Multiple tags Bing Webmaster Message
In Bing webmaster, I have a "multiple H1 tags" error message. I have never gotten a message like this from Google Webmaster Tools. I have no idea how to fix this, and I'm not even totally sure I need to, since Google has never mentioned it.
Please let me know your thoughts. I am still a newbie, but I am trying to be very diligent with my SEO work. I appreciate the help! Thanks.
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Hi John!
Great suggestions below. However, I had this same issue and it turned out that my theme's default settings were putting in multiple H1 tags that I couldn't see.
I was aware of the rule to use only one so I knew that I didn't put more than one in my posts. I didn't know how to fix it till I did my own research.
Here is a step by step training I made covering this exact issue!
Hope it helps!
Great answers, one other to look at is in the visual/text tab on your editor, click on text and look for and
maybe you have multiple H1 from your theme settings or visual settings, I ran into that problem before. Good luck
I have the same problem with Bing, I still haven't fix the problem because i didn't know how, My website is on page 1 position 2 on Google. I don't think it's effecting your Google Ranking.
You should only have one H1 per page at the top of your page. Google does not like Multiple H1 tags as well. Like Eddie says use H3 Tags on the rest of your page
Tech said it best. I am in the process myself of changing over 200 posts right now that I have the same problem with.
Hey John,
It's probably not huge but Bing may be telling you that it feels like you are trying to tag spam them. I am actually surprised it came from Bing and not Google.
In general, H1 is used for the title of your page and should not be used again after. SEO practices prior to Google algorithm changes were to include the keyword in another H1 tag as well as H2 and H3. That practice today will get you penalties.
My suggestion just to be safe, is to change H1 to H3 (the title in most themes are rendered as H1). You could do H2 but you have to see what kind of messages you may get after you change it.
Best Regards,
Hey John,
Are they giving you which pages you are doing this with? If so, edit the post and put your cursor on the line where there are H1 tags. Then in the top part of the editor you should see something that shows a drop down with the word "Paragraph 1". Change that to "Paragraph 3".
If you don't see that drop down, hover the cursor over each icon until you see the one called Show/Hide Kitchen Sink and click on that which should bring up another row of options. The Paragraphs drop down should then be there for you to change.
Best Regards,
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Thanks for the link, Joe! I should have mentioned that I'm using the Wordpress 2014 theme. I suspect this problem I'm having may be related to the theme.