Affects Of Trust In One's Life

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I came up with a revelation recently. I think I have an issue regarding trust. I thought about it more and more over the past week when during the time when we were discussing what my sister should do about treatment for her cardiac condition. Every time something was discussed I was very skeptical. I had to have every detail and every pro and con for whatever they were suggesting.

I realized that I do that with my own doctor. I never agree to anything or any medication that he suggests unless I know everything about it and why it was suggested. I am a horrible patient, but my doctor has just put up with me and he knows that eventually I will probably agree with it. He never pushes me. He just gives me the answers and down the road I will make a decision.

This mistrust probably came from education. I have to know how something works and why something is as it is. Only then will I make a decision. Learning how something functions and works is a part of what a registered nurse is taught. Only then do I understand why a procedure is ordered and done. Registered nurses are taught this and not just how to do a procedure. The Licenesed Practical Nurse is taught the technique of something and learns to do it very well. However, she is not taught all of the ins and outs and is not put in a position where she has to figure something out and make the decision.

However, I do have to say that I have always asked how, and why as I have always needed to know all of this before I could make a decision and trust someone. My mother always said that I was one of those people that has to find out for herself, and that is true. I would not even take her word for something. I had to try it myself before I would believe her.

This may be a good thing, but maybe not. As I said I trust very few people. I have to understand it myself and check it out myself first. It does make it difficult at times. Even as I am working on the Challenge, I still am not sure that it is going to work, but I am trying to make it work. It makes it easy to give up at times, but I guess I am still in the process of finding out for myself. It would be so much better if I could just put my trust in the process.

Well, anyway, I am still not doing a lot right now as my sister is still in peril. I think she and the family have decided that she should have open heart surgery, but it is still very scarey as she has so much else wrong with her. She has been move to Mass General in Boston which is 5th in cardio-thoracic surgery and they are quite encouraging and positive, which is one of the first places where they have been as reassuring. Anyway, I am trying to do a little when I can as I want my site to be successful.

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It’s hard to trust everyone. But if it feels right take the plunge


I wish you well and your family. you will be fine!


Welcome, Sandra.

Hi Zcfbaby my name is Steve, I read your post and I don't think there is anything wrong with you asking questions. The answers to those questions is how we learn in life. I believe life is about balance. No you shouldn't have blind trust in people you don't know. And you are right to ask the questions regarding your sister. Since when did gathering information on a topic were not familiar with, become a nuisance and a problem? I would be doing exactly what your doing. I think its important not only to seek answers, but for huge medical procedures I stress getting a second opinion. Its not due to my lack of trust. Its due to being bought up being told that son, if you here the same thing from three people or more, chances are high that its the truth! As far as WA is concerned, this is one of the few places in life that you can trust. We are all here with the same or similar goals in life. We don't profit from helping others, not financially. To conclude I think Ronald Reagan said it best "Trust, but verify" Stay vigilant.

Thanks. My poor sister has been transferred to different hospitals in the past week. I do think that Mass General is the best one. We are just going to have to trust them. Funny I should use that word, but we have done our homework, so there isn't much else we can do. It still pretty stressful, though.

Sorry to hear about your sister, I hope she'll be ok. With your trust issue, don't confuse trust with caution. There's nothing wrong with being cautious.

You are right. Thanks.

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