A List Of 100 Profitable Niche Business Ideas!


Coming up with a new niche idea for your website or business isn’t always the easiest thing. Hopefully though this list of 100 niche ideas will help spur up some ideas for what your new niche website should be.

– Take your time when Picking A Niche. It is the very first step to building any sort of website.– Pick A Niche Or Topic you have an appreciation or interest in, as that will lead to greater efforts, and results of success.

What’s Included:

  • Weight Loss
  • Computers & Tech
  • House Appliances
  • Business Softwares
  • Clothing Ideas
  • Electronics
  • Home Gardening
  • Outdoor Recreation & Sports
  • Performing Arts


How To Lose Weight For Women (e.g. talk about specific diets, certain experiences, diet comparisons and the advantages and disadvantages of each, discuss new fads, learning to review marketed products)

How To Lose Weight For Men (e.g. discuss weight-lifting and protein supplements, gym experiences, lifting safety, gaining muscle vs. losing weight and ow they tend to conflict with one another, give your audience goals to work towards, maybe upload your own handmade spreadsheet that your visitors can digitally check off on each day, to get repeated visitors to your website.)

Cooking Recipes (e.g. a straight-forward, and well-defined niche, although you could narrow down your topic even further. You could focus on vegeterian recipes only, or both. However, the more targeted you narrow down your niche, the more-likely you’ll have higher user engagement on your website.)

Low Carbohydrate Diets (e.g. Paleo Diet, whether you’re looking to focus on one or two specific diets is really up to you. You can use this niche as an opportunity to review a lot of the diets out there being marketed, and giving your take on them; ex: do they simply seem too much of a marketing ploy, or is it legitimate? This is information people die to know!)

Low Fat Diets (e.g. write about why you prefer low fat diets over low carbohydrate diets. Do lower fat diets give you more energy then if you were to be on a low carb one? Possibly talk about diets that incorporate both fat and carbs.)

How to Get Stronger Abs (e.g. People searching for stronger abdominals on Google almost always precisely want information on that, and only that. Hence, you may feel while creating your website, online business, or whatever it is, to have your vision solely mirrored on six-pack abs. Find all the ab excercises you possibly can, and put it on your website. Find related products to sell. Really leverage this information, and for example maybe, have a certain featured ab exercise for the day, or week)

How to Gain More Muscle (e.g. Similar to above except this niche is a lot more wide-range. Hence, you’ll have to cover exercises concerning just about every tendon, ligament, and muscle of your body. This isn’t necessarily a bad niche to cover, as it will allow you to focus on a wider range of information. Thus, you can limit the amount of exercises, for example, having just 4-5 really great exercises for each body part)

Weight Loss Applications and Software (e.g. Here is a good niche, due to its current growth, especially with iphones, tablets, and such. Hence, think about the type of apps, and software that could really help people in the whole weight loss battle. Give reviews of such applications and software, along with recommendations)

Weight Loss Books and Courses (e.g. This is straight-forward, but important nonetheless. Think of the many books being published on amazon and Kindle, even for free, that you can cover and review. You could even have an e-mail newsletter going out to your visitors of highly rated, newly-released, free to cheap books!)

Weight Loss Exercises (e.g. simply combine advice from- all the above!)


1. Anti-Virus Softwares for Mac’s

2. Anti-Virus Softwares for PC’s

3. Different Kinds of Spyware Software

4. Computer Invasion Fraud & Prevention Techniques

5. Identity Theft Prevention

6. Computer Firewalls and Internet Routers

7. Different Types of Hacking

8. Wireless Network Securities

9. Honeypots & Honeynets, What are they? What do they mean?

10. Protecting and Backing Up Your Website – Best Ways of Doing so, why it’s so important.

11. How To Control E-mail and Comment Spam


1. Types of Fridges (e.g. manufacturers, sizes, prices, & features)

2. Crockpots

3. Stoves and Ovens (e.g. How to replace your new stove? What kinds of stoves are out there..?)

4. Barbeques (e.g. talk about grills, how to throw a barbeque, how to barbeque, safety..)

5. Blenders (e.g. both handheld and countertop types)

6. Breadmakers (e.g. How they’re used, what they’re used for, reviews of the best & worst kinds)

7. Electric Kettles (e.g. Why a person needs one these days!)

8. Waffle Irons (e.g. Do they make better waffles, or not? Which ones you recommend? Which ones you don’t?)

9. Countertop Grills

10. Various Water Coolers and Filtration Systems (e.g. How they work? Which one’s work effectively and which don’t?)


1. Business Plan Software (e.g. and why it’s essential to a business man or woman’s success)

2. CRM Software

3. Microsoft Office Software (e.g. vs OpenOffice Software – advantages/disadvantages)

4. Survey Software (e.g. best vs. worst online survey softwares, paid vs. free, how they can be used to capture an audience)

5. Barcode Software (e.g. what are the costs involved..)

6. Powerpoint Software (e.g. for mac and pc’s)

7. Inventory Software (e.g. different kinds for different purposes, a convenience store inventory, to talking about a persons Amazon FBA)

8. OCR Software

9. Flowchart Software

10. Spreadsheet Software (e.g. Microsoft Excel Alternatives, Creating Your Own Visual Tutorials for your Audiences)


1. Various Car Stereos (e.g. how to install manually, bose vs. cambridge soundworks)

2. Automobile Subwoofers (e.g. price ranges and models, where to buy them)

3. Amplifiers (e.g. talk about quality)

4. LCD Monitors (e.g. the many features and benefits involved)

5. Keyless Entry (e.g. statistics on how it’s benefited people)

6. Car Alarms (e.g. statistics on how much its prevented theft)

7. Phone Chargers For The Car (e.g. and maybe a story on how it saved you when your car died in the middle of nowhere)

8. GPS Systems (e.g. and why everyone must have one)

9. Car DVD Players (e.g. and its benefit for children)

10. Demobolizers


1. Bathing Suits For Women (e.g. which look best, which are fashionable, comfort vs. looks)

2. Men’s Swimwear And Bathing Suits

3. Plus Sized Clothing (e.g. great retail stores to visit and online shopping as well)

4. Consignment/Used Clothing (e.g. the amount of money in yearly savings, and how much it adds up over-time, talk about what the best items are to buy, and be on the lookout for)

5. Men’s Suits (e.g. casual vs professional, bowties vs. ties, types of suits to wear on many different occasions, how to properly dress from head to toe)

6. Custom T-Shirts (e.g. ideas of how and where they can be made, what their uses are, why customizable t-shirts can make for a heart-warming present)

7. Outdoor Wear (e.g. hiking boots and their effectiveness, your favorite outdoor wear stores, outdoor wear savings, and what/when to buy items through out the various seasons)

8. Organic clothing

9. Yoga Clothing (e.g. and maybe certain accessories, or clothing preparations for a hot yoga session vs. a regular yoga session, where to buy the best most comfortable yoga clothing outfits)

10. Golf Attire (e.g. mention the importance of shoes and possible affects on performance, why dressing appropriately is honorable to the game of golf, and how it can help you fit in to different types of golf clubs and events)

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1. Tools For Gardening (e.g. the most effective, different types of gardening tools for various gardening activities, tools that have proved useless/useful in your own experience)

2. Manual Lawnmowers (e.g. the advantages of purchasing a lawnmower from the internet, the importance of going to a Home Depot or Lowes to look and inspect the lawnmower upon making a purchase, the significance of reviews, checking to see if the lawnmower has a a warranty on it or not, maybe talking about durability as well and the importance of looking at the purchase as an investment)

3. Growing Vegetables (e.g. fruits, carrots, and vegetables! talk about now only how healthy it is to grow your own vegetables for eating, but even the psychological affects it has on a person who’s interested in growing a garden, talk about the essentials necessary in growing a garden, and the required patience)

4. Fertilizers and Soil (e.g. the bad vs. the good kind)

5. Landscape Design (e.g. how it can and/or will improve the beauty of your entire house)

6. Ponds (e.g. benefits of living near a pond, pond activities)

7. Automated Sprinkler Systems (e.g. how much of a time-saver it can be than doing so manually, how to get them installed, best types of companies to use)

8. Hydroponics (e.g. explain how it works)

9. Perrenials

10. Do it Yourself Books (e.g. write your own reviews of the best and worst ones, talk about the places to buy them)

10 Outdoor Recreation PROFITABLE NICHE IDEAS

#1. Archery (e.g. how difficult it is starting out, how enjoyable it becomes as you get a better, how the sport is advantageous to your mind’s well being and co-ordination, talk about the sport’s history)

#2. Camping (e.g. how to make a fire the hard way! , best types of tents, dangers to beware of, what to bring and what not to bring to maximize the camping experience, best camping spots around)

#3. Canoeing (e.g. how it can turn out to be a fun hobby, more than people may initially realize, and it’s immense strengthening benefits and how and why it can minimize a person’s stressful attitude of getting their ‘lazy bum’ up and off to the gym)

#4. Firemaking (e.g. manual vs. automatic, the importance of keeping essential skills such as this an on-going learning technique and habit, due to its usefulness in various situations)

#5. Scuba Diving (e.g. why it’s a whole lot better than snorkeling, what about it that makes it feel so adventurous and unique in regards to our everyday experiences here on land, show video clips of various scuba diving places, talk about the right equipment and of course, keeping safe)

#6. Four Wheeling / Quading (e.g. where it’s legal and not legal, where to go and rent and/or buy a four wheeler, why it makes for an excellent vacation time)

#7. Skiing (e.g. make sure to differentiate your topics into beginning, intermediary, and expertise, then maybe talk about different slopes and mountains, talk about how to effectively ski without injuring yourself, and keeping an eye out at all times, also talk about solutionary tactics to the different problems beginning skiiers are confronted with)

#8. Geocaching (e.g. talk about what it is, explain in detail the rarity of this unique hunt for treasure, and how subtly, but yet prevalent it occurs almost all around us)

#9. Gold Panning (e.g. various locations, and how to properly prepare yourself, also use visuals to capture your audiences attention)

#10. Rock Climbing (e.g. best rock climbers of all time, how to face the fear, how to work your way up as a beginner, and the required strength and persistency of practice that is involved to work your way up to more advanced rock climbing areas)


#1. Cigarettes (e.g., a story of how you, your sister, friend, or relative quit, maybe try to keep it optimistic, depending on how you want to approach this topic and what you’re aiming for, but also talk about alternatives for quitting such as the new, and fast-growing e-cig industry, compare the health issues and benefits of switching)

#2. Cigars (e.g. the best cuban cigars, why some are illegal and facts of as to how that came about, and the history behind it, discuss its historical use, and how it’s been enjoyed by many figures in our past, also talk about potential health hazards and possible cigar addiction)

#3. Smoke shops (e.g. how to open one, benefits of having a retail vs. online store, or maybe even both, explain the investment costs, and how to best profit out of opening a smoke shop)

#4. Humidors (e.g. explain what they are, why they are important for cigars, and how better humidors lead to a longer-lasting iventory, and savings in overall costs. Talk about the numerous benefits of investing wisely from the start, as well as how to about properly maintaining them)

#5. Lighters (e.g. you could talk about bicks versus generic lighters, you can open your own online e-commerce shop selling lighters with various logo’s on them, which could be very profitable by the way)

#6. Electronic Cigarettes (e.g. this is a very big niche overall, and very rapid growing, in order to stand out among the crowds, you shold think about affiliating yourself with the many various E-cig programs out there, and reviewing each and every one of them. That way when people go to purchase, you’re able to make commission off each sale. Hence, a somewhat sort of alternative to the lighter niche example mentioned above)

#7. Cigar Cutters (e.g. you can become an affiliate for this niche actually, and show and talk about the thousands of various cigar cutters out there, that literally range from pennies, to a thousand dollars, for a simple cutter! Now if that can’t get your audience’s attention, something’s wrong)

#8. Ash Trays (e.g. from glass to metal, various styles, and designs, maybe discuss and compare vintage and antique ashtrays, while simultaneously incorporating them into a lighter/cigar/cigar cutter online type commerce shop! I’m sure there’s not too many of those out there)

#9. Stop Smoking Products (e.g. the different kinds, patches versus pills, and the costs.. use ecigarretes as a “alternate method”)

#10. Stop Smoking Services (e.g. employ a forum, discussion, or community, open up your own service where people can go from the luxury of their computer to talk about issues and get help for them as well)


#1. Performing Magic (e.g. How to make a career out of it, How to get yourself known through social media portals, How to learn magic, How the best magicians came to be the best; their qualities, how they practiced, certain acquired skills, and talents)

#2. Circus Clowing

#3. Dance Recitals (e.g. Performing your best in front of an audience, Tips and advice on how to rest and relax the night before, How to give it your all, Talk about historical dancer’s and their lifestyle, what made them unique, what was it that made them perform so well, talk about their initial fears as well to help best relate with your readers, and give them the ultimate confidence to overcome it all)

#4. Juggling (e.g. Why some people can juggle and other’s can not, How it may be more relative to the way your right and left brain hemispheres work and coordinate with each other just as it is in terms physically, How practice leads to perfection, and videos, tips, advice on how to practice)

#5. Theatre (e.g. Should drama be my college major? What happens if I graduate with no job as the result, Talk about potentially using it as a minor instead, and majoring in perhaps something where there are wider career opportunities)

#6. Ballroom Dance (e.g. Who started it? Why are there are certain steps to it? How it’s evolved into today’s hip-hop and jazz type dances..)

#7. Gymnastics (e.g. It can be for boys too! Why do you think some guys can do backflips, and front flips so effortlessly… Are they indeed hiding a certain youthful “embarrassment?”)

#8. Square Dancing (e.g. Incorporate this style of dancing with other similar dances, and explain how it evolved)

#9. Irish Step (e.g. So your saying, this did start in Ireland afterall, correct?!)

#10. Dancing Shoes (e.g. Why you can’t dance without proper shoe lacing!)

So there’s my list of 100 Niche Business Ideas. My hope here is that it’s helped given you a better idea and understanding of how to actually break down a niche and keep it targeted for your audience. That should result in higher engagement and more profits for you.

Make sure the niche choose is something you really have an interest and/or appreciation for and is something you don’t mind talking about all day.

With your new niche website you should expect to regularly respond to comments concerning your niche, coming up with fascinating new content ideas, and teaching as much about the subject as you can. This is what’s going to result in your successful new niche website. Start building your niche website here and get all the training you need for your online success!

Cheers ,
Zohaib Ejaz

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Recent Comments


Awesome stuff Sir I really appreciate the insight

Hi Zohaibejaz
Thanks for your ideas! great. I was thinking about a niche you listed :-)
I just don't know, how to use affiliate for ex. abs exercises? maybe you can give me, newbie, an idea?


Great ideas

Grab one of the boat and start sailing :)
All the best

Thanks Zohaib for those wonderful niche ideas. I think I now have an idea of what to choose as my niche. Thanks dude

you are more than welcome brother :) feel free to ask any questions :) I am happy to help you throughout your success

This must have taken a mammoth effort to compile, Zohaib! This will undoubtedly be extremely helpful to anyone scratching their head to find a niche.

Thank you so much :) i know how iritating and confusing it is to choose a niche and i know i have been that newbie phase too lol
It was really tough to choose one out of so many big market ,
That is why i made i gathered everything i could from market abd made this blog post to help specially newbies in choosing a niche easily :)

That's fantastic Zohaib. Thank you very much for sharing :)

you are most welcome Valerie :)

Wow, impressive - thank you for sharing :)

hope this helps you in future :)

Very impressive list! Thanks! Keith

you are most welcome :)

Impressive! Very thorough. Thank you!

did a lot of research to get these point :) welcome :)

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