Hate That Shite.

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Get Up.

I get up every morning at 5am at the latest, Sometimes I am up at 3am. And I hate it.

Then I walk for 5 -6 kilometers around the backstreets of Go Vap in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. And I hate it.

Then I come home and exercise for another hour and sometimes a lot more. And I hate it.

So, you might ask yourself ...why the f---- does Steve do it.

Here is why..

I am a lazy person and if I do not take control of my body and life, nobody else will.

Nothing comes easy in life and affiliate marketing is the same.

So do not complain if you have no money and are not trying your best.

The only times in my life when I have made a lot is when I have pushed myself to the "nth degree."

It is those people who NEVER give up and slog their guts out who succeed.

Find the Love.

After all the hard stuff I hate doing, in my personal life and in my business life I find what I love.

But I do the shite first, it is like waking up in the morning and doing the dump ( Sorry) and moving on to the good stuff.

If you get rid of the stuff that is difficult early the rest of the day is easy.

Even at 5am I shower, shave, make the bed ( Wife gets a bit pissy..lol.) and the rest of the day falls in place.

I guess I'm saying, try your best...YOU CAN DO IT.


P.S. Shoutout to Jeffoi.

Love and prayers flying to you brother. I pray to see you back soon.

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Thanks for sharing Steve Oi! When I am able I'll let Jeff know your sending your love and prayers.

Mel Oi

Thanks. Great reminder!

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