Trying To Return To The Challenge And My Website

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I know I have been gone for sometime now. My life has continued to be a disaster and my whole being has been involved in the disasters. I just haven't had the energy or desire to do much of everything. Every time I think life is getting back to normal, something else happens. 2019 has been a horrible year for our family. I can only hope that this new year will get better.

I thought I was doing so well with my site. I had more traffic and my ranking with WA was great, but now I have no traffic and my rank is back up to 9256. Don't know if I can do it or not, but am going to try to start writing a little more and being a little more involved again. I have done nothing on month 6. Truthfully I am not sure that I am in to videos, etc. Not sure if one really needs this to make it successful. Still have to think about this and try to get in to it a little bit to see what I think.

Just a quick update about the disasters of late. My sister did have the open heart surgery and did quite well eventually with that. She does have many other issues so she did have some complications and ended up back in the hospital for a few days after being transferred to a rehab facility. Anyway, she was doing ok and then a few days before Christmas, one of her daughters was in a horrific auto accident. If you could see the truck she was driving, you would wonder why she is still alive. She did end up with a broken leg and nose a many bruises and lacerations. Then my sister began falling. Right after Christmas, she went to the doctor with my neice and fell in her driveway and now has a broken shoulder in 2 places and a broken arm. In unbelievable pain as is my neice. In addition to all of this, this same neice lost her husband just a year ago this month. He had not been ill, but died in his sleep of a heart attack, so she is, of course, still dealing with this. She is only in her early 40's.

Anyway, this is a synopsis of my life this past year. Hope to move on.

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Hello, I'm sorry for all your hardships this last year. Keep writing. Keep a personal journal. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or expensive, a spiral notebook would work just fine. But write each day in it, get out your feelings about your situation and the valley you are going through. Once you start writing each day, the next day will become easier. That's the way to get back "in the saddle" as the saying goes. I will remember you and your family in my prayers. Feel free to PM me anytime to chat. I may not have the answers, but I will do my best.

Take care

Thank you so much.

πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ for healing. It seems many bad things can befall us at any given time! It certainly seems like you've had more than your fair share of them over this last year! Just jump in and start writing content--and as far as the blogs here--do what you just did!


Thanks you.

You're very welcome!

Hi, I have had a very challenging couple of years away from WA with family issues and I also I wasn't sure if I could or wanted to get back and pick up the reins.
But when I put my head aroung the door and answered a few follows which had been sitting on my profile I realised how much I had missed this interaction!
Everyone has been so friendly and it was fun to just chat for the first couple of weeks, I didn't even think about getting back to work. But as I started to look forward to see what was going on at WA each day, I realised it was time to take some small steps to get back to 'work'.
Now I am here with a renewed sense of purpose. I wish you peace and stability for this new year and really hope to see you around WA. Take care, Sue 😊

There have been some days when I just wanted to do nothing. Fortunately, we have a 15 year old in our household that needs love and care, which kept me going. I know that I am supposed to give to him, but many days he was what kept me going. He is a very loving, caring person and always has been even when he was little. I try to make sure that I give him what I can, which helps on those days that I don't want to do anything. Sorry to hear about your difficult couple of years. This year has to be better. Thanks for sharing and caring. Best wishes for you, as well.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply, it is good to chat to people in similar circumstances. It sounds really positive to have a young person in your household... life has to keep moving forwards when there are other mouths to feed!
Just a thought... I was wondering if this young person might be someone who would enjoy supporting you with your online endeavours? It's always great to have a supportive 'team member' on your side!
Anyway, I do hope to catch you around WA, if you feel like keeping up with a chat, just PM. I wish you a good 'rest of the week'! Sue 😊

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