Writing these Blogs

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I had fun spending over an hour writing, what I thought was a really good blog. It was rather lengthy And I had gone over it to edit it and check my spelling and proper use of certain words. I was just getting ready to try the 'tag' thing again, using all of your advice, of course. However, I reached over to get my drink and my elbow hit the keyboard, and the whole thing was deleted! Well, perhaps it just wasn't time for that story.

That's just the way my past few weeks have been. I usually go to my doctor's, who's about an hour away from where I live. Last week they did a specialized test for my hearing and balance. I had to wear a mask that looked like your virtual reality masks. I got to stare at dots and letters and such. Anyway it made me so dizzy, I felt like I was going to lose it. They stopped for a moment and gave me one of their little blue plastic bags for a place I could get sick, if I needed it. I was nauseated, but I never went beyond that.

After the test, I saw my Dr. and he told me that my hearing was a little off. I can't hear certain letters like the F sound, or the S sound, as well as the T sound, and a few others. But for the most part I can hear pretty good. Then came the results of the test for my balance / dizziness. Apparently, my left side is worse. He told me that the right side of my brain and the left side of my brain aren't working together like they are supposed to do. He has ordered an MRI to rule out a stroke. And I will be starting some kind of therapy for it. I also have a med alert button I wear around my neck in case I fall, which sometimes helps me become an acrobat.

Actually, the week before, I got the news about my lungs. They found more new nodes on both of my lungs, they also found a 3 centimeter node on my lymph node in front of my chest. The doctor said, "That's how cancer spreads." He said it wasn't cancer, yet, but they are going to keep an eye on it.

Then on Monday, I decided to do some arts and crafts. This one thing, I was working on, required me to remove the label from a jar. So I started trying with my finger nails, but it wasn't working that well. So I grabbed my Exacto knife and started to peel it with that. I was holding the jar with my left hand and using the knife with the other. I was being careful so I wasn't pointing it at me, just in case it slipped. But it did! It slipped. It didn't come towards me, but went directly to my left hand and proceeded to slice right through, I guess you would call it the ball of your hand, right under the thumb. I thought I had it covered. After all I am a retired Senior Psychiatric Technician, so I put pressure on it for a good while, then I put a great big bandage over it and went back to my project. I worked for about five minutes and soon noticed my hand. The dressing was soaked.

Emergency room time. I was surprised at how quickly I went through. But that's besides the point. The doctor came in and had a good look, poking and prodding like they do. She told me that I nailed the most tender part of your hand. Because of that, she didn't want to numb it and give me sutures. It would just cause more pain. So she had me keep pressure on it for about ten minutes. Then they put steri-strips on it and glued it shut. Glue, like crazy glue. It was blue. Then a piece of nonstick gauze and wrapped it up.

I need to clean my bedroom. Then, there's my two kitties and a 7 lb. Yorkie, who, I believe are in cahoots with each other. Cats knock it over and puppy tears it up! I own a 20" long X 16" wide X 2" tall plastic container, that has many receptacles in it, and each receptacle contains LOTS of beads, big ones and little ones, and little itty bitty ones, and threads, and wires and other stuff, I got this from a friend. It was filthy, filthy, filthy, and it took hours to clean, and put them together in order, nice and neat. There is also a shoe box with special beads in it with projects going on, and a basket, also with projects going on. Anyway, they were all stacked on my bed. I wasn't watching, when my sweet darling (strong) cat knocked it over and onto the floor, scattering everything!!!!!! Now I need to go through all of that again, and separate the beads and projects. It's a few hours work. It was late last night, so all I did was throw it all into the container, slippity slop. I'm not looking forward to reorganizing it.

All in all, I still have a positive outlook. I know that my core being is beautiful. The external stuff doesn't count.

I wanted to share some wisdom. Here it is... Don't do what I did. Now some good news, I haven't had a cigarette since Feb. 25, 2020 at midnight. I gave them up for Lent. To boot, I'm not coughing like I was. My lungs are breathing better, and I believe my tastebuds are waking up too. My pain level seems to be better. I owe it to not smoking. So, I am going to celebrate by eating a chocolate. Maybe Dove chocolate. I am allowed to eat it, I just haven't had any since about Christmas time.

I hope this wasn't a negative blog. It was important to me to let you see what I've been doing. Yep! Been so busy reading all your blogs. I've been so into your blogs, great blogs! I haven't had much time to train, or anything else, for that matter. So for a while, until I finally get this website done, (and beads picked up) you may not see me. However, I may have some questions pop up and then you will hear from me. You all are like the family I wished I had growing up. You're all so kind, nourishing, bright, smart, and are willing to help when you can. I appreciate it all. Thank you all. May you all be blessed, and please have a wonderful day... unless you have other plans. :)

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Recent Comments


You're attitude is fantastic, Wynette!

Thank you. I love reading what you have to say! :)

Why thank you, Wynette! you're very kind, and you have an awful lot to say!


All the best with your health. Great news that you have give up the cigarettes cheers Jen

Thank you. ;)

Excellent post. Thank you.

Wishing you the best of everything! πŸ†πŸ†—πŸ†’

Thank you :)

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