Wealth - My Progress so far


I posted a blog about two weeks ago (I think), talking about my challenges on how I kept beating myself up for my slow progress.

Well, as I had to go home for the Passover long weekend, I basically took leave from WA. I did do some work from time to time but I just wasn’t as hard on myself regarding how slow I was working.

And you know what?

I came back to the dorms yesterday and did a small about of work (I extended my leave for one more day) and instead, structured how I planned on working for the next few days.

And today, I was soooo productive it brings me joy from within.

I’ve learnt that investing in myself and my online business doesn’t entail that I constantly work on finishing my course – even when I don’t feel motivated to.

Rather, I need to breathe, reflect on my dreams and do some research on the people who’ve done what I’m doing and succeeded. This means, I need to go back and pump myself with fuel to keep fighting for what I want - what I can see myself achieving.

One of the most important things I learnt today was TO ENJOY THE PROCESS.

The PROCESS is all that matters and being knowledgeable of the POWER I have NOW to make my dreams come true is such a blessing.

To all the newbies (like myself) struggling to find momentum (because of problems related to trying to create “quality-rich content” or keywords), enjoy the process. Understand that the process makes the journey that much more interesting.

When you’ve achieved your goals, and are making however much you see yourself making – it won’t matter what you can buy or do for yourself. Those things won’t make you joyous (they will make you happy, don’t get me wrong), but what will cause you an exceeding amount of bliss is knowing how hard you’ve worked and how deserving you are of the fruits you’ve acquired.

Last but not least, believe in yourself. Believe in the process. It’s not just about you creating content and being approved by google adsense, it’s also about preparing you for what’s to come.

Before reaching where we want to be, we need to always keep in mind that wealth is not only defined by how much money you have, it can also be found in your relationships with friends and family. Know why you want to make your own money and don’t forget the things that matter most.



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Recent Comments


Spot on.

Most affiliates give up because they are distracted by where they want to be, instead of focusing on where they are at and the process of moving forward step by step. This process has to be somewhat enjoyable, otherwise you are dead in the water.

I also agree that because we all have other commitments and pressures on our time its extremely important to step back from time to time and see the bigger picture.

I looks like you are certainly on the right track. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will eventually reach your destination.

Best wishes

All that you've said is so true.

It's so easy to be distracted by imagining the endpoint that you end up losing focus AND determination to go on because it all seems so out of reach, especially when you're a semi-professional like me (who can spend even a week trying to perfect an article before publishing it).

I'll keep your words in mind,

Thank you Habitus, I highly appreciate it.

Best wishes to you too

What is your site about, just curious ...

It's about mental health and I also promote nootropics

Mental health?! ... God, I need that :)
Mine is also similar -> self-development and NLP.

Since we are in the same niche, don't hesitate to ask for a BACKlink, if your site needs some google rank boosting.

Oh my word, I highly appreciate it. I'll send you a private message right now

Making progress and having little achievements whilst learning something new is so rewarding. And it's certainly true, you have to believe in yourself to make things happen. Keep up the good work!

Thank you Sammy

Nice post. This falls right in line with learning I am doing in a few different aspects of my life. Great philosophy for living in general. Thank you,

Thank you so much JD :)

I wish u success.

Thank you Mr Glenn :)

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