Threats to your Online Business.

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Threats to Your Business.

Threats to your business come in all shapes and sizes. Some you can do something about and some you just have to ride the wave like a demonic surfer evading a Dilophosaurus.

My latest business demotivator and habit breaker was another run-in with Mr C, the nasty little letter that so many take for a sentence. I am pretty good with my internal voice against this monster, but it wears you down...however, I am out from under that little gremlin.

Another one that is as insidious as cancer, but this is an external cancer. These are all the nay-sayers in your life. If you let people talk down to you or say you can't do something, they are as bad as C and you should cut them out of your life. If you hear something often enough you will start to believe it.

Surround yourself with people who build you up, people who are supportive and will give you a warm feeling after dealing with them. They may advise you when they see you doing something wrong, but it will be done with good intentions not evil little snipes.

This is one of the reasons why Wealthy Affiliate is such a strong community. It is flooded with those who wish to get ahead and will lend a helping hand to help you get ahead as well

.....And More Threats.

As I have already said"health" is a big issue and you need to try and keep yourself healthy so your business is not compromised by any health issues.

However, there are things, like cancer, that will enter unannounced and nock you and your business for six.

The other thing I mentioned was who you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with people that you admire and want to be the same as. I amnot saying surround yourself with Yes-men or women, but people who are respectful, supportive and ambitious. From that type of person I am happy to take constructive criticism.

Because we are talking about online businesses, the location of your business is not a problem. That is unless you are operating in a war zone ( Sorry Ukraine, would not work there) or perhaps if you are a Muslim woman working in a Muslim country. There was recently a case od a women in the Middle East being placed under arrest for uploading "dance pictures" to Tik-Tok.

You need to be aware of laws of the country you live and work in. For example in Thailand you can not disrespect the "Royal Family" and you should not have images (Or be disrespectful) of Buddha, such as Tattoos.

Being locked up in prison or kicked out of a country will put a severe strain on your online business. So be aware of any laws that may affect you or your online business. And most definitely be aware of any taxation laws which may impact you......And More...

Lack of money.

To those people who think it can be done without any investment whatsoever...I apologize. But you do need to chuck in some money, and I should not say chuck...but place carefully. Especially at the beginning.

You need someone to help, and that someone for me was Wealthy Affiliate. For less than a coffee a day you get training, website hosting, a 24 /7 support desk, and free access to the owners to help. And there is so much more. Look it up and see what you get.

Planning, vision, and marketing if not done properly will kill your business just as quickly and metaphorically painfully as cancer.

Trying to do too much at once, remember the old saying "A jack of all Trades and a master of none"

Lack of self-discipline

I have seen this repeatedly in many businesses of people I have helped with. there was a study done many years ago that showed alcohol,drugs and gambling were major contributors of businesses going bad.

One of the most important things for all online businesses is 'Cyber Security" With the business we are in, namely Affiliate marketing" we must have the best security available for our readers.

And I believe that Wealthy Affiliate offers the best online security tied in with their web hosting packages, and we are damned lucky to be with the best. I have looked at the opposition and frankly, I believe, Wealthy Affiliate are head and shoulders above the rest.

Viruses and Malware

Viruses and malware can wreak havoc on your systems, not only compromising sensitive data but also potentially damaging your reputation. Ransom, where attackers take control of your website or your data, holding it hostage until a fee is paid, is an ever-present concern. Add to this the burgeoning specter of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that can knock your website offline and it becomes clear: a comprehensive understanding of these threats is essential. And then an implementation of the correct tools are critical.

Hackers can exploit even the smallest vulnerability to gain access to your systems. From there, they can steal customer information, remove or alter your data, and disrupt your business operations. It's a grim reality, but acknowledging the risk is the first step in safeguarding your online business.

The direct impact of these incidents can be severe: financial loss, eroded customer trust, legal repercussions, and more. But understanding is the precursor to protection. By knowing what you're up against - from phishing scams to insecure payment systems - you can begin to assemble the defenses you need to keep your digital doors securely open.

And to have Wealthy Affiliate providing the necessary tools to help fight these threats is reason enough not to gripe about paying (less than a coffee a day) to host your websites and provide training, 24/7 help desk and support along with the vast array of AI tools for discovering niches and writing etc etc.

If you are promoting Wealthy affiliate, these points should have you shouting from the metaphorical rooftops.

In Conclusion.

I normally only write short blogs at WA, and save my bigger posts for my website. however there are two or three reasons I wrote this here.

Firstly it is a very important topic that we shouldn't neglect. Our readers are worthy of the best possible protection that we can provide them, and we need to protect our digital dollars.

Secondly, with my latest blogs being fairly self-absorbed because of the shadow of the big C, I wanted to do one that helps others or hopefully helps others.


Lastly, you can thank Dave Bux for telling me to get off my fat arse (LOL) and start writing my normal KRAP again. Thanks, buddy, it was much appreciated.


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Recent Comments


Great points here Stevoi and it certainly sounds like you are getting back to being.... well you!!

Take care buddy!!


Thanks buddy. Hope your having a god one. I have been run off my feet. Lol, a great term which men's I have been laying


Hahaha!! Keep laying down as long as you need to buddy!


Thank you Steve, simple but important points we all sometimes forget. Thanks for reminding, Jen Bui

Thanks Jen


Keep things slow & steady, Steve, and I hope you are feeling better! 😎

Frank 🤘🎸

Slow and steady wins the race my friend.


👍👍 😎

"May the Force be with you." Sorry, my mind immediately went to Star Wars after reading "Spirit be with you." From Bux.

Stevoi, you possess incredible gifts within yourself. These gifts not only touch the lives of others but also give you a profound purpose. Your strength and resilience in sharing your 'Why' in life is truly inspiring. Keep shining your light, even in the darkest times.

Tanks Rick, what a great compliment...many thanks.

There are many good points here, Steve. Not the least of which is that now everybody knows you have a fat ????

Drugs are harmful and a giant productivity killer. Malicious hackers, scammers, and thieves are the lowest life forms on the planet.

I trust no one until I know them, and even then, I guard my vulnerabilities. Once bitten, twice shy, you know?

Take good care and thanks for the reminders.

I will have to post a pic of my ass.. See below. lol


Haha--it's not fat at all! Seems happy, too!

lol, I have a happy ass..hee haww

Thanks for the article, Stephen! I appreciate the reminder.

Myra ♥️

Cheers Myraoi.

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