"Crapto -Currency" Conman or The Story of the Sleezy Salesman.
Sleezy Salesman Strikes Out.
A gentleman (I am being polite) had been talking to me about affiliate marketing and cryptocurrency and was trying to get me interested in the latter. I told him that I wasn't interested. he asked me a further 3 times and then gave up when I kept saying NO. At this stage i was a little peeved that it had taken a lot for him to accept the NO. However, it didn't cause any major angst...at this stage.
After that he had obviously gone into my Facebook profile and lifted a couple of names and contacts. Unfortunately for him he had picked my Wifes name and managed to contact her. Like most Vietnamese in Vietnam who marry "foreigners" she kept her maiden name.
He contacted my wife and said I had given my name and OK to contact her....lies straight off. And he was talking to her about affiliate marketing and cryptocurrency. What he didn't know is that as soon as he started talking, my wife had passed the conversation, and phone, across to me. Again, I said NO on my wife's behalf, but I assume because she was Vietnamese or a woman (in his eyes, not knowing it was me) he was being considerably pushier.
And he just kept getting pushier and pushier. One of the old types of sales reps just don't take no for an answer. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
But it was a great lesson in showing you need to treat others (no matter who they are or who you think they are) as you would like to be treated yourself.
I know that nobody here would act in such an unprofessional manner. And it makes me proud that we work in an environment that values people over pushiness even if it means forgoing a little profit. Although it never would have happened.
I guess I am trying to say "whoever you are talking to, show a little respect and if they say no, accept the no and move on". I have his person's name and I would never do business with him as he is unethical and unscrupulous.
If my writing feels a bit different to how I normally write it is because I am in a state of incredulity, as it has just happened, and I wanted to put pen to paper ASAP.
I hope you enjoyed my little slice of "soap opera" and tell me if you would have done anything different. I always think of something I could have said "after the fact" but I'm not at that stage yet.
Dazed and confused. Lol.
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Thank you for sharing your business experience with the WAC community. This is a great explain of we never want to known for. It's equivalent of trying to get someone to conform to a certain belief system.
Being pushy is a great way to loss potential conversions. You captured the right idea when you wrote "whoever you are talking to, show a little respect and if they say no, accept the no and move on".
Some people will try to get a sell no matter what. Even if they go about it in an unethical way. This is not good business practices.
Lately, I've had a notable reduction in scam calls because I have been facing them head on. They usually hang up on me midstream of the conversation. Of course, I then block them.
I'm sometimes too polite for my own good. I have to go full Rambo..Imagine me shouting down the phone at 300db saying " Im not taking it any more, no cut off of the breakfast burgers at 11am. Lol, what would they think..hehe
I believe sales is an honourable profession Steve and there is an art to selling.
There is no art in being pushy and downright lies are about as low as it's possible to stoop for anyone in sales.
There are plenty of unprofessional, unscrupulous and unpleasant salespeople out there.
Thanks for posting.
Hi, Steve
I know you don't think it's funny, BUT I found it hilarious because almost the identical thing happened to me.
About ten years ago, a transporter at my hospital's ER was trying to succeed in MLM. He continually bothered all the Docs, trying to sign them up as part of his "downline."
I told him I wasn't interested about a dozen times. He finally called my office and tried to convince my staff. My office manager, who is my wife, happened to pick up the phone. He told her that I was very interested in MLM and that I said he should also speak to my staff about this golden opportunity.
Haha, I just happened to be coming out of exam room one, and my wife handed the phone to me. I'm sure you know what happened next. Reading your story was like Deja Vu! π
P.S. Every time I see the words "Dazed and Confused," I think of the opening bass line to the Led Zeppelin song! What can I say?? π
Rock On! π€
Frank πΈ
Not surprised unfortunately it does occur. I can offer a suggestion to edit your privacy settings on Facebook which you can luckily, and make your Friends list PRIVATE!
Only accept friend requests from people after you have scoured their profile and deemed them to be what you feel comfortable letting into your space. If not, I block them from the jump!
Scammers like to set up fake profiles, stealing others pictures (Most of the time a military person and/or widowed person) are things to look for. And check the info they do share such as education or work history. A lot of times it won't add up or make sense. And look at how new their profile is and how many likes and/or comments they have.
Some scammers work together and like and comment on each other's profiles to appear legit.
Yes, it takes due diligence!
It takes time but it's worth your sanity cuz
nobody needs that BS! π
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It wouldn't happen to me as I don't answer the phone if the caller isn't in my contact list. They can always leave a voice mail (but never do).
But if it did, I'd give them the same answer that The Terminator selected from his HUD when the nosy motel manager wanted to know what we was doing when he was repairing his eyeball.
That would take 2 seconds, followed by call termination.
I said they NEVER leave a voice mail. That's not quite true. I've had two who didn't realize they were talking to a message and tried to carry on a conversation. So they left an accidental voicemail which kept me amused for several minutes.
This came through one of the marketing groups I belong to. Not a direct contact, as like you, I don't answer unknown numbers.
Lol, maybe I should have asked him to do something with his eyeball. Great advice.