Being Perfect
Being Perfect at what you do in your website demands focus.
There are areas where people assume to be focused and I would give them credit for being focused and there are some areas I wouldn't. Do you want to know this areas I would give credit as well as wouldn't? I guess you would love to know.
I call this one step at a time, most people are consumed by their site design, and leaving out content..
Having a flashing design with logo is great, but doesn't keep people or traffic, what keeps people is good content.
Also focus on generating income fast, in fact too fast.. Some websites contains too much banner ads than even the content and at times, you wonder what the content is talking about.
If I would say again your content should flow with your ads, else, you are not focusing on what's right.
Keeps creating good content as it takes little or no time as long as you keep practicing. Let's also keep doing what is right for our website as we walk towards perfection..
I remain Yudee..
Recent Comments
Thanks for the message bro.Thumbs up.