hi Harry - that is completely beyond me I'm afraid. I have no idea how to work with stylesheets or create a child theme! I'm a technophobe!

Hi Ellie, you have four sites, which site are you talking about and how do you want to alter it?

HI Harry
I am wanting to fix up my breastfeeding one first. I was using Sugar and Spice and couldn't change fonts or colours or the size of the columns. I've changed it to Nirvana which is much more editable and I've installed WP Edit which allows me more freedom with the fonts. But I'm just really slow at all this! After I get my head around how to change things more quickly, I'll work on the mainline power one next. I think I can work with Nirvana OK so I've given up on using Zedity. Support here at WA installed it for me, but it uses outbound connections so doesn't work anyway - even when it's installed.
Thank you so much for keeping in touch - I really appreciate it!

Hi Ellie, I used Zedity for a while when I first started. I didn't have a problem but also was so new and didn't understand it. I had a mentor do some work and she didn't use it so we deleted it. A former mentor liked it and used it.
I wonder if you have another plugin that is not compatible.Just a thought.


Thanks Marty - they do tell you to make sure you delete any older versions or the free plugin, which I did. Perhaps I will just go to bed and let it stew overnight! I've sent an email to their support too.
Thanks heaps

Sometimes sleeping on it can fix a problem.

Unfortunately, it can't be fixed - so I find out, after I've paid for it! I'll probably take my website away from WA and get it hosted somewhere else while I work on it.

Hi, I'm sorry, I never tried it, but what I did find yesterday was when I installed my social share plugin I also got that type of message. But they said I may wait and try again later. Later when I tried, it was working. Maybe just some propagating?
Hope you get it fixed soon.
Be Blessed

Thanks Linda - might be just a glitch

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Zedity? anyone used this plugin?

Zedity? anyone used this plugin?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hello My Fellow WAzens

I need some help please.

I am trying to install the Zedity premium plugin which I am hoping will give me the ability to customize my sites a

Hi, just checking in, how did it go in the end. Was it not compatible, did it just take time to load or did you move your site?
Be blessed

Nah - doesn't work. Every time you try to use the plugin, it tells you that it needs outbound connections. I've given up on that for the moment and using a theme that I can customize more. Unless Harry can teach me to use stylesheets!

Interesting. Thanks for the post. I am learning. DAN

You're welcome Dan. I think my next project will be teaching myself HTML!

WA hosting does not support outbound connections due to potential security issues. Sorry Ellie, it's not going to work here.


Sorry, Im not there yet, but it appears that it might not be useful in the long run based on comments below…but I am new…just trying to help…Jess might know,he's a wiz at this? Alofa lizat

Thank you

Hi Ellie, I was told that I didn't need it so I never used it...

I need it to alter the layout of my website to something that I am happy with. I pretty disappointed actually, because I had already paid for it! I think that it's something we should be told about.

Hi Ellie, why do you need a plugin to alter the layout of your site? You should be able to do it through the theme's customization and stylesheet, Once you happy with it create a child theme.

Hi Harry - that is completely beyond me I'm afraid. I have no idea how to work with stylesheets or create a child theme! I'm a technophobe!

Hi Ellie, you have four sites, which site are you talking about and how do you want to alter it?

HI Harry
I am wanting to fix up my breastfeeding one first. I was using Sugar and Spice and couldn't change fonts or colours or the size of the columns. I've changed it to Nirvana which is much more editable and I've installed WP Edit which allows me more freedom with the fonts. But I'm just really slow at all this! After I get my head around how to change things more quickly, I'll work on the mainline power one next. I think I can work with Nirvana OK so I've given up on using Zedity. Support here at WA installed it for me, but it uses outbound connections so doesn't work anyway - even when it's installed.
Thank you so much for keeping in touch - I really appreciate it!

Hi Ellie, I used Zedity for a while when I first started. I didn't have a problem but also was so new and didn't understand it. I had a mentor do some work and she didn't use it so we deleted it. A former mentor liked it and used it.
I wonder if you have another plugin that is not compatible.Just a thought.


Thanks Marty - they do tell you to make sure you delete any older versions or the free plugin, which I did. Perhaps I will just go to bed and let it stew overnight! I've sent an email to their support too.
Thanks heaps

Sometimes sleeping on it can fix a problem.

Unfortunately, it can't be fixed - so I find out, after I've paid for it! I'll probably take my website away from WA and get it hosted somewhere else while I work on it.

Hi, I'm sorry, I never tried it, but what I did find yesterday was when I installed my social share plugin I also got that type of message. But they said I may wait and try again later. Later when I tried, it was working. Maybe just some propagating?
Hope you get it fixed soon.
Be Blessed

Thanks Linda - might be just a glitch

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi - does anyone know if it's possible to embed Youtube videos without the comments? I found one that is perfect for my site, but unfortunately, the comments were disgusting.<

Thanks for asking this question Ellie....always great to get answers (and training) from expert members in response to our queries.

Thanks Loes and Marion.

You can stop the endscreen, make a loop and disable the youtubebuttons. I have several tutorials on my workathome website, just click the banner on the landingspage about Youtube

What about just pasting the link to your video into your post and not 'embedding' it?

Like I did here: http://zb-nob-zgornja-savinjska.si/osrednja-spominska-prireditev-ob-70-obletnici-osvoboditve-zgornje-savinjske-doline-mozirje-6-9-2014/

If you like to watch over my shoulder this may be what you want

Thanks Marion - I'm trying Mauritz's trick and so far it hasn't worked! I'm managing to embed fine and the video plays and all - I just like the tricky thing that he does! I'm gonna watch yours now. I think I am stuffing up the coding.

Thanks for getting this out. I need to know this and I think Moritz has a good tutorial on it.

Have a look at JeffBoivin's comment below - link to Mauritz video

having found a youtube video to embed on your site,

click on Embed, then click on "Show More",
next select the video size and de-select all of the other options

the extra bonus is that the visitor stays on your site and is not taken away to youtube

all the best

Thanks for your help. I'll give it another try

I think you can turn them off but the "captcha" is another way to go. The web is where the hate is out of control some days. I am sorry to hear you had to witness that.

Yeah - I was so happy to have found a relevant video, then I checked the comments and found it had been used as a forum for sick-minded individuals! But if I can still use it, then it's all good

Thank's for your question, but I wish I could help you. I would be very interested in knowing my self.

Check that linl from Mauritz it may help you Cheers !

Thanks Jeff - this is such good training! I'm starting to feel really 'geeky'!!! ;-)

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Embedding youtube videos without comments?

Embedding youtube videos without comments?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi - does anyone know if it's possible to embed Youtube videos without the comments? I found one that is perfect for my site, but unfortunately, the comments were disgusting.<

Thanks for asking this question Ellie....always great to get answers (and training) from expert members in response to our queries.

Thanks Loes and Marion.

You can stop the endscreen, make a loop and disable the youtubebuttons. I have several tutorials on my workathome website, just click the banner on the landingspage about Youtube

What about just pasting the link to your video into your post and not 'embedding' it?

Like I did here: http://zb-nob-zgornja-savinjska.si/osrednja-spominska-prireditev-ob-70-obletnici-osvoboditve-zgornje-savinjske-doline-mozirje-6-9-2014/

If you like to watch over my shoulder this may be what you want

Thanks Marion - I'm trying Mauritz's trick and so far it hasn't worked! I'm managing to embed fine and the video plays and all - I just like the tricky thing that he does! I'm gonna watch yours now. I think I am stuffing up the coding.

Thanks for getting this out. I need to know this and I think Moritz has a good tutorial on it.

Have a look at JeffBoivin's comment below - link to Mauritz video

having found a youtube video to embed on your site,

click on Embed, then click on "Show More",
next select the video size and de-select all of the other options

the extra bonus is that the visitor stays on your site and is not taken away to youtube

all the best

Thanks for your help. I'll give it another try

I think you can turn them off but the "captcha" is another way to go. The web is where the hate is out of control some days. I am sorry to hear you had to witness that.

Yeah - I was so happy to have found a relevant video, then I checked the comments and found it had been used as a forum for sick-minded individuals! But if I can still use it, then it's all good

Thank's for your question, but I wish I could help you. I would be very interested in knowing my self.

Check that linl from Mauritz it may help you Cheers !

Thanks Jeff - this is such good training! I'm starting to feel really 'geeky'!!! ;-)

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